I started the following as a comment on Booman’s recent post Paris Attacks, Part Three.
It grew.
Booman writes:
If we’re going to solve this, or at least manage it, we’re going to need a coalition of nations committed to resolving the Sunni/Shi’a war, and that’s not the same thing as killing the Sunni fighters in Syria and Iraq. It’s not going to be resolved by toppling Assad or isolating Iran and punishing Russia. This is much more complicated than that.
This is not about drones or imperialism, nor is it about Islam as a religion. Islam isn’t going anywhere, nor is it going to experience some Enlightenment or Reformation next week that will stop the fighting or the flood of refugees. The roughly one billion Muslims who aren’t currently engaged in killing us or each other are part of the solution, not the problem.
What you can do to help is to talk less and listen more. Recognize that our politicians have to take steps to protect the public and to convince the public that these steps are being taken. Recognize that we face a threat not just of terrorism but also of a really right-wing reactionary backlash that could sweep away not just left-wing governments but recognizably conservative ones, too, leaving us with hateful, nationalistic, xenophobic governments both here and in Europe.
But…the horses are already well out of the barn; the barn itself is burning ever more fiercely and it threatens to take down the entire village. There is literally nothing that anybody can do that will not in one way or another exacerbate these many interconnected problems.
I know that what I am about to say is not a popular opinion here, nor is it in most other segments of the political spectrum, but I am going to say it anyway.
If the idea is truly to protect the U.S., the only way to do so is to withdraw from from the fray.
Fortress America.
Read on for more.
Continued action that resembles the actions of the NATO powers in the Middle East since Bush I invaded Iraq…no matter whether those actions can by some miracle be made both larger and simultaneously more efficient and effective…are simply going to make the current reactions ever larger and more dangerous. Had the U.S. never entered Iraq none of this would be happening now. That effort has torn down our economy, torn down our society and threatens to continue to boil over until it produces a nuclear catastrophe.
The only sane answer to this…given the absolutely clear failure of past tactics…is to stop those tactics!!!
This of course presupposes that the strategic goal behind those tactics was the protection of the U.S. and its allies instead of the ongoing takeover of wealth by elites. I sometimes wonder about that, but no matter either way because the “elites” will have nowhere to hide if a nuclear disaster befalls the world. Even they must be beginning to realize the truth of that statement.
Stop the madness.
Tighten our belts and concentrate of rebuilding the U.S. society and infrastructure.
“Politically impossible,” you say?
Sadly…yes. As long as the media is controlled by Big Corp and Big Corp thinks that it can somehow win an unwinnable war…yes.
Politically impossible.
But it has to be said.
Ross Perot tried to tell us about where neoliberalism was going to take us during the 1992 presidential elections.
He was shouted down.
Ron Paul tried mightily to do the same thing for 20+ years.
He was also shouted down.
And now?
Now? Here we jolly well are, aren’t we.
Cowering under our desks as the world catches fire.
Time for a reboot.
A big one.
Will it happen?
Not under an HRC administration it won’t, nor will it under the administration of anyone else truly in the race on either side. Rand Paul understands but has no position and little talent for the fight. They so non-personed his father that he’s just Nonperson #2. Trump has some good ideas, but he’s an amateur…a demonstrably batshit crazy one in many respects. If he somehow managed to win the presidency the PermaGov pros would eat him up. It’d be like a boastful amateur barfighter going into an MMA cage with 20 highly trained martial artists. They’d eat him up, and all the speeches and rants in the world would make no difference. No chops. No information regarding how to operate the levers of power. None.
So here we are.
I have posted the following several times here recently…an email that I sent to a friend several hours before the Paris attacks…but I am going to post it again because its the only position to which I have been able to come regarding “doing something” about the current state of affairs.
There is nothing left to do that would even create a little hope that some sort of action might actually change this state of affairs. There it is and there it will remain until it falls of its own contradictions, its own weaknesses. All we who know better can do is…survive. Dassit. Teach those who we can reach and survive. Maybe some unforeseen turn of events…some gracious miracle from the universe…will save us. If so it means that said universe still has a use for us. For the U.S. But if not, then those of us who do survive will have to ride out the whirlwind and hope for a better tomorrow.
The current Republican debates must resemble the level of Roman politics as the barbarians were at the gates. Rome got what it deserved and so shall we.
Bet on it.
Be well…
Like I said…be well.
It’s the best that we can do now.
i am about to go out the door to teach some college-level students how to play a difficult musical instrument. Will they have a chance of doing so in the long run? Maybe. Do I have a chance of making it from my Bronx home to downtown Manhattan and back given the current “security issues?’ Yes. Given the ongoing decline of the NYC transportation infrastructure? Yes. But not the same chance(s) that I had 3 or 5 or 10 or 20 or 30 years ago. Not by a long shot. The odds are lengthening. For all of us.
WTFU before it’s too late.
What’s that you say?
Isn’t that what’s happening now?
“WORSE!!!”, you scream.
Could be…
But… is anything worse than nuclear war?
“Hmmmmmm…” you say.
Or should say at the very least.
The U.S. survived The Great Depression and came out healthier on all levels than it was before.
Sometimes the recovery time after a major illness or operation is difficult.
But not impossible.
Like I said above…be well.
But in order to be well we first must get well.
○ BREAKING: “12 avions français dont 10 chasseurs ont participé à cette opération en coordination avec Armée US (Défense)”
○ French air force pounds IS group stronghold in Syria, says defence ministry
Real men throw bombs in vengeance …
You may be right. I’m not convinced, but I’m not convinced either way.
OTOH, it doesn’t matter what we think because we have no power.
We do have power.
The power of reason. Reason brings with it the power of…morality.
I said it.
i used the “M” word.
Common morality.
It is the same all over the civilized world.
The same in Russia as it is in Paris. The same in Basra as it is in Brooklyn. The same in China as it is in Kenya. You know the drill.
Tho shalt not…fill in the blanks.
And so on.
You know….
We all do.
It is a prescription for the survival of civilization brought to us by the best of the best of us for eons and eons.
Civilizations sometimes thrive by ignoring those common moralities, but they always pay a price eventually. They decay. Often the decay is at least temporarily reversed by a moral revolution…usually in the form of some set of those rules cobbled together as a religion.Then that religion becomes an empire and the whole decay->renewal-> decay thing continues.
As it must.
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
The question here is: Are we ready to get dusted?
Are we through?
The results of the next election will tell us a great deal.
Let us pray.
In terms of solutions, there are exactly two. No, this isn’t some sort of false choice fallacy.
The US and the rest of the countries who see acts like these as war can join a coalition and literally start WWIII against terrorism, everywhere.
Or, the US can pull our military back in the Fortress America way you mention, leave key naval bases in friendly protectorates (and I mean friendly, not just negotiated with some autocrat) like Japan, Britain, etc., and then work on improving everything inside the US. Infrastructure, clean energy, transit, mineral extraction, electrical grid, space, etc.
In other words, it’s either continue with external projection which always results in the hollowing out of the internal country of resources, manpower, and willpower, or internal projection to build an oasis in a world of shit.
Look, the US still has thousands of nukes, and satellites. So, no one is going to be invading anytime soon. Those oceans aren’t as useless as cowards want you to believe they are. That said, we also still have naval power, which is the most important traditional military power, and we still have special forces that we can put on the ground, just like we currently have special forces on the ground in dozens of places, Right. This. Second.
I opt for number two, personally. Europe and Asia are the primary recipients of traditional terrorism, and they need to figure it out. If they want some intelligence, satellite data, and air support/special forces support, then go for it.
But it’s f-ing clear at this point, that the US is great at causing complete chaos with our military, and unless we have a semi-united populace to take over after we bomb somewhere to complete rubble, things will just be worse than before. Period. Full stop. Blah blah blah.
Iraq would Literally. Be. Better. Under. Saddam.
Syria would Literally. Be. Better. Under Assad.
Libya would Literally. Be. Better. Under. Quaddafi.
If someone wants to argue themselves into knots about democracy, people power, Arab Spring, flowers, candy, smiling toddlers, and unicorns, so be it.
But, some people are not ready for democracy. Those people are the people who are only not killing each other out in the f-ing open because their autocratic dictator knows that they either keep everyone under a tight fist, or everything starts blowing up. Witness, uh, close to the entire ME.
I guess in a lot of ways I find a lot of truth in Spengler’s “Decline of the West”, especially in the sense that civilizations tend to last about 1000-1500 years, and then crumble. The Islamic civilization is literally destroying itself right now, and is about 200+ years ahead of “Western Civilization”, in the sense that they’ve been in Caesarism for a few hundred years, and it’s literally the end right now. Their culture is surrounded by a much better culture, and their civlizations are essentially non-existent. Just like the Jews and Christians before them, Muslims need to adopt a secular version of their faith, or risk becoming totally irrelevant forever. Many Muslims have already done so, and are the ones who are living relatively secular lives here and elsewhere. The ones trying to fight secular societies are the ones who represent a dead culture devoid of a civilization; in essence, they project externally, because there is no civilization they can focus on internally.
Even ISIS, a self-proclaimed “Caliphate”, knows this. They know there time is limited, and they even stress that they’re trying to bring about the apocalypse. Once “Western Civilization” understands that there is basically nothing to prop up there, they’ll realize that their best option is to treat the area like a desert devoid of anything worth owning. Divest, withdraw, and secure your own borders. Keep your intelligence there strong to keep the lunatics at bay.
We can either keep trying to prop Islamic civilization up by supporting the autocrats, or we can keep trying to prop it up by supporting “the people”, but either way, it’s going to destroy itself. The culture is devoid of any meaning that isn’t better expressed through secular culture, and again, there is no civilization, there. It’s a bunch of scaffolding with no concrete and rebar underneath. No, seriously.
What we should be focusing on is keeping nukes out of their lunatics’ hands, while building up our own civilization so that we can attempt to transcend our own internal destruction, which if you look around, you already see the beginning stages of. Especially when you consider how the US is becoming more and more reliant on a strong individual leader to get shit done, as the democratically elected republican branch of government is essentially powerless to do what needs to be done. We can see in our own religious lunatics their ideas that only they can save civilization, by reverting back to a culture and civilization that never really existed, and won’t ever again. The weeds are popping up in our own backyard. It’s too late for the ME. That said, we can still pull out our weeds now.
Let’s do so!
But that’s just me. I also f-ing loathe playing Empire. It’s such a waste of time, resources, and the most valuable resource: humanity.
What chance does my option have? Likely, zero chance. But of course, that’s because tradition is a son of a bitch, and it will almost always lead people to continue applying what worked in the past to the future, when it won’t work, because today isn’t yesterday, or 70 years ago, or 150 years ago.
The entire “Age of Aquarius” notion of a sea change in culture is real, and it’s the conservatives, both political conservatives and people who react instead of thinking, who prevent cultures from changing when they would best be served by changing. Which is what causes them to ultimately end, as they become too rigid.
Getting pissed off that some lunatics did what lunatics did, and then warming up our bombers and killing more civilians and believing that we are “justified” in doing so, is old, ridiculous, rigid ways of thinking. It could work in Germany in the 1940s, because there was still a culture and civilization there, underneath the garbage of Nazism and Hitler.
There is no culture or civilization underneath most of the middle east and north Africa. It’s just a bunch of people who’ve been kept under dictatorships for a few hundred years, and have absolutely no culture and civilization to reunite as a functioning state, culture, or civilization.
TL;DR: the only choice is not to make a choice, and yet, it’s still making a choice. There is no solution. There are just options.
Let’s take the option that causes the least amount of damage and benefits us the most. It’s our money and manpower, after all. Or we can choose to go and topple another scaffold and then get pissed off when we find that there wasn’t a building underneath it.
-Insert Einstein’s Definition of Insanity Here-
○ Press Conference by President Obama – G20 Summit In Antalya, Turkey