This time in Lombard IL, much further South than Barrington IL, location of the last anecdote. Lombard is near what used to be called “Silicon Prairie” and has a correspondingly much higher Asian population percentage. (I haven’t bothered to look it up. I have eyes and can also read restaurant signs. None of the signs in Barrington say “Indian Cuisine” or “Vietnamese Cuisine”) Nonetheless Lombard is another upscale white collar community. I had taken my sister shopping and I was talking about the Bernie Sanders YouTube video that was linked to in a post here. My sister is an old time ’70s Liberal Feminist. I was talking about main stream politicians in the soup aisle and how worthless they are when another old lady turned and said, “And that’s why I’m voting for Trump!” I felt a surge of anger but kept a poker face. My sister turned and said,”That’s why I’m a Sanders supporter!” The stranger quickly replied, “Oh! Trump and Sanders are both OK, the others aren’t worth voting for!” She proceeded to tell her life story. She’s 74, the same as my sister. She has a B.A. from a local small Liberal Arts College, one that used to be a private woman’s college. She used to be an upper middle manager for a very big company. She was laid off at age 58 when the whole division she worked for was moved to India. That would have been 1999/2000 by her story. Dot Com Bust, layoffs were plentiful. I only lasted until 2001. My sister made it to 2002. This woman never got another job. Being a middle manager she had a good 401K and a lot of savings, but those are almost all gone now. She’s lived her whole life in Lombard but the taxes (DuPage County) are draining her. She tried to get a job at Burger King but when the boss hesitated a younger Latino worker (an illegal she called him, but how would she know?) called out, “You can’t hire her, Boss! She’s too old! She’ll never keep up!” Once she ran a division of a large company, now she’s humiliated applying for a job frying potatoes. We commiserated. My sister explained she and I were former IT professionals and the same thing happened to us. My sister got a part time job stuffing envelopes, but that petered out after five years. Too old to be quick enough. I silently thanked fate for my postal job. Without those eleven years of earnings and the pension, I would be in the same boat as my sister and the other lady. We talked some more and discovered we all hated the New York banks. My sister would like to see the bankers in jail. The woman wanted to see their bodies in the street. I thought of Mussolini and his girl friend and silently agreed with the woman.
It’s easy to dismiss this woman as a privileged white Suburbanite with a lot of racial prejudice and say that she has her just desserts. “When tomorrow is today, the bell may toll for some, but nothing can stop the shape of things to come.” However, I take it as one more indication of the angry mood of the electorate. I understand the anger. All three of us were told as kids that if we just studied hard and worked hard, we would have good lives, not be facing eviction and dog food in our old age. Meanwhile the TBTF banks are four times bigger than they were before the meltdown. They are the true beneficiaries of TARP and QE. That thought of Jamie Dimon and Hank Paulson hanging by their heels from a street light does bring a smile to my lips.
I also am interested in “Trump or Sanders, the others are all worthless.” Yes, faceless apparatchiks like Bush, Kasich, Rubio, Clinton. It’s like the last days of the Soviet Union with the faceless gray men. And I never would have thought that a woman with that background would even consider Sanders without spitting. Our parents were blue collar children of immigrants who worshiped the ground FDR walked on, but I’m sure her parents were Republicans who cursed him.
Anecdotes are just that, but I wonder what will happen as I watch the stock market nosing over for another dive. FDR II with a Newer Deal? Or Fascist Amerika? (sic)
Yes Voice!!!
If for some reason this is not quite yet the time for “the faceless gray men”…and women too…to fall, rest assured that their time is coming. Whether that time results in a Newer Deal, a Fascist Amerika or some other occurrence that we cannot imagine based on our own experience, it’s flying home on the backs of the soon-to-roost chickens. (F[r]ascist Amerika in Trump’s case…the “r” is supposed to be silent but it’s there in every statement. Fe(r)osciously so.)
We have lived through a gigantic bubble that was first put into expansion by the JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X murders. Who can say with any certainty whether those murders were planned by the same people, complete “accidents” or some combination of the two? No matter who or what caused them, the wiseguys in their Wall Street suits and their covert operatives both in visible politics and spook action took over. But…like every bubble, its burst is inevitable. It’s only a matter of when and how.
The egg’s gonna fall eventually.
Bet on it.
This surprised me more than you would think. For my sister and I to slide back into the blue collar class we were born into is one thing. We have the resentment of the broken promise of upward mobility plus enough taste of it to know what we are missing. But this woman was born in the middle class and is now near poverty. Rejected for a minimum wage job at Burger King. How much more resentful is she?
Loss is relative but when the 10% are falling, you have to wonder when they will join the lower 90% against the 1% and 0.1%. Americans don’t have the Old World peasant traditions of accepting a life of grinding poverty as the natural order of things. Americans like to believe that everyone is Middle Class, like Lake Woebegone. And those peasants weren’t eve so accepting. I read a book of Sicilian history. Legal serfdom still existed until about 1890. After abolition, fully 50% of the population left Sicily, mostly for the USA and Argentina. Now their grandchildren are wondering how it all went horribly wrong. Why do we have to live like this so that some can buy $76,000 Rolex watches and live in $100,000,000 mansions.
Lake Woebegone be gone, Voice. Just another tourist trap now. And nobody can even afford to visit, let alone live there.
You need to get out more, AG. Living in Lake Wobegon is really cheap. We have a small house in the Wisconsin version. The house is probably 1000 sq ft. We own it free and clear. Not big, but all ours. We pay, out of state, $1000 in property taxes per year. Nothing in that town is expensive. Lake Wobegon and the upper midwest is a cheap place to live.
Booman Tribune ~ Comments ~ Two old ladies in a supermarket – another anecdote
Apparently resentful enough to consider Trump her first choice.
You and your sister meeting this woman makes an excellent illustration of how people in hardship split fascist or socialist depending on background. If you are supposed to be in the top and are falling, then blaming the browns/gays/upitty women/whatever seems to be a typical response, because those are supposed to be beneath you. On the other hand, if you know that you were never going to make it to the top of society but you should have had a fair shake and are falling, then blaming those at the top comes natural, because those have the power.
But both responses also have common features and there is overlap, because both responses acknowledges the falling part. If Trump meets Sanders in the general election that overlap is likely to be a battleground.
Excellent analysis!
Yes, Trump v sanders is my dream match. Bush v Clinton is my nightmare.
There’s a good bit of your Baby Boomer story right there. Layoffs in late fifties. “Willing to work” doesn’t matter if you are “too old” or “overqualified” or “lack the specific qualifications”. Hey do you know how to jockey a deep fat fryer? Have you ever done it? How about digging a good ditch?
Yes, I understand how the Sanders-Trump split is happening. It’s not a matter of policy or much content but where are you putting your anger. I do understand that.
Jockeying the deep fat fryer is a punishing job. My Mom did that at McDonald’s in Virginia. She quit when the idiot manager decided to save money by shutting off the air conditioning. In June! Fryer + no AC = Too Much Heat.
The clueless manager wondered if he should add chicken to the menu because all the customers were going to KFC about a hundred yards away at the other end of the shopping center. Hint, KFC had AIR CONDITIONING!