I don’t really care if it was Michelle Bachmann who said it or someone else, it’s not really news that there’s a strain of Christianity that is quite popular in America that thinks that the Jews of Israel need to be converted to the “true” faith. Going back to at least Menachem Begin, the right wing in Israel has been in bed with these folks and willing to look the other way on their disdain for their religion in exchange for unwavering support for whatever they want to do in the Occupied Territories.
So, please, no whining about it now.
Bibi and his ilk won’t whine. They’ll not politely and ignore the comment.
nod politely . . .
What needs to be done is the USA needs to break off all support for Israel.They want to be a country then let them stand on their own two feet without in military and financial support from the USA.
Bibi over stepped his role in trying to run USA policies. He has shown that he is not a supporter of the USA but in opposition.
Well maybe when the Palestinian terrorists stop accepting support from Saudi Arabia.
Maybe the Zionist terrorists should return all the land stolen from the Palestinians since 1968 (would prefer since 1948, but the Palestinians have accepted the later date) and stop destroying their homes and businesses.
Back in 1945, there were no impediments to the US offering all Jews political amnesty in this country except for the pre-existing anti-Semitism in this country. The same fuckwads that today are all in with Israel and the destruction of Palestinians.
Maybe we should offer political amnesty to Palestinians and cut Israel off from our taxpayer funded largess.
Maybe the peace loving Palestinians should stop firing rockets at civilians.
Do you also claim the USA stole California? A case can be made for that a lot better than for Palestine. If so, why do you live there?
Did the USA steal the Phillipines from Spain? (trick question)
Of course CA was stolen from the native populations just as IL was. But like the Philippines, Spain and Rome stole CA before the USA got here and seized it from Mexico that had kicked out Spain. I live here because I was born here and the native populations had been dispersed and decimated in what had been a sparsely populated region beginning a couple centuries earlier, and those that had lived here when it was part of Mexico were offered US citizenship including voting rights. Mexican culture has existed continuously in the state. Also:
wrt to European, etc. Jews have some native right to the land that a century ago was carved out as Palestine, that’s about twenty times more ancient than a similarly ludicrous claim of rights that I could assert about lands in Germany/Austria.
Ooo … the typical militarist talking point.
And, no, what Israel is doing to the natives is no different than the occupation of the US west – except that what was considered common 140 years ago is now considered a massive violation of human rights.
And no, mentioning that the people being occupied are getting support from some other brutal regime doesn’t justify that occupation – any more than when the Nats in South Africa justified their evil regime by saying that the ANC was supported by the Soviets.
Speaking of which, there is a reason why Israel and the US were the only countries to stand with South Africa in the 1980s.
Now it’s an invasion to counter-attack. You seem to forget who attacked who.
What exactly “informs” your Israel Firster position?
I forgot that you believe the news media always lies.
So when they reported Egypt and Syria attacking Israel, it was actually the other way around. A giant Jewish conspiracy, undoubtedly spawned by the House of Rothschild.
Non-responsive to my question. And one doesn’t have to be dependent on news to get a factual read of Israeli policies. There are even primers out there including Carter’s book which isn’t a bad place to start for those uninformed.
or read Billmon’s twitter feed as he stays current on this issue.
uncomfortable facts — don’t even bother with rationalizations for these Israeli government actions or the “yeah, but what about X” responses that rightwingers and staunch supporters of any politician use when confronted with facts about the behaviors of those they have aligned themselves with.
I haven’t forgotten.
You seem to have never known.
Lol if there is any country in the world that’s more buddy buddy with Saudi Arabia than the US, it is Israel. Their leaders have a wink and nod relationship, and it’s only growing closer as time goes on.
Hey! Maybe we sell the Palestinians some swords suitable for beheading. that would help our foreign exchange.
Very sensible idea.
Technically, what they need is for a sizable number of Jews (I’ve heard something about 600,000?) to NOT convert so they can die in the lake of fire when Jebus comes back with his tanks and whatnot.
As I recall, Revelations only reveals the number that were not thrown into the Lake of Fire. Conveniently, some multiple of twelve.
I love the use of the word “technically”!
James Hagee heads a network of pseudo-Hebraic Christian Zionist congregations that even have their own Shabat Shalom services and celebrate Jewish holidays.
And Hagee is a piece of work.
Been re reading Matt Taibbi’s book on his infiltration of Hagee’s group. I had missed the tidbit my first reading that Bibi attended a Hagee get together. ‘Piece of work’ is a polite commentary on Hagee.
Right wing fascists, whether here in the US or Israel, are willing to look the other way at the true beliefs of the useful idiots they rely on for money, votes, and trigger fingers.
Not that it’s relevant TO ANYTHING, but the H2 channel had a show on today that promoted the entertaining theory that much of our DNA comes from viruses and that aliens gave us the viruses. And then the story went on to say that the alien viruses promote anger and warfare and so are widespread in the Middle East. The anger and warfare serves the purpose of keeping the area so hot and bothered that the aliens are then assured they can store their alien technology safe from prying archaeologists.
Don’t really know what to make of it, but alien viruses just might answer many questions…
Is that a Ben Carson theory?
What did surprise me was the estimate in this book that after the lines diverged about five million years ago, humans and chimpanzees continued to exchange genes for at least 100,000 years.
Not a Ben Carson theory but then tomorrow’s the beginning of a new week!
Beer goggles?
are they storing grain there? Frankingrain?
This sounds somewhat similar to my (limited) understanding of Scientology. I wonder if it was a paid “docu-tisement”…
The H2 channel is rife with the alien encampment stories, all with the same crew of pseudo archaeologists. I doubt even Scientology could keep up. From finding pictographs and carvings the Maya did to the Egyptians and more that they posit show humans with space helmets on, landing craft etc to the question of how technologies suddenly appear and now this latest that the middle east is victim to alien viruses that keep them agitated is all pretty amazingly creative.
Amazing and depressing. Just a short, rather matter of fact post about Israel and the discourse here descends to the level of “do you still beat your wife?”.
The Christian Zionist creeps’ greatest wish is for full scale war to break out in “the Holy Land”. As they see it, that’s necessary to bring about Jesus’ return.
Sick. Sick. Sick.
Well, this is the absurd “thinking” one gets when one believes the Book of Revelations should inform a nation’s foreign policy. We are a nation of self-retarded imbeciles. There are very, very dangerous–frankly deranged–people who have much too much power in this country.
Which brings us to the citizens of Israel. They presumably are informed of the thinking and motivation of their staunchest right wing allies in America—the ones who think that in the End Times the Jews shall all be converted to Jeebus etc, etc and that actions should be taken to somehow bring this prophecy about. The Israelis are delighted to elect politicians who praise these cretinous allies while shitting on the concerns of the American left–not to mention much of the rest of the world. This seems a recipe for political disaster, but they simply cannot stop themselves now. In for a penny, in for a pound—there won’t be any shortage of Netanyahoos in Israel’s future.
The question is when will the appalling actions of Israel in creating and running its colonial apartheid regime ever become an actual, live political issue in this country? How long do we turn the blind eye? When do the scales fall ala St Paul, haha. We do seem to be very slowly moving toward that day…