George Zimmerman doesn’t have to go looking for trouble because trouble finds him. He must make Florida’s criminal defense attorneys happy, but I’m not sure about Florida’s car insurance claim adjusters. This time, someone shot his car. Maybe he can give the Honda Ridgeline SUV away to some children’s charity and get some much-needed good will. He’s just lucky that his only injury seems to have come from the flying glass.
I don’t know what happened. But I do know that Zimmerman keeps running into one problem after another that requires the intervention of the police. This is not normal. I think he might be a threat to public safety. At this rate, someone else is going to get killed, and it looks like that someone could well be Zimmerman.
This is the guy the right raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for and decided to treat like the second coming of Dirty Harry.
Assholes gotta be assholes.
At this point, he’s arguably a walking, talking “reasonable perceived threat”. Sooner or later, someone’s going to Stand Your Ground him into the hospital, or worse.
Ill buy you a beer that day.
Yeah, isn’t it amazing how many people seem so disappointed that they will only be able to experience shooting a black person and getting away with it by living vicariously through the likes of George Zimmerman? And I guess in some way their donations to him will have to be a sufficient proxy for the thrill of the kill and the exhilarating smell of freshly burnt gunpowder in the air.
But hey, who knows? If they keep packing their heat long enough, maybe they’ll get the chance to be the next Michael Dunn. That seems to be a sick fantasy shared by more than just a few people in this country.
Didn’t jeopardy attach in the first trial?
My he die a slow, excruciatingly-painful and public death.
I guess George found a guy willing to stand his ground.
A bullet proof vest might be wise investment.
I made this comment elsewhere, but considering that they haven’t charged either of them so far, it’s possible that this kind of insanity; engaging in gun battles on the streets, is perfectly legal in Florida.
An edifying example of karma in action: nasty brutish people tend to live nasty brutish lives.