I support gay rights, gay equality, gay marriage, legislation that would protect the LGBT community from discrimination in housing and the workplace, and pretty much just accepting people for who they are sexually without making a fuss about it. But I can’t honestly say that these are the issues that really animate me politically. I’m not gay myself and I don’t consider myself an LGBT activist. When I feel like it, I write about these topics simply because I think they’re important, but that’s about as far as I go.

Still, I find anti-gay politicians who post pictures of their bare ass on gay dating sites to be uniquely obnoxious. I don’t know quite why these people annoy me so much because there are countless other examples of politicians being incredible hypocrites. I really ought to feel at least as incensed about folks like Dick Cheney who have no compunction about sending your kids halfway around the globe to die but seek five deferments for themselves when it’s their life that is on the line.

But it’s these guys who want to tell us how to behave sexually that irritate me the most.

Why is that?