Local time 12:17pm CET – report due in exactly one hour.
[UPDATE:] MH-17 Conclusions
- Controversy about warhead will be found in Appendix L: About the Investigation.
- Important end conclusion DSB: could not pin-point the exact location from where the BUK missile was launched. The Dutch Safety Board did NOT accept the location indicated by the State of Ukraine. The global area had the size of 320 sq.km.
- DSB puts blame on the sovereign state of Ukraine, the air space above conflict zone of eastern area should heve been closed for civilan flights.
Perhaps the utter bs of propaganda blaming Putin for the MH-17 crash will stop. What will the EU do about the imposed sanctions on Russia? The final report DSB does not put blame on Russia as the separate criminal investigation by JIT will continue its investigation and needs more forensic evidence.
Dutch premier Rutte, who had been a leading voice of the Atlanticists, was completely silent after reading the report.
The same can be said for the cabal in Kiev, Ukraine and the third loud voice PM Abbott of Australia was already silenced by his own party in his overthrow last month.
○ MH17 plane crash: Dutch PM Mark Rutte warns Vladimir Putin he has one ‘last chance’
○ US building case tying separatists to plane crash
○ The Dutch Have Gone Mad [More Mad]
○ Obama accuses rebels in Ukraine of tampering with evidence at MH17 crash site
○ US and Dutch Cover-up of MH-17 Ukraine Crash Evidence
Publication of the MH17 reports: overview | Dutch Safety Board (DSB) |
On Tuesday 13 October 2015 the Dutch Safety Board will publish its reports on the investigation into the crash of flight MH17. Below, we provide an overview of the course of events.
- At 11.00 a.m. surviving relatives of the victims will first be informed about the results of the investigation by Tjibbe Joustra, chairman of the Dutch Safety Board, in The Hague.
- At exactly 1.15 p.m. the chairman of the Dutch Safety Board will present the investigation to the media at Gilze-Rijen air base. After this presentation, the reports will be published (around 1.45 p.m.).
- At 4.00 p.m. the chairman of the Dutch Safety Board will be elucidating the investigation during a closed meeting with the Dutch House of Representatives in The Hague.
- After the official publication of the report on Tuesday afternoon, Board members Erwin Muller and Marjolein van Asselt will be informing approximately 75 embassies about the investigation in The Hague.
- The reports focus on four themes: the causes of the crash, the issue of flying over conflict areas, the reasons why Dutch surviving relatives had to wait for two to four days for confirmation from the Dutch authorities that their loved ones had been on the aeroplane, and lastly the question to what extent the occupants of flight MH17 consciously experienced the crash.
- The investigation was not concerned with question of blame or liability. Answering those question is a matter for the criminal investigation. [Joint Investigation Team – JIT under European guidance but under Ukrainian jurisdiction and law – a secret side letter]
- During the presentation of the investigation at Gilze-Rijen air base the reconstruction will be shown that the Dutch Safety Board made of part of the aircraft. Using recovered pieces of wreckage, part of the cockpit and business class section were reconstructed. The Dutch Safety Board reconstructed the part of the aeroplane that was relevant to the investigation.
- On Tuesday the Dutch Safety Board will also be presenting a video animation explaining the findings and conclusions of the investigation.
- English is the language used in international aviation investigation. The reports on flight MH17 will be published in English as well as in Dutch.
It is common practice for the Dutch Safety Board to include a rationale for its investigations in its reports. For the publication of the MH17 reports the Board has opted not to do so for each report individually, but instead to provide a single document covering all of the various investigations. This document, entitled About the Investigation, will be published simultaneously with the reports. On Tuesday 13 October 2015 the Dutch Safety Board will publish its reports on the investigation into the crash of flight MH17. Below, we provide an overview of the course of events.
Russian criticism on Dutch report: Buk manufacturer Almaz-Antey reports on MH17
The Almaz-Antey report says MH17 was shot down by an older BUK 9M38 missile. The last BUK 9M38 missile was produced in the Soviet Union in 1986, and the expiration period of such a missile is 25 years, including all possible prolongations.
After the expiration date, the use of such missiles is prohibited and they must be decommissioned, Almaz-Antey reps said.
The BUK system’s manufacturer Almaz-Antey releases its report on last year’s MH17 crash over eastern Ukraine and is set to show a video of simulated BUK missile explosion right next to a pilot’s cockpit.
“The main method of proof that the airplane was downed from the direction of Snezhnoye was the reenactment of the process and an explanation of the area of damage to the outer body of the aircraft. This can fully show that, actually, if the missile was on a head-on course, specific areas would be damaged, but this reenactment in particular does not completely explain the actual angle of approach of the destructive elements,” Novikov told journalists.
I was interested in seeing how this would be reported in the West.
Pretty clear that the US can’t ride this pony much farther. There was mention in the NYT, but no comments allowed on that article. Otherwise, it’s pretty much missing.
If the case is limited to BUKs then there’s a “possibility” that the Donbass rebels could conceivably have done this. You know, getting an old BUK from Russia, smuggled through the territory to the frontlines, used, then smuggled away the same day. Yeah, that’s the ticket. All my faux libs at Balloon Juice have apparently forgotten about it.
That’s pretty much all I get from the Dutch info.
Dutch PM Mark Rutte was quite vocal in demonizing Russian president Putin after the MH-17 crash. He had a free hand in the first six months to put full blame on the Ukrainian rebels and Putin. The DSB report criticized his handling of affairs for the families of the victims in the days after the crash. Furthermore, a Dutch representative was present on July 14, 2014 at a delegation discussing security and air safety. The contents were kept secret “due to national security concerns” and because of “diplomacy” between parties. The East Ukrainian air space should have beem closed down when the military planes were targeted and downed at higher levels earlier in July.
I saw The New York Times headline yesterday in chocalate letters: “.. Russian missile ..” Couldn’t afford the extra letters of “Russian-made missile”.
In July 2014 some of the British boulevard press demonizing Putin:
○ Two British families killed by ‘Putin the terrorist’
○ Putin’s Missile and There’lll Be Hell To Pay
○ Putin’s Victims – Putin’s Gangsters – Putin’s Looters
Dutch ministers have been forced to do some back-tracking in reference to July 2014. PM Rutte was very uneasy as he made the statement [Dutch] on the MH-17 Report yesterday. He was very timid which is quite uncommon for him. He apparently did not receive a copy in advance [!] and watching the pre-release Russian press conference on Russia Today, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dutch Safety Board made some last-minute adjustments to the conclusions in the report.
On the other hand, the release of more evidence in this report would make it more difficult for the criminal investigation by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) to make its case.
○ US State Dep’t insists rebels downed MH17 with BUK missile, ignores Dutch report | RT |
The USAID funded Bellingcat with citizen investigator Elliot Higgins was invited to CNNi and Sky News to peddle his theory of the pin-point location from where Ukrainian separatists launched the BUK missile.
○ Soros Joins USAID in Cold War II Propaganda
○ Blaming Russia for Maidan Snipers – Ukraine Partners Chesno (Honestly) – USAID