When the Bush family is your friend:
On the night of the 2010 midterm elections, a portly, silver-haired Jeb Bush stood on a stage in the courtyard of Miami’s luxe Biltmore Hotel, appearing to choke back tears. The beloved former governor of Florida was there to introduce the young conservative insurgent who had just pulled off a remarkable underdog victory in the U.S. Senate race.
“Bushes get emotional, so I’m gonna try my hardest,” Jeb told the ecstatic crowd of Republicans. “My wife told me, ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry.’ But Marco Rubio makes me cry for joy!”
At the time, it looked like the culmination of a sturdy alliance and deep friendship — the proud mentor presenting his protege.
When the Bush family is not your friend:
Meanwhile, in a series of off-the-record conversations, Jeb’s messengers tried to convince a number of influential figures in political media that they had the goods on Rubio. Among these was MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. A former Republican congressman from Florida who remained tapped into the state’s politics, Scarborough was skeptical whenever somebody tried to convince him that Rubio had an explosive career-ending secret lurking in his past.
“Everybody who runs against him says he has girlfriends, or financial problems. They throw a lot of shit at the wall,” Scarborough told me. “It’s the same thing from the Jeb Bush camp. They keep telling me, ‘Oh, we’ve got the thing that’s going to take him down.’ But nobody’s ever produced anything that we all haven’t read in the Tallahassee Democrat.”
Back in October 2004, Richard Gooding did a deep-dive for Vanity Fair on how the Bush machine had trashed John McCain during the 2000 South Carolina primary. It’s the kind of piece that merits an occasional re-reading, especially whenever there’s a Bush running for president, which seems to be most of the time.
There appears to be no doubt that Team Jeb is prepared for a repeat performance and that Marco Rubio is their target. Round One was during the early fundraising/endorsement phase of the campaign. Round Two is coming up shortly.
Yet, it may be too little, too late. Politico reports that Republican senators are so concerned about Ted Cruz that they’re beginning to coalesce behind Rubio. This is basically an acknowledgment that Jeb simply has no juice and is never going to rise out of his doldrums. In fact, Jeb may find that there’s no appetite for the Phase Two attack on Rubio from the Republican Establishment because they now see Rubio as their last opportunity to avoid a catastrophic situation where their nominee comes from the Trump/Carson/Cruz camp.
Trump and Carson are seen as unfit for the office of the presidency, and Cruz is simply loathed. All three of them are considered poor general election candidates who have to potential to put the GOP’s congressional majorities (especially the Senate) at risk.
If Jeb’s minions go out there floating rumors that Marco Rubio has a secret family and a bushel of mistresses, that’s not going to fly. It would be one thing if this were going to work for Bush, but the latest Quinnipiac poll out of Iowa has him at four percent. I mean, even the moribund Rand Paul campaign is at five percent.
If the Bushes tear down Rubio without rising themselves, there’s no one left to stop the barbarians at the gates of the Republican National Convention.
It may simply be too late for Team Bush to do anything at all about their situation. Assuming, that is, that they want to retain any good will with the Republican Establishment at all.
Is already wrong. As seen in this in the Times today:
“Ted Cruz Surges in Iowa, Powered by Outsider Fervor”
Or this:
Latest Iowa Poll: Trump 25, Cruz 23.
Cruz has to win Iowa to remain viable, and Carson’s votes were going somewhere. Nationally, many of those votes are going to Trump. But obviously the Iowa flavor of Republican is fairly different from the national version.
Trump still leads in aggregate (+7 or so).
National Polls are irrelevant – there is no national primary. The question is whether Cruz can capitalize on an Iowa win in New Hampshire. In the past social conservatives have died in New Hampshire (Santorum, Huckabee).
After NH South Carolina and a group of southern primaries await. As I have written before, they need to stop Cruz before he gets to South Carolina.
But the establishment is more scared of Trump than Cruz.
Not totally irrelevant at this stage of the primary cycle. It’s not like decades ago when whatever was happening in the IA caucus and NH primary wasn’t seen by the national electorate.
What we can see this year in the GOP is that there’s not all that much difference between the national polls and the IA, NH, and SC polls. The Cruz “surge” in IA may or may not be real and may or may not hold or expand to other states and nationally. It’s noteworthy because his last IA peak was back in May at 13%.
The trendline for Jeb? has consistently been downward with no upticks.
There weren’t in 2008.
At the end of October 2008 (same point as today in the election cycle), McCain was leading in the national polls by anywhere from 3 to 12 percentage points. Iowa was unsettled because religious wackos do well there. NH was settled.
I see it forming now.
I also see the guns forming that will try to take him down.
Well, what if Rubio does have a secret family and a bushel of mistresses (and/or boyfriends). That won’t give Bush the nomination but I don’t see why it wouldn’t take out Rubio. (Not that I think there is anything like that.)
If Jeb! has the goods on Rubio, as he claims, why wouldn’t the Democrats know? I think we know the answer to that.
I’d bet that the Democrats have whatever Bush has. Hell, I’d almost bet that Bush aides would gift wrap whatever they have and hand-deliver it to any of the Democratic candidates to use, but the Democrats are willing to let the Republican knife fight continue without them having to step into the ring and burn their own money outing it.
Jeb Bush is at 5% in the polls and dropping. He’s in 5th place in Iowa and 6th place in New Hampshire. And his brilliant strategy is attacking the candidate in 3rd place?
Jeb’s problem isn’t Marco Rubio. He needs to sell himself at this point. Nothing else will save hime.
elsewill save him.I think the strategy is that rather than gunning for Trump’s solid 27%, he’d rather just kill off the establishment competition and gain enough of the 2-8% that each of those candidates have.
It’s not really that bad of a strategy if you’re Jeb Bush, because ultimately, Jeb doesn’t have anything to sell that anyone wants. Trying to sell himself has been and will be a loser. He has to basically pull a Rmoney and attempt to wait out the other establishment candidates and soak up as much of their support as possible.
Probably looked like a good strategy on paper a few months ago. Now it’s evident that whoever drops out or begins to slide downwards benefits anyone other than Jeb?
Perhaps they see that and have decided to go after Rubio to preempt more gains for him with Carson dropping in hopes that such voters will gravitate to Jeb? as the next best non-bully. Unfortunately, that assumes that Carson supporters are rational and attracted to Carson’s low-key style.
Well, we know that there’s going to be a lunatic and an establishment candidate that are going to be (among) the last two standing. Jeb wants to be the last establishment candidate, and he probably has enough money to keep people on the ground and ads running while everyone else with less than 10% drop out.
I don’t think it will be Jeb, although my prediction is essentially worthless since I have no idea how the clown car is going to eventually empty out. I think it will likely be Cruz and Trump, as they’re both lunatics who believe the same stupid things and know how to rile up the tribe who rub shit in their hair (h/t Driftglass).
In fact, I think Cruz is the perfect candidate for 2016, as he’s a fascist who would be acceptable by Trump and Carson voters, and is loathed by the establishment, making him acceptable to people who can’t stomach Trump or Carson, but are tired of settling on the Rubios’s and Kasich’s who are pretty much RINOs to todays Republican lunatics
My first wish would be for Bush to be the Republican nominee with Trump running (I) in all 50 states. After that, Trump running as the (R) would work, too.
Cruz, though, is the one who scares me. He knows how to work authoritarians, and he’s a sitting US Senator. Hopefully I’m totally wrong on Cruz being at any station on the Republican ticket.
While it may not look like it today, in their time Nixon and Reagan were lunatics. Ford and GHWB may have seemed a few bricks sort of lunacy, consider who was in their administrations — Rumsfeld and Cheney with Kissinger lurking around.
Thinking about all those past elections, it does seem like the GOP does better when they nominate a lunatic without much of a sanity veneer. Goldwater would be an exception.
I mean, that’s the thing.
All of the Republican candidates will push the same policies. The only difference is that some of them actually believe it (the lunatics), and some of them are simply grifters, i.e. establishment candidates.
This may be the point:
If the Bushes tear down Rubio without rising themselves, there’s no one left to stop the barbarians at the gates of the Republican National Convention.
Shades of Assad’s alleged strategy in Syria of going after everybody but ISIS, so he can present himself as the only feasible alternative.
Jeb doesn’t want to be president. He’s not even trying. That’s the only thing that makes sense.
I think Jeb believed that the Republican base wasn’t as stupid as they typically treat it, and that they’d fall over themselves to appoint Jeb the newest Bush LordProtectorTM.
That he has to, like, campaign, and do it against Trump, Carson, and Cruz is beneath him. The rabble go and get elected to the House of Commons. He’s a Bush, he should already have a seat in the House of Lords.
Getting creepier:
HuffPo – Ben Carson Sends Voters ‘Very Special, Very Personal Portrait’
This combined with the painting in his home of himself with a rendering of “Jesus” is pictorial evidence that the guy suffers a messiah complex. Suspect this is over the line even for most fundies.
There’s a line for fundies? What, pray tell, is beyond the pale for them?
What is beyond the pale for fundies?
Christian love and compassion.
A black man with a messiah complex?
“a very special portrait” makes me think it’s a lithograph of his wiener.
It’s barely possible JEB! can climb out of single digits and make a run for the nomination. Both McCain and Romney managed it, from a higher starting point it must be said. Given his incompetence and the general mood of the GOP base he can be dismissed until we get some polling evidence of a surge.
The GOP over the last several presidential elections have had a front running candidate and a Not-Front-Running-Candidate. In this election the Front Runner is Trump and the rest of the Idiot Brigade are the Not Trump. So far we’ve had Fiorina as the Not-Trump, Rubio as the Not-Trump, Kaisch as the Not-Trump. All of these were trumpeted by the mediums and all of them collapsed.
As fladem has noted we have state primaries not national primaries but when one looks at the state polling Trump’s lead is even more impressive. At the moment polling indicates he will win NH and SC, has a good shot at Iowa, and will take most of the Super Tuesday states, including Texas.
Given the dumb rules the GOP put in place for 2016 Trump could sweep everything after March 15th by getting 20% of the vote. It would take a divided field keeping everyone else below 20% but it is a divided field and everyone else is below 20%. The current field will almost certainly change but there is no indication:
Looking at the dwindling of Carson we see a concurrent rise in Cruz and Trump. One should not lean up this too much but it is enough to state neither of the two necessary conditions listed above are being met at the present time.
Based on what we know now:
Prognosis: Trump is the front runner and there’s no sign of anyone catching up, much less passing him.
“One should not lean up this”
s/b “lean on this”
I have heard that the Bush campaign has come into possession of a very damaging tape in which Rubio’s wife goes on a rant about “darkies”.
Maybe it’s just a trump speech in the background.