From affidavit, Marquez read lectures of many Islamic scholars in the home of Farook. Many are linked to Anwar Al-Awlaki, the US citizen who moved to Yemen and inspired AQAP, the Christmas bomber, Nidal Hasan and about the occupation of Muslim nations including Palestine.

San Bernardino shooters’ gun supplier arrested for aiding terrorists | RT |

The man suspected of supplying the San Bernardino, California shooters with assault rifles was arrested by federal officers on Thursday and charged with conspiring to commit crimes of terrorism dating back to 2011.

Proposed plans included attacking a community college and a busy freeway during rush hour.

Enrique Marquez Jr., a 24-year-old resident of Riverside, California, was arrested by the FBI and charged in a three-court criminal complaint. Marquez was described by the Justice Department
as a neighbor and longtime friend of Syed Farook, the gunman who carried out the December 2 attacks with his wife, Tashfeen Malik.

Marquez was charged with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and with the unlawful purchase of two assault rifles that were used by Farook and Malik during their attack. Additionally, he was charged with defrauding immigration authorities by entering into a sham marriage with a member of Farook’s family.

According to the Justice Department, Marquez is not accused of knowing about or participating in the December 2 attack. However, he is accused of conspiring with Farook to commit terrorist acts in 2011 and 2012. Those attacks were not committed, the Justice Department said.

    26.  In 2010, MARQUEZ listened to “[The End of Times] – The Hereafter,” which is a series of lectures by al-Aulaqi.  In late 2010, MARQUEZ began looking into the ideas of Imran Hosein, an Islamic scholar, who espoused ideas about living in a Muslim commune ruled by Sharia law.

    1.  In early 2011, MARQUEZ cpntinued to listen to additional lectures and materials by al-Aulaqi, such as the “Umar Ibn Al-Khattab: His Life and Times.”
    2.  Later in 2011, Farook ptovided MARQUEZ with more radical Islamic materials.  Around that time,  MARQUEZ spent most of his time at Farook’s residence, where he read, listened to lectures and watched videos involving radical Islamic content, inclusing Inspire Magazine, the official publication of AQAP, “Defense of Muslim Lands,” by Shaikh Abdullah Azzam, and videos produced by Al-Shabaab, Al-Qu’ida;s affiliate in Somalia.

Additionally, investigators have collaborated with sister task forces in the region and throughout the country, as well as with the intelligence community, foreign law enforcement partners, and various FBI Legal Attachés located overseas.

    A criminal complaint contains allegations that a defendant has committed a crime.
    Every defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in court.

The charge of providing material support to terrorists carries a maximum sentence of 15 years. The charge of making a false statement in connection with acquisition of firearms carries a statutory maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison. The visa fraud count carries a statutory maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

Riverside Man Charged with Conspiring to Provide Material Support to Terrorism, as well as Being `Straw Purchaser’ of Assault Rifles Later Used in San Bernardino Attack that Killed 14

My diaries about Anwar Al-Awlaki here @BooMan:

Al-Awlaki Family Members Killed [Update]
Abdulmutallab joined al Qaeda in London, al-Awlaki Killed
Hasan’s Spiritual Leader and Israeli Occupation
A Soldier of Allah … Nidal Hasan