Well, when you put it that way:
The Confederates launched a surprise attack, under cover of darkness.
It was 8:30 Wednesday night, and the House was plodding toward its 20th hour of debate on a little-watched appropriations bill, when Rep. Ken Calvert (Calif.), who had been leading the Republican side of the debate, rose. “I have an amendment at the desk,” he said.
Yes he did: A proposal to protect the sale and display of the Confederate battle flag at national parks and cemeteries.
Democrats couldn’t believe what they were hearing: Just as South Carolina legislators were finally voting to remove the symbol of hatred from their statehouse grounds, Republicans in the U.S. Capitol were proposing to restore the flag. And they were scheduling the vote for July 9, the anniversary of the ratification of the 14th Amendment promising equal protection of the laws.
Kind of like when the Republicans blocked any effort the expand background checks for gun purchases in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre and, instead, went on a rampage nationally passing looser gun regulations in one legislature after another.
OT: If we had a media worth a crap, they would be at these fairs, and point out that folks COULD HAVE regular healthcare, if Medicaid expansion were implemented.
Put a face on those who just want access to basic healthcare.
But, that would be too much like right, and they can’t do the bullshyt of ‘ both sides do it.’.
No, both sides do NOT do it. This is all about the GOP.
THIS is the healthcare system that they want. THIS Is what they want to go back to. THIS is what would result if those Obamacare repeals actually took effect.
What denying Medicaid expansion looks like
By Matt Skeens July 10 at 5:20 PM
When the Virginia-Kentucky District Fair returned to Wise County recently, it brought funnel cakes and whole families smiling — a sight not too common here in the coalfields.
This week, another gathering on the Wise County fairgrounds will see thousands of people standing in the bright summer sun: the 16th annual Remote Area Medical clinic. Some of those same families and their friends will be among those who travel to Wise not for fun rides or local band favorite Folk Soul Revival but for something lacking in this county, this state and this country: access to health care.
Most but not all states have included dental in the PPACA expanded Medicaid coverage.
But why should TN, VA, and TX expand Medicaid when GOP approved charity care, annual health clinics exist and don’t cost a penny in tax dollars?
Would be remiss in not noting that the August RAM clinic is in East St. Louis, IL, one in September is in Somerset, KY, and two in October are in NV. Three states that implemented expanded Medicaid.
this is who they are, BooMan.
This is EXACTLY who they are. They see every positive step forward toward fair pay, health care, equal rights for all and protection of the environment as a personal affront. They are spiteful, petulant, selfish and mean-spirited.
It’s the Party of Hate, pure and simple.
Ken Calvert:
WTF is a CA Rep — even a thug GOP Rep — doing introducing this proposal? There is no affinity between Californians and “Dixie.” We don’t even much like those that speak with a southern accent.
Democrats couldn’t believe what they were hearing: ….
They can’t be this stupid, right? This is who the GOP is. It’s nothing new, and hasn’t been for the past 6 1/2 years at least.
Maybe not so much couldn’t believe what they were hearing but who they were hearing it from.
The appropriations bill is the Department of Interior bill, which includes national parks but a I bet also includes some agricultural, mineral, or timber company giveaways.
An amendment in the hopper to mark Confederate casualties with the current flag of the state of their unit and forbid the sale of Confederate flags at gift shops is a necessity just for bargaining.
I would be relaxed about national park funding and just let the bill sit until the ag, timber, and mining folks get antsy. It’s a long time until October 1.
Ah yes, mining on federal land, cattle grazing on federal land (and drinking parkland water).