Progress Pond

Dear Emily Blunt, No Apology Needed

God forbid someone say something that indicates they regret their “American Citizenship” as poor Ms. Emily Blunt, British born actress, movie star and naturalized American citizen, said jokingly after the most recent Republican debate (assuming you can call these infotainment productions “debates” in any real sense of the word. Because when you do the Keyboard Kommandos of the Right will come demanding your head on a platter.

The actor Emily Blunt has apologised for saying that she regretted becoming an American citizen after watching a Republican party presidential candidacy debate.

The British-born Devil Wears Prada and Sicario star said the remark was a joke, after being attacked by rightwing commentators.

During an interview with the Hollywood Reporter at the Toronto film festival, Blunt joked: “I became an American citizen recently, and that night, we watched the Republican debate and I thought, ‘this was a terrible mistake. What have I done?’”

She made her comments following an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s show. Apparently, it’s okay to joke about killing people of color, or comparing the President of the United States to an ape, or [fill in the blank from all of the many right wing figures who have made nasty racist, sexist or homophobic comments and claim later it was all just a joke], but never ever admit you might have any doubts about American citizenship, because it’s not like America has ever done anything bad or evil, like say …


Lynchings and Jim Crow;

The Genocide of Native Americans;

Massacres of working people striking for better pay and job conditions;

Illegal Wars (Iraq anyone?);


Police Killings of Unarmed Men, Women and Children;

… to name but a few.

No, Ms. Blunt, you said nothing that requires you offer any apology to these venomous, vile, cretins who attacked you, spurred on, of course, by Fox News deciding to make you their latest cause celebre on the awfulness of – immigrants, I suppose.

Her remarks to the Hollywood Reporter were included in a news item by Fox News on its Fox & Friends programme. Its presenter, Anna Kooiman, took offence to them, sighing and saying: “Well, you know what? Why don’t you leave Hollywood, California and let some of the American women take the roles that you’re getting because American citizens are watching your movies and lining your pockets.”

She was backed up by her colleague Steve Doocy, who said Blunt had “alienated half the country” and that people would “now think twice before going to one of her movies”.

Instead, tell them to stuff their hatred and bigotry and likely confederate flags where the sun don’t shine. Either that or suggest they look at their own sins before casting aspersions on you for simply doing what every American citizen is entitled to do – speak his or her mind. Because having that right is one of the things I do not regret about being an American. In short, you should have shoved it back in their faces, or at the least ignored them. They aren’t worth your time.

You sure don’t need to apologize for saying the behavior of the current Republican candidates for the Presidency makes you regret becoming an American. They embarrass the hell out of me and any decent human being who is an American every damn day

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