It is with deep regret that I must inform you that Martin’s brother Andrew died unexpectedly yesterday afternoon. I have been asked to post this announcement on his behalf.

At present, Martin is in mourning with his family. His posting here at Booman Tribune is likely to be greatly curtailed, unless as he said to me via email, he feels the need to do some “therapeutic blogging.” For the time being, and out of respect for his privacy, I have nothing else to say about what is for him and his family a great tragedy.

For those of you who wish to send him your condolences or other thoughts, please leave them here as a comment to this post. I am sure he will appreciate any thing you wish to share or say to him.

At times like these, it is important for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one to know that their friends support them. It doesn’t matter so much what one says, just that you say it. Therefore, I ask, with humility, that those of you who make up this community, who come here to read Martin’s work at BT, whether you leave comments or not, to please do that one simple thing: Let Martin and his family know we have their backs in this, their time of grief and sorrow.

Thank you.

Ps. For anyone new to the blog, Martin is “BooMan” and this is his site.