UPDATE 2: Suspected mastermind of Paris attacks Abaaoud died in police raid : prosecutor | The Guardian | plus France24
Yesterday’s info was correct. The news circulated in Belgian press and social media. The source was IS expert Van Ostade who had
received info from two French police investigators and was analyzed on jihadists websites … bits of information circulating.
UPDATE: Suspected mastermind Abl Hamid Abaaoud killed in action St. Denis – Not Confirmed by French prosecutor!
○ Paris attacks ‘mastermind’ Abaaoud fate unknown – Molins | BBC News |
[In live radio news broadcast his death was announced 19.30 hrs CET – Oui]
Suspected masterbrain of recent string of attacks in Paris. This appartment was in recent days rented out to three persons, a woman and two men, on Rue de la Republigue in St. Denis. Two deaths reported: a female who used her suicide vest and a suspect killed by a sniper. The attack started at 04.20 hours local time. Shots were heard during 1,5 hours. At 07.30 hours some explosions were heard.
○ Paris attacks: police say two dead in St-Denis raid targeting ‘mastermind’ – live | The Guardian |
○ French police launch raids on suspects in Paris attacks – live | France24 |
LIVE: Police raid in Saint-Denis related to Paris attacks, deaths reported.
Video footage of incident in St. Denis via Russia Today.
Global Islamophobia a tool to promote a Clash of Civilizations
Islamophobia: With Love From Israel
More below the fold …
With love from Israel: admirations for the likes of Ayan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders… doing their bidding to propagate hate for Arabs and Islam as a religion. Pure promotion of the clash of civilizations. Worst case would be if western leaders fall in ISIS’s trap and call out “We are at War with IS“. Oh wait, they did: Hollande, Cameron, Obama and poodle Mark Rutte in The Netherlands.
From my post this morning @Tikun Olam
It’s nothing personal to Ayaan, it’s the audience she appeals to … Islamophobes, bigots and racists. Was true in The Netherlands (Theo van Gogh, Pim Fortuyn and Geert Wilders), US (AEI, Neocons and Daniel Pipes crowd) and in a broader sense in Israel, naturally. Geert Wilders is a poster boy of violence against Palestinians, he gets a warm welcome from Netanyahu.
See articles by Richard Silverstein here and here.
Paris Attack An Act Of War By IS — President Hollande
The rush of patriotism and nationalism I witnessed in my surroundings of fellow students and friends in the mid 1960s as Lyndon Johnson escalated the Vietnam War, is seen everytime leaders decide to wage war. Its’s of all ages … it surplants people’s senses and they become robots, tools prone to propaganda. Human kind is supposed to be made up of individuals using their God given intellect, not blindly following some golden calf.
Involved with the Verviers group, Jewish Museum attack and the foiled attack on the Thalys high speed train in France.
Allah blinded my ass … Did Turkey intelligence turn a blind eye?
Posted earlier in my diary – Europe Officially Declares War On the Islamic State.
Coming out of the woodwork:
○ Ayaan Hirsi Ali: take lessons from Israel
Build a Fort Europe with an Iron Curtain to the East and a cordon sanitair on the Mediterranean. Furthermore lots of Islamophobe suggestions and ideas I won’t make the effort to translate.
A book review of Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali here.
Summarized: “Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s anti-Islam diatribe is a piece of propagandistic crap.”
○ Arrested Leader of Moroccan Militant Group Revealed to Be Belgian Informant with Possible CIA Links (Feb. 2008)
○ ‘Superterrorist’ Belliraj gets life sentence in Morocco
He wasn’t a “mastermind.” The plan wasn’t likely his entire invention and it was conceptually low-level thinking that any normal fifteen year old is capable of.
I’m more interested in a forensic analysis of the crime than highlighting the death of one of the participants. The actual movements (travel) of the perps currently identified and who they associated with and where they got the weapons, ammo, and explosives. Seems to me they were a bit short on the ammo and explosives, and possibly weapons, for the intended plan.
“He wasn’t a ‘mastermind’.” Personal opinion or do you have a source for this.
It’s not even certain how IS as organization or Raqqa HQ was involved. Abaaoud had a network of family members and friends, was involved in petty crimes until he left for Syria in 2014.
Abaaoud was involved in 5/6 plots which were uncovered or failed to complete. The Paris attack was in many ways a botched operation with many shortcomings and failures. Not a well organized operation as would be expected from Al Qaeda or ISIS. Thank God!
Abaaoud was involved in attacks on Jewish museum, Vervier group and the Thalys.
Furthermore, Abaaoud wasn’t religious and must have been “radicalized” and trained by IS within a period of a year. For now, unlikely.
Yes. “Botched” in the sense that they proceeded with “the plan” even though they were short of the required assets to accomplish it. That’s what makes the serendipitous arrest in Germany of the man from Montenegro driving a car that was loaded with weapons and explosives so intriguing. As well as the recorded entry of Salah Abdeslam from Germany to Austria a few days later.
How did the stadium bombers (armed only with cheesy suicide belts) get to their target location? So far, the reports are missing a car and if it’s not found abandoned near the stadium, a driver.
Where was Abaaoud when the attacks went down? Who was the “friend” that secured the loan of the St. Denis apartment from the owner four days ago?
‘Mastermind’ is a simple way of saying that the attack was his idea and that he planned and executed it. All right. But the word has a CIA/Obama ring, you know, now we’ve got the MASTERMIND in our clutches. There is nothing masterful about what he did. No one knows how many people dream of mowing down a whole punch of people for or not for a cause. Even some of the nicest men and ladies at the tea club may have such visions once in a while. Let’s just cut the hype and say he was the main plotter, organizer, instigator, planner, whatever. But mastermind? That’s political and media hype to rev up the emotional leve. No. It is important that all this horror be brought down to realistic proportions because it’s nothing more than a simple act of butchery that did not require much imagination or planning either. They evidently slipped through the mesh by arranging the crime by the most simple means imaginable: how else would anyone carry out such an act? All the obsessing about the capabilities of Islamic State is the most egregious example of this behavior at the moment.
“Ringleader” doesn’t convey the same very scary tone as “mastermind.”
Daniel Lin:
Missed that first item in the news. Caught the other two items. Also, Abaaoud capture on Metro security camera near where the Seat with Kalishnakovs was abandoned. Good evidence that he was one of those that shot up the people in the bars and restaurants. That’s two. Was there a third shooter as the initial eyewitness reports claimed?
Third man on the run is friend Salah Abdeslam, most likely crossed border into Belgium. Excellent in depth coverage by The Guardian …
Paris attacks: woman killed in St-Denis raid ‘did not blow herself up’
See my earlier diary – Turkey’s AKP government shaping a pro-Sunni foreign policy.
A very troubling policy change for Erdogan’s Turkey… granting freedom of movement to Salafists who had been detained four years ago on charges of terror acts. Has spy chief Fidan continues on a path of joining hands with Saudi Arabia and his earlier meetings with evil Prince Bandar. This alternate move by Turkey ends the close cooperation Erdogan had with the Obama administration, especially with former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Turkey will form policy in self-interest making openings to Putin’s Russia and even Israel’s Netanyahu. On Syria and the overthrow of president Assad, my enemy’s enemy is my friend.
○ A deeper look at Syria-related jihadist activity in Turkey | CTC |
○ Gaziantep: Turkish military convoy heads for Syrian border after downing of F-4 Phantom fighter jet
As I have stated in my analysis/comments/diary …
No, there were no more “red flags” evident from the Abdeslam brothers that didn’t also exist for hundreds of others that left and returned from Syria. Possibly even fewer considering the cafe that they owned and ran.
Serendipity and Blink, or a combination of the two, figures most prominently in thwarting terror attacks, and then only if officials or higher level officials can “get it.”
Diana Dean. Clarence Prevost and Colleen Rowley, Phoenix FBI agent that sent alert about flight schools, and possibly the Montengrin with weapons arrested in Germany (although they seem not to be able to connect him to any Jihadi “cell;” so, the supplies could have been intended for some other criminal operation).
A system for detection of potential domestic mass killers that produces a substantial number of false positives that are indistinguishable from real positives is beyond the management ability and budgets of LEOs. The mass detention of young Muslim men after 9/11 was a travesty.
Not that a more vigilant system of control checks at borders and on transport facilities for a small group of selective individuals, such as Abaaoud, can’t and shouldn’t be implemented. Particularly after Abaaoud’s boast that he could get in and out of Belgium whenever he wanted to. His boast could also mean that a rat-line exists and if so, hasn’t been detected.
Belgium was the entrance to Europe for US corporations for many decades, starting in the 1960s. Now read what Americans view of that nation, the seat of NATO and the European Unionn formerly the EEC.
Same modus operandi as the Mumbai attack
○ Fire as a Weapon in Terrorist Attacks