Liberty University was founded by Jerry Falwell in 1971, in Lynchburg, Virginia. And Jerry Falwell was a segregationist who badmouthed Martin Luther King, Jr, James Farmer, and Desmond Tutu, and encouraged his followers to invest in the Apartheid regime in South Africa.
So, really, Liberty University is a wholly inappropriate place to go to celebrate Martin Luther King Day.
But that’s exactly what Donald Trump did.
I doubt his schedulers were oblivious to the symbolism here.
I could go off on a long riff on this, but the decision making speaks for itself.
See you and raise you:
I was raised Souther Baptist. Hard Corps. I believed the covers on the Bible were made of REAL leather. I was a lay minister from the time I was 15 to 19. I did baptisms and preached during revivals.
“Two” Corinthians. Hoo, boy!!! That’s gonna HURT. Trust me, Fundi Xtians DO NOT like it when someone panders to them the wrong way. And “Two” Corinthians is the WRONG way.
He was walking on thin ice with the Fundies, anyway. The beginning of the end.
There is no difference between “two corrinthians” and
“second cor”. Sorry, no diff.
And going on and on about how it means he doesn’t know shit shows that you are missing the boat.
Say what you like about Trump, but he has a specific demographic, and all the bullshit dumbass criticism of “two” vs “second” is only going to make those folks like him more.
Dataguy, you do not know what you are talking about.
I don’t know about your data, but you apparently don’t know diddly about Fundamentalist Christianity and the thinking involved.
With Der Farm on this one. Trump fumbled the Shibboleth.
Former SB,too. So I also understand a bit of how they might view this. For someone like Trump, whose fundamentalist Christian bonafides are, let’s say “sketchy”, at best; he really runs the risk of exposing the fact that he is completely bullshitting them when it comes to how seriously he takes religious faith. For a lot of right wing Christians, that insincerity can almost be viewed by them as mocking of their beliefs. It is hard for someone like Trump to fake his way for very long in the fundies world. He really has no clue how their world operates. He is liable to step on a land mine if he keeps trying to talk the talk.
Of course, he might skate by if they think he is on board with their most important issues. But he’s walking a tightrope.
Doesn’t really matter. True believers were never with Trump anyways. His base is the true republican base — assholes.
○ Liberty president calls for an armed Christian campus
They are defending him
I laughed at these comments in the Freeper thread:
“Trump is never going to out-religion Teddy and his nutty Dominionist dad. Don’t even try.”
“Imagine if Jokebama had referred to any 1st or 2nd books of the bible in this manner. Ugh.”
But yes, you are right in characterizing the vast majority of commenters as defending Trump. It’s like all their God-bothering is an extremely hypocritical political tool or something.
You’re right, the majority are defending him. But that’s just it: they are DEFENDING him. They shouldn’t have to. If he wasn’t a hypocrite, surrounded by hypocritical sycophants he would’ve been told the way to say it.
It’s like going to Tuscaloosa, AL and shouting out “ROLL ‘BAMA!!!”. A thundering silence will be the result.
Oh, I agree, it is quite clear that this is the deal Trump-supporting evangelicals have made, not just with Trump but with themselves. They have prioritized their Dominionism and their racism, and religion is taking a back seat for them. It’s a fascinating experiment.
Well why not when the real MLK, Jr. has been so co-opted and whitewashed into someone barely recognizable from his own words?
1967 again:
Looks as if many AA Democratic politicians are ignorant of the preaching and teachings of MLK, Jr. as they line up in support of a Wall St. backed warhawk candidate. While complaining that Sanders doesn’t speak to AA because he focuses on income and wealth inequality and not racism.
Barack Obama 2011 on Martin Luther King, Jr. in an otherwise okay speech, this jarring (and probably authentic) note:
Billmon’s response:
Radio episode covers this ground thoroughly. Approximate gist: current culturally/politically acceptable (and deserved!) reverence for MLK essentially ends with his “I have a dream” speech in ’63, consigning the last 4 1/2 years of his life and utterances (including those you quote) to the memory hole.
Looked for podcast, but apparently Alt. Radio only offers the most recent episode free (you can purchase others). But here’s the blurb from the site (my emphasis added):
Yet more proof that The Donald is so incredibly honest you wouldn’t believe it when he says “I have a great relationship with the blacks.”
The GOP candidate will need a substantial percentage of the non-white vote to win in November. Trump’s white power campaign will be unable to gain enough support from them to win in 2016. The worrying from our side fails to account for that.
And of course that doesn’t mean the Democratic candidate will be able to be complacent. I do not see the Democratic Party POTUS candidates respondng in a complacent manner to the concerns of non-white voters. For an immediate example, the lead question in last night’s Dem debate was from a Black Lives Matter supporter, and the candidates treated the question with the seriousness it deserved.
I guess all the venues in Philadelphia, Mississippi were booked.
DWS had them on hold
Liberty is in Lynchburg, VA, not Roanoke. Lynchburg is much more conservative/old time Confederate, while Roanoke is more progressive (at times). Falwell had a megachurch in Lynchburg for years and continually practiced “Christian” values by threatening the town council to take his church and/or his University out of Lynchburg unless he got massive tax breaks. I still think Liberty was founded out of jealously because of Pat Robertson’s Regents University in Va.
Sanders spoke in Roanoke yesterday
As usual, the worst part of all the MLK mangling is this business about, “Did you know he was a Republican?”
Just like with Lincoln. Which Republican politician went to Howard University in the last couple of years to address the students, and delivered the bombshell that Lincoln was a Republican? In this smarmy, condescending tone, as if addressing small children — like, “I’ll bet you didn’t know that! Makes you think, eh?”
I mean come on, do they think we’re all that stupid?
Actually, they know “we” are all that stupid.
But students at Howard U. know that Lincoln was a republican; they’re fucking university students. It’s so condescending. (“Did you know that? I’ll bet you didn’t know that!”)
And it’s insulting anyway, given the lack of logic and historical understanding in the argument.
Rand Paul did that, in his Peak offensive ass mode.
Sorry but he has no “peak” offensive ass mode …..
Just different targets for different days.
Well, he does set a fairly high bar on a standard basis in this area. But for Rand to go to Howard University and tell the students that it’s not well known that Frederick Douglass was a Republican, did they know that? was about as offensive a statement as I have seen from him. The response from the students was hilarious- an exasperated “YES”, Mister Whitexplain.
You haven’t followed Baby Paul’s foot in mouth moments long enough.
Sure, Republican in the sense that Abraham Lincoln of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment was, that Dwight Eisenhower of sending federal troops to Little Rock was, that Everett Dirksen of “stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come” was.
Emphasis on “was.”
And don’t forget Wendell Willkie who was in talks with FDR at the time of his death in 1944 about forming a liberal party beyond the reach of the Southern Democrats and the Wall Street Republicans.
Well, at least he didn’t go to Philadelphia, Mississippi and talk about states’ rights. No presidential candidate would do that. Oh, wait . . .
could trump have realistically picked any other kind of venue for the holiday?
that’s a rhetorical question, and here’s why:
“I went to a Donald Trump rally and saw a man wearing a plastic bag as a shirt.”
Good lord. That’s… The whole thing was…
I can’t even…
I’m glad he escaped unscathed.
That’s really amazing. Everyone needs to read that.
share it far and wide …
After reading that, the fall of the Weimar republic is more understandable, in this context.
Great description of the improv man’s speech-style:
Trumpsucklers may be useful.
Considering how the Trumpsucklers become so engaged when the spot someone they don’t think belongs at a Trump rally, could team Trump be seeding the audiences?
A bit late for the thread and for the day that honors MLK, Jr, but if you’ve never seen this July 1963 Press Conference, you owe it to yourself to give it a watch.
Why wouldn’t he be a jerk on MLK Day?? After all if he looks, acts, talks and walks like a jerk… he just might be a jerk, bit I could be wrong….just sayin…I’m not sure….but it seems that way.
the symbolism…
of like….
Reagan beginning his Presidential Campaign in
yeah…THAT kind of symbolism…