I am not offended, Sheriff Mike Jolley of Harris County if you wish to say Merry Christmas. Please, say it to your heart’s content. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, as the song goes. I suspect 99% of people in this country of ours have no problem with you saying Merry Christmas even in the middle of Summer if you should so desire.
Here’s some other things that do not offend me:
Feliz Navidad!
Happy Hannukah!Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad!
Allahu Akbar!
Umoja! Kujichagulia! Ujima! Ujamaa! Nia! Kuumba! Imani!
Happy Holidays!
Sheriff Jolley, I don’t know where you got the idea that there are millions of godless heathens and commie liberals in America who hate the fact that you like to say Merry Christmas or God bless America or whatever. Most people I know, those who do not listen to conservatalk radio or watch Fox News all day, really don’t understand what generated all this hostility that so many “Christians” spew toward “non-believers” or secularists, atheists or followers of other faiths this time of year. Really, it makes no sense whatsoever.
The vast majority don’t care one way or another if you say Merry Christmas or sing Christmas Carols or salute the flag (provided it’s the flag of the United, and not the Confederate, States of America), or say “In God We Trust” 20 gazillion times a day. Yet, instead of celebrating the birth of the man you believe was sent by God to save all humankind, what I hear from so many so-called fervent believers in Christ are words of hatred, aggression and even violent threats against those of us who do not share your beliefs. For example, consider the words on the sign you paid for and placed in front of your office:
The sign reads “WARNING: Harris County is politically incorrect. We say: Merry Christmas, God Bless America and In God We Trust. We salute our troops and our flag. If this offends you…LEAVE!”
This doesn’t sound like someone who follows the teachings of Jesus. Instead it appears you have abandoned your faith and allowed yourself to be hoodwinked by a bunch of hate merchants who wish to divide the people of our country for their own benefit. Jesus never asked his followers to hate people, even the ones who despised them. Just look at the sayings attributed to him in the Gospels of the New testament if you doubt me.
Jesus said you should love your neighbor as yourself, and by neighbor he meant anyone, even scapegoated and ostracized minorities. Jesus said if someone strikes you you should turn the other cheek rather than strike them back. Jesus said that if someone takes your coat do not demand it back, but give them the shirt off your back as well. Jesus also told us to forgive those who hurt us or mean us harm. Most tellingly, Jesus warned us not to judge or condemn others when we have so many faults of our own to address:
Matthew 7:1-5 “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”
And yet, Sheriff Jolley, I know far too many self-professed Christians, such as yourself, who do not follow these principles and teachings of Jesus, the man you acknowledge as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Instead, what comes forth from your lips, and from the lips of all those who share your spirit of intolerance, are words of anger, of the absence of love and the presence of hatred toward those who are not like you and calls for violence and retribution. This is a long way from the message of love, peace and forgiveness preached by the man you worship as the Son of God.
Recently, Charisma magazine, a major media outlet for evangelical and Pentecostal Christians, published an open call to genocide. The article in question, titled “Why I Am Absolutely Islamaphobic” [sic] and written by Gary Cass, begins with the premise that “every true follower of Mohammed” wants to “subjugate and murder” non-Muslims, and therefore it’s impossible for Christians to live together peacefully with them.
Cass proposes three solutions to this problem. One is for Muslims to undergo mass conversion to Christianity; the other is mass deportation combined with eugenics – either “force them all to get sterilized” or kick them out of America “like Spain was forced to do when they deported the Muslim Moors.” But he says both of these plans are unlikely to work, so “really there’s only one” solution, which is:
Violence: The only thing that is biblical and that 1,400 years of history has shown to work is overwhelming Christian just war and overwhelming self defense.
Other “Christians” have called for the rule in America of “biblical law,” which they claim justifies the subjugation of women and the death sentence for homosexuality. Indeed, a group of American Christians worked to implement in Uganda and other countries, such as Nigeria, Russia, etc., laws criminalizing homosexuality.
Now, that kind of behavior, purportedly based on Christian beliefs and doctrines, does offend me, as it should offend any true follower of Jesus. In an election cycle where the leading presidential candidate for the Republican Party, Donald Trump, has been calling in effect for ethnic cleansing and actively encouraging racism against Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims among his his followers, as well as promising to bring back torture and whatever else he considers necessary to “make our nation great again,” I find it troubling that so many people, people like you Sheriff Jolley, are so adamant about encouraging a climate of hate and fear among your fellow Americans.
You see, Sheriff Jolley, despite what you may believe or may have been told, the United States was not founded as a Christian nation. There is nothing in the Constitution that refers to Christianity as the basis for our government. There is no religious test for holding public office, much less becoming a citizen. And while I’m not offended if you want to say “Merry Christmas,” “God Bless America” or whatever else you consider essential to being a good American, anyone who is offended by your sign or your statements does have the right under the First Amendment to express that opinion without fear that the Sheriff of Harris County, Georgia, might decide to treat them differently because they do not believe what he believes or act in the manner that he consider Americans should act.
Obviously, Sheriff Jolley, I do not know what was in your heart when you erected your sign on government property telling people that if they did not like your views they should get the hell out of your county. Perhaps you just wanted to blow off some steam. But whatever your reasons, it must have been apparent to you that your words would be taken as an implicit threat from an elected official and law enforcement official to anyone who does not condone or abide your view of what constitutes the only “American values” worth defending.
I’m not going to tell you, Sheriff Jolley, what to do with your sign. But I am going to suggest you go back and read your bible, since you claim to be a Christian. In particular, I recommend you study what Jesus said very carefully, because in my view, he would be appalled by your actions, and dismayed that you would use your faith in him to justify such a hateful and intolerant attitude regarding your fellow human beings.
Christmas should be a holiday that celebrates love and joy for all people on earth. It should be a time of year when the followers of Jesus reach out to those who are different from themselves to share that feeling of love and joy. It appears you would rather feed your own anger and the anger of others who feel the way you do, rather than extend a hand in love to all God’s children. That way, as the saying goes, lies madness.
It is amazing how so many that profess to be Christians(which means Christ like), pick and choose what if any example Jesus set forth for his true followers to use.
Seems a vast majority of professed Christians confuse worldly demigod propaganda over Christ’s teachings.
My sense is it’s actually a small but vocal minority. Same with Islam. The problem is not religion but ignorance. These people do not understand the teachings of the very teachers they profess to follow. They don’t understand the scriptures they supposedly love.
This is a really great post Boo. I hope you and your family had a good thanksgiving. Sent a bit of holiday cheer your way.
Oops, I meant Steven!
Well said!
I totally agree! Well said!
These are apostates, not Christians; reactionaries, not conservatives. It’s a literacy problem enabled by a media to whom suckerhood is a marketing model.
Agree completely.
It’s worth noting that on this day in history, 920 years ago, the first crusade was launched:
“These are apostates, not Christians”
I think the word you are looking for is “Philistines”, although calling them that may be a slur on philistines. They certainly share an “anti-hippy” attitude.
Joyous Solstice, Happy Saturnalia, and a Fun Newton’s Birthday to one and all!
I mean they have forsaken Christianity for some pagan hodge-podge of prosperity Jesus and Founder idolatry which supports their own entitlement, xenophobia and lack of compassion; call it what you will it ain’t Christianity and they are therefore apostates.
What I really meant to also say is that they are seditious conspirators not patriots.
Here’s another Christian in action http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2015/11/27/1454772/-Standoff-continues-at-Colorado-Springs-Planned-P
Christian churches and Christians in our country should not be made to condemn this mass murderer. I know that he does not represent true Christianity in his attempts to murder dozens today, including police officers.
I sincerely wish more Christians in our country could develop that small amount of sophistication in response to the murderers who commit blasphemy by claiming their immoral acts are done in the name of Islam.
These Fox News viewers seem nice:
Not a single disciple of Christ among them. Almost certainly a bunch of God-botherers in that rotten bunch, though.
I never hear Muslim clerics condemn those acts. I do realize that maybe they have and the news media hasn’t reported it, but still, I’ve only heard nominal Christians claim that they don’t represent Islam.
To repeat:
Christian churches and Christians in our country should not be made to condemn this mass murderer. I know that he does not represent true Christianity in his attempts to murder dozens today, including police officers.
I sincerely wish more Christians in our country could develop that small amount of sophistication in response to the murderers who commit blasphemy by claiming their immoral acts are done in the name of Islam.
It’s a pure sucker’s game for us to decide that an entire religious faith needs to answer in defensive response to the worst actions of their flock. It plays into the claim that the religion itself is violent. Billions of followers of all faiths have put the lie to that claim.
Violent criminals are violent criminals, and only in the very worst cases of rhetorical incitement and logistical support should the religious leaders and institutions be held responsible. Otherwise, we end up where we are, with hundreds of millions of people in Christian cultures believing that Islam itself is violent, and even more in Islamic cultures believing that Christianity is violent:
If these views maintain themselves, we’re one bad POTUS election result and/or massive terrorist attack from World War III. Our nation will do poorly in the long run if that happens. I note we’re already doing badly in the short term with this simmering asymetrical warfare happening.
It’s not easy at all, but we need to keep our heads and maintain our clear thinking and justifiable goodwill.
But here you go, if you need condemnations:
From 2001:
and 2015:
These condemnations are widely available online, as summarized here on video:
It’s a big sucker’s game nonetheless which has counterproductive outcomes, but there you go.
Thank you for the links. I’m gratified to read them.
This quote by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA Spokesperson Qasim Rashid could and should be echoed by the Vatican and other Christian leaders in response to Colorado Springs, to speak nothing of Ireland.
Also, as your link says, why was this only on the Foxnews website and not on any broadcast. I think I know why and so do you.
Yes, well done Steven, but I think you know today’s Christians would follow the Biblical Jesus about 15 feet and certainly not past the glazed do-nut stand. The message he proclaims in the various gospels would nauseate them no end. What they really salivate over is the vengeful Bronze Age God of the Old Testament–now THAT’S a God! Violence! Rage! Wrath! Silly Rules! Injustice! Intolerance! That’s what today’s “Christian” swoons over. Jesus? Not so much…
As you indicate, there is a very strong element of “FUCK YOU!!” in this “not politically correct” stratum. The Sheriff Jolleys of the movement desperately want to say “Merry Christmas” to people who don’t celebrate the holiday. They want to offend someone if they can. They don’t want America to contain anyone who doesn’t celebrate their Christian holiday–most especially Muslims. They hate the rising pluralism of the country, and this is just a (feeble) way of protesting the matter.
Thus, for turds like Sheriff Jolley, this little gambit allows them to both whine like (phony) victims and say “Fuck You!” to those elements of the new America they hate. So they get their daily required dose of victim-hood AND assholery! Very satisfying, even if puzzling to the ordinary unbeliever….
It is awesome how so many that claim to be Christians(which means Christ like), choose what if any example Christ set forth for his true supporters to use.
Seems most of proclaimed Christian believers mix up life demigod propaganda over Christ’s lessons.
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