Progress Pond

Can P.J. O’Rourke Get Serious?

I have always kind of liked P.J. O’Rourke, but I have a piece of advice. Snark just doesn’t work that well if there isn’t even a hint of sincerity underlying it. It would be one thing if O’Rourke took a look at his options in this presidential campaign, threw up his hands, and said that these are no choices at all. But, if that’s what he wants to do, he should be clear about it. And it would be more convincing coming from someone who had once been a believer in something who now finds themselves in despair. The problem is, O’Rourke has been doing this routine for too long. It’s cynicism without calories.

In half-endorsing Marco Rubio only to demonstrate what a ridiculous person he is, he makes the case against his candidacy, but his criticism of everyone else is even more dismissive. The only joke in this piece that really lands is this one: “I’m a Republican.”

The only reason he’s a Republican that can be inferred from the piece is that he doesn’t like deficit spending. Social Security is insolvent; the navy buys ships it can’t afford; Marco Rubio borrows money to pay for a lifestyle beyond his means…just like Uncle Sam!

Harping about deficit spending is actually below O’Rourke’s intelligence. Significantly below, actually, which is why it is so consistently disappointing to see him engage in it by rote.

He’s a funny guy and super bright. If he could just add an ounce of seriousness and maybe a tablespoon of sincerity to his work, he’d be a welcome and pleasureful voice.

As it is, he’s painfully boring.

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