OMG — OMG — C’s in the lead with 28%.  And X is at 19-20%.

Headline today. Headline same time in 2012.

The situation in 2008 at this time was more stable.  Romney had held the lead for months.   And didn’t relinquish it until late November.

(Keep in mind that the 2016 Iowa caucus is scheduled for a month later than it was in 2008 and 2012.)

God-speak generally prevails in the Iowa GOP caucus.   And when given a choice between loud-mouthed, crazy-eyed god-speak and lower-keyed god-speak, the latter wins.  Hence, much to her surprise, Bachmann was rejected in favor of Santorum in 2012.   Alan Keyes lost to GWB.  Absent competition for the god-speak vote, it delivers approximately 35% on caucus evening.

Thus, in the year of our lord 2016, as Huck, Jindal, and Firorina drop, Dr. Ben rises.  

Should Dr. Ben have a fatal slip on a banana peel, those voters will move on to Cruz or Rubio.  As the crazy-eyed loudmouth, Cruz wouldn’t be favored.  Should Dr. Ben hold on and win, the 2016 Iowa GOP caucus will join all the other prior caucuses that were irrelevant to the nomination of the GOP Presidential candidate.