I have been crippled by a nasty virus. This is possibly the worst illness I’ve ever had. I remember getting something similar when I was four or five years old, but it didn’t come with all this joint pain.
To cheer myself up, I read a Christine Flowers column and hoo-boy is she a hot mess. I dare you to read the whole thing to the very end.
Also, congratulations to Steven D’s Broncos for keeping the Cheaters out of another Super Bowl. Unfortunately, I don’t think Peytie-Pie is going to be able to beat the Carolina Panthers.
Okay, I’ve used all my energy now. It’s back to sleep.
Just finished reading an article linked here the other day (I forget by whom), The Authoritarians: http://members.shaw.ca/jeanaltemeyer/drbob/TheAuthoritarians.pdf
Interesting trying to place Flowers’s loyalty to Palin in that framework.
nicholas iirc
If it weren’t for your virus, I’d tell you to pound sand, re: the Patriots.
But get well anyways.
You have my symphony for your illness;
rest, get well.
For the delusions she willingly wallows in, she does not.
BTW I like the last line;
Not one I would hire for her self expressed cognitive dissonance
Carefully monitor your illness for any signs/symptoms of getting worse and totally unfamiliar. If that happens seek medical attention ASAP. If it’s merely a nasty virus, get well soon.
Yes. I hardly ever give medical advice but here goes: I once had what I though was a nasty virus and I tried to wait it out. After 9 or 10 days of feverish, achy waiting, I finally went to the doc and he figured out I had pneumonitis and that doesn’t get any better without the medicine he prescribed. After I started taking the meds, I got better PDQ.
Plenty of liquids and don’t worry about us whatever you do. Get better soon!
Palin has integrity? Who knew? Assuming that she knowingly carried a child with Down’s Syndrome to term, that’s not unique to “pro-life” women. Nor do “pro-life” women refuse to abort under such a situation. The personal factors in a woman’s life inform her decision. The resources, financial and personal time, required to raise a child with Down’s Syndrome are substantially more and for years more than an expected normal and healthy child. It’s pretty cool that feminists/liberals defer to the woman on this decision knowing that more public resources (money) will be needed for such a child. Conservative women, OTOH, resent and would do away with free school lunches and SNAP for poor and hungry children.
Liberals, men and women, were aghast that such an ignorant and unqualified woman would ever be considered acceptable for one heartbeat away from the Presidency. Understood that she only didn’t sound like an idiot when she wasn’t scripted. And were appalled that she blamed a non-existent PTSD condition on her son’s arrest for domestic violence. Like it or not Ms. Flowers, Palin’s endorsement of Trump was completely in character for her.
“It’s more that I expected an integrity from this woman that she clearly possesses, but apparently sets aside when it suits her purposes – political, financial or otherwise.”
The money quote. Like this is “news” to Flowers? What rock did she stick her head under all of these years?
Her specious sweeping comment that ALL “liberal” women abort Downs Syndrome kids is also scurrilous in the extreme. Yes, some women (of whatever political philosophy) might choose to do so, but it has more to do with their personal and financial circumstances, than their politics. Please. These people.
Palin’s son may, indeed, suffer from PTSD. I don’t know, and I don’t care to speculate. That said, if he does, it BEGS the question: why does Palin leave him alone in her snowbilly mansion with loads of loaded guns lying around?? If her child is ill, what has Palin DONE to assist him in getting the help he needs?
Her son beat up his girlfriend and apparently threatened suicide. Yet Palin – no doubt with a handsome “reward” from Trump – gleefully runs around “Stumping for Trump,” and somehow manages to make it Obama’s fault that her kid is messed up. So… what? Is Obama supposed to fly to Alaska and take him to the VA center near Wasilla (there is one), and ensure that Track/Tramp/Tripwire gets his meds and an appointment with a counselor??
I would say: unreal. Except it’s not. That someone like this stooge can actually pretend to profess ignorance about who Palin actually IS – and has been since the get-go “magnificent” lipstick on a pig “speech” – is totally ridiculous.
Hot mess, indeed. But of some minor interest to witness a professed former (blind) fan losing interest in Saint Caribou Barbie. Welcome to the club.
Flowers hasn’t shed her blindness wrt to Palin. She’s merely pissed that Palin would endorse a man Flowers’ loathes and can’t understand why Palin would do such a thing.
Get well soon, (boo)man.
Get lots of rest and get better soon!
Get better soon Booman. I agree with you that as magnificent as Denver’s defense has been Carolina is winning the Super Bowl.
Feel better soon Booman. I have something similar and missed the games yesterday. Maybe that’s why I only made it 27 words into the Flowers column, then again maybe not.
Take care of yourself. Stuff is definitely going around. Took me two weeks to shake bad chest/nasal congestion, & swollen throat. Still have drainage & coughing. I’m almost never sick, so I’m not a good patient.
Same with me in Illinois, see below.
Feel better soon!
Woke up this morning to 3 of my fb friends separately linking to the Washington Monthly article Cruz (out of) Control with comments like ‘spot on’
Peter Sinclair’s videos are indispensable. Visually stimulating, entertaining, and they’re short and concise.
Wow! Thanks for the link. If we are to believe both Mr. Tucker and Dr. Guy McPherson there appears to be only one solution. And even our friend AG won’t go there yet…
Take care and get well, BooMan
Had one two weeks ago. Sick as a dog. Wife took me to the doctor, who said I had symptoms of both flu (had the vaccination on Oct 30) and a cold. Eye sockets ached. Temples ached. Shoulders and neck ached. Nose running like a faucet. Tired listless, couldn’t eat.
She said she was starting to see a lot of this.
Doctor prescribed Tamiflu and Amoxicillin. Felt better the next day. Aches & pains gone on the day after that and appetite was back. Nose took over a week to stop. Continued taking the pills until they were gone as ordered.
Go see your primary care physician. If you’re facing a deductible put up a donation box. I’m sure we’ll take of it. I promise to kick in.
<end personal> <start political>
See what crap these deductibles and co-pays cause? When one is sick one should see a doc or at least a screening nurse. No one in the USA should hold back because they can’t pay the co-pay/deductible.
Hope and prayers that your journey back to good health is in the 24 hour range.
Thanks for your island of sanity here on the internets.
Get, be, and stay well.
Get better, and keep on taking care of yourself, Martin.
i’ll make sure sarah gets my tiny violin when i’m done with it.
meanwhile, get well soon, booman!
You’re right, I barely got past the first paragraph.
Get well soon.
Drink plenty of fluids.