I support gay rights, gay equality, gay marriage, legislation that would protect the LGBT community from discrimination in housing and the workplace, and pretty much just accepting people for who they are sexually without making a fuss about it. But I can’t honestly say that these are the issues that really animate me politically. I’m not gay myself and I don’t consider myself an LGBT activist. When I feel like it, I write about these topics simply because I think they’re important, but that’s about as far as I go.
Still, I find anti-gay politicians who post pictures of their bare ass on gay dating sites to be uniquely obnoxious. I don’t know quite why these people annoy me so much because there are countless other examples of politicians being incredible hypocrites. I really ought to feel at least as incensed about folks like Dick Cheney who have no compunction about sending your kids halfway around the globe to die but seek five deferments for themselves when it’s their life that is on the line.
But it’s these guys who want to tell us how to behave sexually that irritate me the most.
Why is that?
Well, for me it’s because they generally couch their bigotry, prejudice, and sometimes outright hatred in such severely self righteous religious terms. Almost without exception, they claim to be speaking on behalf of some Supreme being whose almighty judgment is being channeled through them.
That’s largely why I find Mike Huckabee to be such a particularly vile, loathesome, despicable, rat-fucking human being. I really don’t think he has a peer when it comes to my level of disgust of any other person.
Maybe, being anti-gay is the door on their closet.
It’s not unusual for gay and bi men to have participated in homophobic behavior before coming out, depending on their circumstances. It’s protective coloration. In some situations, if you don’t participate, you are immediately suspect.
But actively working on a political level against equality really takes it to a whole ‘nother level.
I hadn’t considered that, but it makes sense. My old theory is that they’re self-loathing and they sincerely believe that gays belong in the closet.
I’m occasionally tempted to feel sorry for them, given how emotionally screwed up they must be to hide behind a mask of self-directed bigotry.
Then I think all they lives they’ve intentionally tried to mess with similarly to way their own lives were. And I think, to hell with them. I grew up with parents nodding along to Anita Bryant, and I’m not out there trying to inflict that crap on others.
Certainly reminds me of this classic from The Onion.
I’m pretty sure I know what that link is, but I’m clicking it anyway because if I’m right, it was very funny the first time.
Yeah, that was the one. I laughed all the way through that.
That Onion piece is great. Perfect satire.
Cognitive Dissonance + Projection = The Twin Pillars of the modern American Reactionary Party, d/b/a the Republican Party.
At this point, it is literally conventional wisdom/a tired joke that if you’re a GOP member who is vocally anti-gay, that you’re also a closeted homosexual trying to pass as straight to appease the useful idiots who vote for you.
I’ve stopped getting upset over it, because the rest of the US public already knows that a vocally anti-gay Republican is simply a closeted gay Republican.
Also, I figure these guys hate themselves so much more than I ever could, so why even pile on, pun intended.
because the rest of the US public already knows that a vocally anti-gay Republican is simply a closeted gay Republican.
No, a majority of the US public doesn’t know or even suspect that. However, if the notion that “anti-gay Republican = closet gay” were implanted in the minds of 80% of the public, it would shut down 80% of the anti-gay Republican speak.
They have a “problem” & since they don’t DEAL with it for themselves — they take the easier path & DEAL with it for “others” (by proscribing such behaviour)! They merely inflict their own internal pain on to others! They never deal with their own internal pain honestly & openly! This “half-way” measure serves no good purpose but it allows the individual to keep up enough of a coping mechanism to plow through life while bottling up inside their own true identity.
Is “social media” turning the world into five year old exhibitionists (“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours”) and voyeurs? That should be cowardly exhibitionists because if they were confident of the specialness of their bodies, they’d find nude beaches or nudist colonies where they could strut their stuff.
I mean it’s Grindr…pretty much the norm there. I wouldn’t call it social media.
Was referencing all the various internet apps that people use to send salacious images of themselves and others for whatever purpose. Titillation, hook-ups, etc. As much “social media” as the sites that are formally designated as “social media.”
The Guardian: Wealth therapy tackles woes of the rich: ‘It’s really isolating to have lots of money’
Who knew there were unhappy Uber-wealthy people that didn’t already see a shrink several times a week for “analysis?” Or that such shrinks overlooked the woes of wealth market niche.
Well, then, these rich people should shove their too much money into superPACs which support political candidates who pledge to create a 91% Federal tax rate on the top income margin and increase taxes on investment income, as we had during the Eisenhower Administration. It would be a proactive way to reduce their “woes”.
The article was lovely. These rich people have such an elevated sense of self that the lead source for the story is successfully marketing “talk-and-walk” therapy. I’m a busy person and I just have a temporary problem, I don’t have time to lay on a couch like those lazy psychos.
It’s a duty of our government to relieve classes of peoples of their undue burdens and afflictions. Research is clear that above a certain level of income and wealth, the happiness quotient doesn’t further increase. But we have failed to consider the harm to individual and class happiness when income and wealth is far above that optimal point. It would be cruel of the rest of us not to ignore the suffering of the uber-wealthy.
The Daily Beast: Her name is Sparkle She operates a drone. She is sick of whiny boys. And she is perfectly OK with dealing out death.
Trump’s latest controversial statement:
Sparks major backlash. Yet to be a proven fact that Bush was President on 9/11. The SCOTUS decision in Bush v. Gore didn’t really happen and the FL recount was on-going as of 9/11; so, without anyone being able to evict Clinton from the WH, he must have been the President that was on duty that day. Bush took over on 9/12/01 and left office 9/12/08. So, Obama was in charge on 9/15/08 when Lehman Bros filed for bankruptcy and triggered the financial meltdown.
ThinkProgress Investigates.
heating up – The Guardian: Jeb Bush: Trump’s 9/11 comments prove he’s an ‘actor’ in candidate’s clothes
Yes, Jeb(?) there are people that fault your brother for not doing anything to thwart the attack. And now that you’ve asked the question, a few others might reconsider why they gave your bro a free pass.
Trump tweet return volley:
Think Progress: 7 Amazing Moments From The Fox News `Terrorism Expert’ Who Was Just Arrested For Fraud
Donald Rumsfeld – 20 September 2012 – tweet:
As fmr SecDef taken in by fake fmr CIA officer, is it any wonder that he fell for Chalabi?
The RWNJs are busy convincing themselves that it isn’t Simmons who is a fraud and liar but it’s Obama’s DOJ that is lying about Simmons not being a CIA officer.
Why is it that you’re most irritated by severe hypocrisy from the sexual moralists, Martin?
First thing that came to mind for me: almost everyone has a sex life, and almost all of us understand that there is nothing we can do to control the orientation of our sexual attractions. Not everyone contemplates going to war, or participating in the other public policy discussions where politicians also display hypocrisy.
Sex also makes us quite vulnerable in a way that is pretty unique. Politicians who choose to crassly campaign on fomenting hate and denying rights to people based on their sexual orientations are asking their constituents to be as awful and small as they can be. The bullshitting candidates and the people who respond to the bullshit are made alike.