In a recent post (You Heard It Here First) Booman wrote:
I’m also the one who began talking quite early on about the logic of a coalition power-sharing arrangement in the House.
Of course.
It’s the only way to go.
Slowly the wraps come off of the PermaGov two-party illusion.
If the eventual candidates for president are not…clearly not…PermaGov allies, I’ll eat my hat.
One way or another, the PermaGov rules. When things get out of hand…why, it fixes them. It doesn’t “solve” them…it just institutes another fix.
The fix is on, up and down the U.S. political system.
The “My Way Or The Highway” fix.
It’s no longer about “correct” or “not correct,” nor is it about so-called “left,” “right” or “center.” It’s only about “politically correct.” By using that term I do not mean the usual PC bullshit, I mean that if you want to be elected to nationally powerful office you have to agree with what the PermaGov controllers really want.
End of story.
Until the next chapter.
Which I am increasingly coming to believe will be the last chapter of this particular system’s history.
Read on for more.
The signs are everywhere, and more people are seeing them every day.
We have fallen so far that Russian media is more truthful about our position than is the PermaGov media. Witness this little gem I found today:
America is a bomb waiting to explode
The United States is in decline. While not all major shocks to the system will be devastating, when the right one comes along, the outcome may be dramatic.
Not all explosives are the same. We all know you have to be careful with dynamite. Best to handle it gently and not smoke while you’re around it.
Semtex is different. You can drop it. You can throw it. You can put it in the fire. Nothing will happen. Nothing until you put the right detonator in it, that is.
To me, the US – and most of the supposedly free West – increasingly looks like a truck being systematically filled with Semtex.
But it’s easy to counter cries of alarm with the fact that the truck is stable – because it’s true: you can hurl more boxes into the back without any real danger. Absent the right detonator, it is no more dangerous than a truckload of mayonnaise.
But add the right detonator and you’re just one click away from complete devastation.
We can see how fragile the U.S. is now by considering just four tendencies.
1. Destruction of farms and reliable food source
The average American is a long way from food when the shops are closed.
Food supply logistics are extended, sometimes stretching thousands of miles. The shops have nothing more than a few days’ stock. A simple break in that supply line would clear the shops out in days.
2. Weak economic system
The American economic system is little more than froth.
The US currency came off the gold standard in 1933 and severed any link with gold in 1971. Since then, the currency has been essentially linked to oil, the value of which has been protected and held together by wars.
Since pro-active war is what keeps the US going, if it loses the monopoly on that front, its decline is inevitable.
Fiat economies always collapse. They last on average for 37 years. By that metric the US should have already run out of gas.
Once people wake up and smell the Yuan, the Exodus out of the dollar will be unstoppable.
3. Americans increasingly on mind-altering drugs
According to the Scientific American, use of antidepressants among the US population was up 400 percent in the late 2000s over the 1990s. Many of these drugs are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
These are the type of FDA-approved narcotics lone gunmen are frequently associated with, and their psychoses often attributed to a forced or sudden withdrawal from such drugs.
Pharmaceuticals are produced at centralized points by companies which themselves rely on extended logistics systems both to produce and to deliver their output. If the logistics system fails, there’s no more supply.
4. Morals in decline
During the objective hardship of the 1930s, there was surprisingly little crime. People were brought up with a conception of morals and right and wrong. Frugality and prudence were prized virtues. Communities were generally fairly cohesive.
Relative to then, society today is undisciplined, unrealistic and selfish.
Around 250 million shoppers participated in the Black Friday sales in 2013 in which around USD 61 billion was spent on consumer items – up roughly 100 percent on 2006 figures.
Stampedes and even murders are not uncommon each year with people openly fighting each other over reduced-price items.
The goods bought in such sales tend to be non-essential and many of them are bought on credit cards which then have to be paid off at interest.
Part of the problem in what I have outlined above is that there is little explicit tension. Sure, it is depressing, vulgar and immoral. But it doesn’t look catastrophic. It looks normal.
My point is that just because US – and many other countries organised after the same template – do not look explosive, doesn’t mean they won’t blow up.
Whereas 80 years ago we could absorb major shocks, today we cannot.
Nowhere to run
In the past, people were in rural communities. They could grow food. They had real communities. They also had self-control and a conception of morality.
Today, if the supply lines go down, you are stuck in a house you can’t heat surrounded by millions of FDA-approved drug addicts who are going psycho because they have run out of juice and people who would murder their own grandmother to get a cut-price iPhone.
I would argue that the right shock event – or combination of shock events – will detonate the explosive.
Potential detonators happen all the time. Either they are contained or they are simply incompatible with the explosive or they don’t go off. But that doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen or that we are not sitting on a mountain of explosives.
What do you think will happen if people start dying from Ebola in London or New York? The natural response will be to get out of the urban centre as quickly as possible.
During the Great Plague of London of 1665, for example, Defoe wrote “Nothing was to be seen but wagons and carts, with goods, women, servants, children, coaches filled with people of the better sort, and horsemen attending them, and all hurrying away”.
Once the better off city people reach the countryside there will be instant resistance from the host population, not least because they will not want potentially infected people entering their communities.
Meanwhile, the poor people who are left in the cities will run out of food in short order as suppliers refuse to enter the city.
Those who fled London in 1665 had somewhere to go: they were returning to the fields that fed them.
Today, the fields which feed us are largely in other countries, and the ones which are in our own are mainly owned by large corporations.
I am not predicting exactly this scenario for the US or for any other country. I am saying that all the ingredients are there for complete breakdown and large-scale deaths given the right initiating incident.
I am saying that volatility is baked into the cake – even into the cake of what today looks and feels normal.
I am saying that while it may be possible to keep loading box upon box of societal Semtex into the truck, given the right detonator the collapse will be swift, unstoppable and devastating.
Semtex or mayonnaise in that good ol’, friendly ol’ PermaGov truck?
Which do you think???
Frenzied screams of “BERNIE!!! BERNIE!!!”???
Save your breath.
William Tecumseh Sherman said “I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected.”
Bernie might as well say “I will accept if nominated but I will not be elected” and Trump might as well say “I will not be nominated and I damned well know it.”
Bet on it.
The deal is on. It’s still fluid…but it’s on.
P.S. Unless of course Trump…the professed author of “The Art Of The Deal”…is in on the deal already.
Coulda be…
○ America’s Ministry of Propaganda Exposed
10 minutes ago @Booman
○ The Blairs and Clintons Can Be Bought
« click for more info
America's Decline Unstoppable
○ Our Hawk Running the State Department with USIP Support – June 9, 2012
This ain’t gonna happen, no way. The USA-ians are much too obedient and placid to cause an explosion, which would be put down anyway with the most horrendous violence by police and army that anyone can imagine. Even worse than that. Dystopia is our daily bread from hear for as far as the eye can see. Anyway that article is just another rant. For 70 years I though something like this would happen I’ve finally understood how the cards are stacked. Need be, Washington would even call in China to do its dirty work domestically. Cynicism is nameless.
Every bubble bursts eventually.
What goes up must come down; what is inflated must eventually deflate.
Laws of the universe,
It’s only a matter of when.
What was the time line between the Sun King and Robespierre?
Less than 20 years from the 1775 coronation to the 1794 execution.
Why do you ask?