Progress Pond

Republic of TURKEY Is Hot for Lobbyists

White House foreign policy … just follow the money!

Former CIA Director Porter Goss Registers to Lobby for Turkey | The Intercept – May 2015 |

Former Central Intelligence Director Porter Goss is taking an unusual swing through the revolving door: He recently registered to lobby for the government of Turkey, according to forms filed with the Justice Department.

Goss registered through his new employer, Dickstein Shapiro, which has a longstanding relationship with the Turkish government.

The disclosure shows Goss will advise Turkey on a variety of issues, including counterterrorism efforts; lobby members of Congress on “issues of importance to Turkey”; and notify Turkey of actions in Congress or the Executive Branch.

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To help manage the US relationship, Turkey can count on a finely tuned lobbying campaign. The $3 million-a-year effort has helped smooth over tensions in recent years as Congress and the Obama administration have grown increasingly worried about Turkey’s authoritarian drift under Erdogan and its discreet support for Islamist fighters in Syria.

The lobbying push is led by former House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., and his Gephardt Group. The group and its four subcontractors on the Turkey account get paid $1.4 million a year.

Ankara scored a coup in April when one of those firms, Dickstein Shapiro, hired former CIA director Porter Goss to lobby for Turkey. The ex-spy chief will use his wealth of contacts to assist the country on issues of “trade, energy security, counterterrorism efforts and efforts to build regional stability in the broader Middle East and Europe.”

Turkey closes deal with Obama administration  .. bombing the Kurds to gain AKP majority in snap election Nov. 1

Dickstein Shapiro LLP  1826 Eye Street NW  Washington DC  20006 [pdf]

Dickstein Shapiro operates for its principal the Republic of Turkey through the Gephardt group… indeed Democrat Dick Gephardt!

Dick Gephardt endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton for president in 2007 … reaping benefits of aggression by Turkey and support for the Muslim Brotherhood(MB)?

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