Wise lesson for Democrats South of the border … old politics are such a drag. NO to Joe Biden, NO to Hillary Clinton … turn to young ideals and a new face outside of the establishment. Exchange fear for hope, interchange complacency for WE CAN DO BETTER!
Canada election: Trudeau hails Liberal win as Harper steps down as leader | Updated |
CTV lists the high-profile politicians who lost their seats in the election. Among the casualties in Stephen Harper’s cabinet were the finance minister Joe Oliver, the citizenship and immigration minister Chris Alexander and Bernard Valcourt, the minister minister of aboriginal affairs and Northern development.
‘Sunny ways’: Justin Trudeau celebrates historic Liberal victory plus video acceptance speech
After a stunning election night victory, Justin Trudeau said his majority Liberal government is proof that “positive, optimistic” politics are not just a “naive dream.”
Trudeau said Canadians chose “real change” when they elected Liberal MPs across the nation, pushing out the Conservative government after nearly 10 years and forcing Stephen Harper to resign as party leader.
“Sunny ways my friends, sunny ways,” Trudeau told a jubilant crowd in his Montreal riding of Papineau, invoking the philosophy of former prime minister Wilfrid Laurier.
○ First Nations hope for better relationship with feds under Trudeau
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Justin Trudeau elected new Canadian prime minister as Liberals sweep board○ Canada election: Trudeau promises change after Liberals rout Conservatives | The Guardian |
Although he decided not to mention it in his speech earlier, outgoing prime minister Stephen Harper is stepping down as leader of the Conservatives.
Speaking to supporters in Calgary after it became apparent that Liberal leader Justin Trudeau had ousted him, Harper conceded: “The people are never wrong.”
○ Apartheid Divides Winnipeg College and Jewish Community; Israeli Politics | Oui @BooMan |
○ J.J. Goldberg on Jewish Defense League Canada – a Kahane Hate Group | The Forward |
○ Jewish Defense League (JDL) is a radical organization that preaches violence, founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane | SPLC |
○ Israel and a Tale of Two Campuses | Tikun Olam |
No, Israel doesn’t share my moral values nor of Europe.
○ Father of Be’er Sheva terrorist says son was ‘executed’
○ ‘Caught on Camera’: Extrajudicial killings of Palestinians | Mondoweiss |
Beating the odds and the official polls!
The prepared text of Justin Trudeau’s speech upon being elected leader of the Liberal party | April 14, 2013 |
Trudeau won’t be part of the bombing raids in Syria against ISIS – breaking with US hawkish, militaristic foreign policy. Most important, Canada has a leading role in the Five Eyes Network, espionage network with NSA spanning the globe with intrusion of individual rights.
○ Anglo-American Relationship, Atlanticists and Israel
○ NSA-GCHQ Espionage – Deceiving the Nation and the World
Reading some comments about how conservative Trudeau is, it seemed curious to me that the LIBs could gain a whopping 150 seats – 67 from the CONs and 59 from NDP. I suppose the 2011 Canadian election was somewhat like the 2015 UK election when the LIB-DEMs collapsed; although LIB-DEMs are CONs and NDP is to the left of the LIBS. Or did the late stage break away from NDP to LIBs suggest something different.
Overall, if the POTUS were chosen by the Canadian method of seat allocations, we would have President Romney, Clinton would have lost his second term, and we wouldn’t have had a President Nixon.
Pulling up the results on a few of the individual seats highlighted something more interesting to me. In Calgary (CON central), many CON incumbents won re-election with 60+% of the vote. But some won with less than 50% with the LIBs coming in second. Now I’m curious as to the breakdown for those seats in 2011.
Out west — Vancouver – in two seats that the NDP retained, the results for one of them was:
NDP – 51%
LIB – 19%
GRN – 4%
The other:
NDP – 40%
LIB – 25%
GRN – 8%
IOW — in those districts the CONs received less than 30%
Two seats the LIBs took from NDP:
LIB – 37%
NDP – 20%
LIB – 34%
NDP – 30%
So, now I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps it was less a victory for LIBs than “blackmailing” those more inclined to vote NDP with the choice being “vote LIB” or Harper wins again because “base” LIBs will never vote NDP. Not so different from the “choice” given to US left-leaning Democrats: accept a DINO or lose to the GOP. Of course, unlike the US the “base” LIBs don’t have to vote CON or stay home. Guess, I should look at the 2011 results because I’m undoubtedly being influenced by the DNC always blaming losses on Democrats not showing up to vote for the “lesser evil,” but on the rare occasions that a left-of-center Democrat wins a nomination, they either don’t show up or vote GOP.
As Harper was in power for ten years, it appears that Canada is as conservative as the US. Or was that an artifact of Canada’s current three party split? Ack, now I have even more questions than answers.
I’d say that’s an artifact of the current three party split as to how Harper hung on so long. Strategic voting definitely hurt NDP, but so did momentum. “Anyone but Harper” was NDP back in August. Liberals gained ground — on what specifically is still up for debate in my mind, but socialist websites argue it’s because NDP argued for balanced budgets during the debate, whereas Liberals argued for deficit spending to improve the economy — so would-be NDP voters switched to Liberal rather than allow Harper another win.
I’m curious to see how the Liberals deal with marijuana. With an absolute majority, they have no excuse to not do what they campaigned on: legalization.
Complicated. Does seem that “anybody but Harper” was the primary driver. But if the NDP was arguing for a “balanced budget,” that’s not a lefty position. So, the NDP may have shot itself in the foot right when they should have been favored and the default position became the LIBs.
Quite fascinating, but not getting a sense as to the comparative breakdown of the Canadian electorate into right, center, and left. And there are historical regional variations that I have only a rudimentary glimmer of.
Should add that this seems to be a far better waste of time than considering the plight of US churches even if religious affiliation factors into political affiliation and voting behavior.
Highlights of Big Oil, Keystone pipeline, suppression of free press, corruption and Canada dead last on the environment …
○ The Last 10 Years of Stephen Harper
○ G8 Summit 2011 on Arab Spring and Israel peace talks: 1967 border lines reference pulled from final statement at Canada’s request | Globe & Mail | [cached]
○ President Bush and Prime Minister Harper held a joint news conference at White House | C-Span – June 2006 |