You know the saying, “he never gave it a second thought”?
Yeah, the implication is usually that “he” ought to have taken a second to think about the consequences.
It’s actually a part of human intelligence, and if you always go with your first instinct you’re going to become a likely nominee for a Darwin Award.
That’s how I feel about the changes pro football has made to protect players against concussions. Like Donald Trump, I get annoyed when I see a penalty called on what I consider a good defensive play. I see a big hit and I get excited. And I know what was traditionally an illegal hit. I don’t get excited about those. I like good, hard, legal hits, and it bugs me when they tell me that there was a defenseless player. I mean, “Guess what? Don’t come over the middle if you don’t want to get hit.”
So, I get it. The NFL is soft compared to the way it used to be, and I miss the old days.
But then I have a second thought.
And my second thought is that football is turning these players’ heads to mush. Recent research on concussions shows that just playing sports like football and soccer puts you at risk of significant cognitive impairment later in life. I coach a pee wee soccer club and I have to do an online seminar on concussions twice a year just to be certified. I know that the hits that used to be legal are the kinds of hits that bounce the brain around inside the cranium. You don’t even need to get hit in the head, all you need is to stop or change directions too quickly and you can sustain a brain injury.
So, I get annoyed by a penalty flag for a moment and then I have that second thought that this is necessary to protect the health of these human beings who are performing for my enjoyment.
You don’t want a president who can never get to that second thought.
TRUMP: What I just said about a game — so I’m watching a game yesterday. What used to be considered a great tackle, a violent head-on [tackle], a violent — if that was done by Dick Butkus, they’d say he’s the greatest player. If that were done by Lawrence Taylor — it was done by Lawrence Taylor and Dick Butkus and Ray Nitschke, right? Ray Nitschke — you used to see these tackles and it was incredible to watch, right?
Now they tackle. ‘Oh, head-on-head collision, 15 yards.’ The whole game is all screwed up. You say, ‘Wow, what a tackle.’ Bing. Flag. Football has become soft. Football has become soft. Now, I’ll be criticized for that. They’ll say, ‘Oh, isn’t that terrible.’ But football has become soft like our country has become soft. [Applause]
In other words, he’s just not as smart as he thinks he is.
The dude who tanked the USFL has thoughts about football. Meh pass.
Oh, hell, that’s funny. Because it’s true!
This episode does reflect Trump’s love of the old NFL- few people were more effective than Trump in re-establishing the NFL’s monopoly status.
This stuff is accumulating. This particular comment is not going to resonate well with a lot of people. Granted, most of these people already think Trump is a walking embarrassment. But you know the guy you grew up with who never really grew up and keeps saying things that make you cringe (even if you actually would say them if you could get away with it)? At some point in time you stop associating with him.
Yeah. THAT guy. Would you vote for him?
Didn’t think so.
You write:
And it is going to resonate well with a lot of people as well.
Tell me. Are the people of whom you speak…the ones who find Trump abhorrent…likely voters?
Yes. Of course they are. They are intelligent, feeling, responsible people, people like you. People like “us.” Good-hearted progressives. People who regularly vote their conscience. They have been “voting their conscience” for years. (Not that said vote has had much effect on the unconscionable domestic and international crimes of the government that they think is a product of their vote. But…hey, you can’t have everything, right?)
Now look at the ones who will approve of Trump’s comment. Do you think that the percentage of that group that has been likely to vote in past elections is as high as the voting percentage of that other group? No. Of course not. They are stupid, unfeeling, irresponsible people. “Why go vote? It’s all bullshit anyway, right?” is their motto, many of them.
Until now.
Now they finally have a candidate who speaks for them.
These people are going to the polls. Those thousands of people at Trump rallies? I generally don’t have much trust in polls, but I would love to see a poll that tells us how many of the Trump ralliers have ever voted, how often and for whom? How many have even been to a political rally? My gut tells me about 35-40% of them have never gone to the trouble of getting off of their couch to vote or take part in an election in any way whatsoever. Maybe for Reagan if they’re old enough. But they’re coming out now. In droves!!! And they’re gonna vote in November, too.
I have been writing here a great deal about the danger of complacently underestimating the Trump constituency. Nixon’s “silent majority?” It is still a majority and it is scared shitless that this is the last national election that it will remain one. Its back is to the wall and it is fucking dangerous!!! I continue writing about this every time I see some simple-minded, don’t-get-out-much progressive imply that “the people” will reject Trump because of what he is saying and how he is saying it. He’s been saying the same things in the same way now for months and every week he gets stronger. Ain’t gonna happen. Stop dreaming and wake the fuck up. Get ready for a real fight in November. Get ready now!!! Trump is no mirage. He’s serious as death. Bet on it.
“These people are going to the polls.“
Hey, Arthur. No one has gone to the polls yet. What are you talking about?
And, if white supremacists and violence lovers are such a dominant part of the Presidential electorate, why didn’t they win in 2008 and 2012? They were facing a black man who campaigned on reducing violence. Not motivational enough, eh?
Even if the GOP base voter decides in the primaries that they want their long-held eliminationist policy beliefs executed by a President who issues uncut rhetoric, you wish for us to join you in ignoring the effect this would have on non-white Americans in the general election. You think they won’t go to the polls?
You are verrrrry excited by the Trump hype.
You wqrite:
Are you really that stupid, or is this whole thing just a partisan act? You can’t figure out my syntax well enough to know that this statement referred to the future? To November? I give up. You are a perfect picture of why the left has utterly failed in this country. Go back to Dkos, where your leftiness plodding will fit in better.
He’s right; you’re guessing.
No matter how much typographical emphasis you give it (beyond your usual didactic style), the statement “These people go to the polls” not only is a complete speculation but directly contradicts the characterization that you yourself are providing in the same post.
Sure, if all the people at the rallies voted, the number would be significant, but there’s just no reason to expect that and many reasons not to (as you acknowledge). I actually think the Iowa numbers are going to be very surprising.
I think that all of the early primaries are going to hold surprises. For everyone. I haven’t seen the country so divided sine the Humphrey/Nixon debacle. It won’t be riots in the street this time though; it’ll be riots in the vote results.
P.S. You write:
Why do you believe that there is “no reason to expect that?” I’m serious, here. Do you know any people who resemble the white Trump rally-goers? Do you? Really know them, like the sit down at dinner or have a beer with them “know?” I do…I have white working class familial roots in New England and spend quite a bit of time in the eastern PA area surrounded by people like that. Most of them haven’t voted for years because they did not relate to any of the candidates offered to them…especially Romney, but they weren’t really very hot about the Bushes either. Too establishment for their Don’t Tread On Me/Live Free Or Die tastes. But Trump gets to them. Big time.
I not only think that the rally-goers are going to vote in the primaries but I further think that if Trump runs a presidential campaign…in or out of the Republican Party despite any promises to the contrary…for every rally-goer there are quite literally thousands of people who haven’t gone to rallies but will damned well vote for him in November. Every time the mainstream media…and that goes for Nikki Haley and Obama yesterday as well, both of whom plainly appear to be in collusion to diss Trumpism without mentioning Trump’s name…dumps on him these people are further motivated to like his act. There is a gnawing dissatisfaction with all forms of mainstream government and its pet opinion makers in this country, and it is going to affect the coming election in ways that will shock so-called “civilized” Americans like yourself.
Read what you just wrote. And you wonder why we note how completely persuaded you are by the Trump hype. For someone who decries the influence of media, you sure are persuaded by someone who is a pure media creation.
And you remain unwilling to grapple with what a Trump general election campaign would do for general election turnout from non-whites. Since you, me, and multimillions of other white Americans would turn out to vote against Trump, the certainty that Trump would motivate non-whites to also turn out to vote against him and for the Democratic candidate is a rather big obstacle for your prediction here.
White supremacists are openly campaigning for Trump, and Trump has no problem with that. You think that wouldn’t be a problem for his general election prospects. I think you’re dead wrong.
I started a reply. It grew. Now a standalone post.
The Teflon Donald. Why Trump Is Truly A Danger To Win The Presidency.
Read it there.
I read his comment on ESPN, and the response on ESPN’s Facebook comment section.
Most people were absolutely in disagreement with Trump.
On ESPN’s Facebook comment section.
Trump is polling really, really well with the Republica right-wing authoritarian base.
Not the average American.
The lizard brains that I know basically all agree with Trump on this. They say that not only is it going soft and ruining the game, that the players knowingly play realizing the risk, not unlike prize fighters, in pursuit of the money.
To them, the money is the key. Its all about personal enrichment and the choice the player made to go after it.
The people I am talking about all have money and like to be pampered
You hang out with the wrong people, apparently.
dude, just because I know and work with lizard brains doesn’t means I hang out with them.
My apologies.
What any POTUS or potential POTUS thinks about this is irrelevant.
Soon parents will start voting on concussion possibilities with their feet. Without HS football, there is no NFL.
One generation I would guess……..20 years. Then the NFL will be a shadow of itself.
I don’t know, are we at peak football?
afaik if there is money and a path out of poverty, parents will still send their kids to Pop Warner.
Heck, over in Newtown, the parents of some have their drivers take the kiddies to/from practice. You should see the cars in the parking lot at CR North. These parents have the money, but take pride in having the hero athlete in the family.
The fact that Trump came out with this after such a gruesome, awful game, with two completely despicable incidents of headhunting that could have literally killed the players involved, the first of which went uncalled just as Trump wants and outraged the players themselves so severely that they completely lost control of their tempers…
I know he’s just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole but MAN what an asshole.
Why can’t I get the picture out of my mind of Donald Trump leaning over the first row at the Roman Colossuem in 80 A.D., fervently cheering on the gladiators and giving a rousing thumbs down in anticipation of the adrenaline rush he’s going to get when the evisceration of one his lessors takes place right in front of him.
Typical T-Rump;
Wank off at the mouth while others have to pay the true price.
That’s what underlings are for.