Pastafarians are gaining recognition. New Zealand just recognized their right to officiate weddings. Australia, however, still refuses to grant them standing as a non-profit religious institution.

Pastafarians have had mixed success elsewhere trying to get official recognition. Last month, a Pastafarian from Massachusetts was allowed to wear a colander on her head in her driver’s license photo after citing her religious beliefs. But the group doesn’t have broader recognition in the U.S. as a religion.

There are now branches around the world, including the Kirche des Fliegenden Spaghettimonsters in Germany.

In New Zealand, the group’s “Top R’Amen” said she hopes to officiate her first wedding next month after her personal application to be a celebrant is approved. She asked her name not be used for fear it could jeopardize her employment.

She said she still needs to discuss with the wedding party whether they will wear colanders or pirate outfits, or perhaps both. But one thing’s for certain — the menu.

Pasta, of course.

I was unaware that Pastafarians now “believe” that global warming is caused by “pirates vanishing from the high seas” or that there is supposed to be a beer volcano in heaven. I suppose there is no liver disease or wife-beating in heaven, so why not a beer volcano?

I wonder of there is a Top R’Amen here in Chester County, Pennsylvania.