Progress Pond

Jeb in Iowa

I’ll have more to say about this once I complete my Friday morning “real-job” responsibilities. I did like this variation on saying that you’d rather get the clap than support Jeb Bush, though.

“He is running the Seinfeld campaign — it’s a campaign about nothing except money,” said an Iowa Republican. “I have never seen a guy with such a great Rolodex who is incapable of connecting with regular voters.”

I don’t want to disparage Iowa, which is a great state that produced my father. But there’s a reason that the most racist member of Congress, Steve “Canteloupe Calves” King, keeps getting elected there.

Jeb has four other serious strikes against him in the eyes of the conservative grassroots, based on this week’s feedback: supporting Common Core, backing legal status for illegal immigrants, bearing the burden of Bush fatigue and endorsing the confirmation of [a black woman] Loretta Lynch as attorney general last month.

Normally, you can only get three strikes before you’re out, but maybe this explains why Iowa Republicans seem more inclined to court gonorrhea than the Jebster. You might think that one of those strikes isn’t primarily about race, but then you probably haven’t considered the little brown ones.

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