Progress Pond

Hillary Clinton’s great week

Going into this week, Hillary Clinton was not having the kind of campaign she was hoping for. Her numbers were dropping, the Benghazi flap was still dogging her, more talk of Joe Biden getting into the race, Bernie Sanders was hot, and people were scared that the rails had come off and she was going down and hard. When the debate came, many wondered what was going to happen. Would Sanders keep to momentum going, would Hillary stumble, would Anderson Cooper get in a “gotcha” question that Hillary couldn’t answer. So many questions, so few answers.

By the end of the debate, most, if not all the questions were answered. By most accounts, Hillary had a great debate, answered every question in a commanding way, looked very presidential, and I think stopped all the talk about her imploding campaign and silenced the talk at least somewhat about Biden entering the race.
Right now, Hillary Clinton is in a commanding position. Leading in almost all the polls, (even one poll in New Hampshire had her ahead), the campaign raising $33 million dollars in the last quarter, the Benghazi smear campaign seemed to be basically irrelevant now with 3 GOP members of Congress saying the whole thing is a political witch hunt. She clearly has the momentum on her side. Now we all know that this all could change over time. This race is not even close to being a sure thing for her and things can change on a dime, but that being said, Hillary Clinton had a terrific week. No one can argue that point. Time to keep the momentum going.

Side message to Joe Biden, time to make a decision. Are you in or out??

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