So…Booman has posted yet another attempt at making Trump look ridiculous.

Donald Trump and the Other Wall

And the responses are ludicrous.

“I still have to wonder what he’s actually doing. Does he really want to be president? He’d be like the dog who caught the car.”

“Perhaps he isn’t really thinking that far ahead. He’s a colossal narcissist, so he’s got to be enjoying all the attention. And not just attention, but slavish adoration from his followers. So he may just be reveling in it, and not really thinking about where it leads to.”

“As far as I can tell, it’s 99.4% an ego trip for Mr. Trump.”

“I agree that it’s all a big ego trip for Trump. Listen to his comments about actual governing: he knows nothing about the Constitution that he hasn’t gotten as Cliff Notes talking points. He claims to be a superior businessman, but he’s had to be bailed out of bankruptcy. He claims to have economic strategies for building industry in the US, but he has yet to spell them out. We know he’s an empty suit.”


Read on.
Yes, he is a potential monster if elected.

Yes, he is sincere in what he is saying and sincere in his desire for the presidency. He really believes that he has the answers to what is going on in this sinking country.

And a big, fat NO!!! to any and all opponents of his candidacy who:

A-Refuse to take him seriously.

B-Believe that ridicule will eventually wake up his supporters and save the U.S. from  a Trump presidency. As I said in another post, you cannot laugh a clown offstage.

C-Think that he is “stupid.”


D-Think that Hillary Clinton would easily beat him in a national election.

So…resolved: Trump is not a “good” candidate for president and his presidency would eventually be catastrophic for both the U.S. and the world.

Here’s the debate question:

What are you gonna do about it?

I mean really, folks.

You’ve been lapping up the mass media drivel about what a bad guy he is for months now and regurgitating it on sites like this one. And yet he continues to soar in the polls. How? Why? Because for every one of you there are two or three or a dozen others who think that the entire media system is full of shit and kneejerk in the opposite direction from your own hammered leftiness reflexes.

Wake the fuck up.

What’re you gonna do about it?



Back HRC?

C’mon…he’ll clean her clock in terms of what the people who agree with him think, and lots of them will come out of their houses and vote for the first time in a long time because they sense a kindred spirit. Meanwhile, HRC will most certainly lose large parts of the massive minority vote that got Obama elected. Hell, if Obama could run again he would lose large parts of that vote because he hasn’t come down hard enough on the various homicidal, racist cops that have dominated the news for the past couple of years. Plus…Trump will point out over and over again that he warned against Middle Eastern destabilization well before all hell broke loose over there while HRC sat on her rump and voted for it and then later as Secretary of State essentially presided over the moves that enabled the ISIS rebellion to gain such strength.

There is a serious rightward movement going on throughout Europe now, an anti-Muslim movement that is a direct result immigrations that are entirely due to policies put in place while HRC was in the Senate and later Secretary of State. She can’t disown that responsibility because she was so public about supporting it out front.

So…what to do, what to do?

Damned if I know.

The very first thing that we must do is…sigh again…WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!


And now the news.

Trump is still in the headlines. 40+% in the polls over his RatPub rivals and pulling away.

Bill Clinton is being equated with Bill Cosby. That’s gonna be a big help to HRC, eh?

Most of Northern Europe had a big wake-up call New Year’s Eve when large groups of Middle Eastern men went nuts in the middle of major cities and molested European women by the hundreds…non-Muslim women that in many of the more primitive fundamentalist Muslim cultures are considered to be no better than whores. Even peaceful Finland is seeing the rise of vigilante groups now, a development that…I have spent a good deal of time there over the years and have many Finnish friends…surprises me no end. Imagine if something along the same lines happened…involving any ethnic group…in say Cincinnati, Boston, Seattle and Boston. Please. There’d be blood in the streets before a week went by.

There’s a situation going on in Oregon that’s only one shot away from becoming Waco II. If it does, that will strengthen the Trump candidacy even more.

And y’all are still treating him as some kind of joke.

Wake the fuck up.

The joke’s gonna be on you, sooner rather than later.

Bet on it.
