With the looming retirement of Freedom Caucus wingnut Cynthia Lummis, the reliably Republican at-large Wyoming congressional seat is wide open, and there will be about eight candidates vying for it–among them, Liz Cheney, the daughter of the worst vice-president in the history of our country. Ms. Cheney attempted to oust Republican Sen. Mike Enzi in a 2014 primary, but, as I predicted, she fell on her face in spectacular and humiliating fashion and dropped out in 2013.
Part of the problem for Liz back then was that the people of Wyoming are conservative but they’re not allergic to compromise. It was also a problem that she’s not really from Wyoming despite her father having served in the seat she now seeks.
Ordinarily, I’d give her zero chance of winning this seat, but in a seven or eight person plurality-wins election, simply having the most name recognition might be enough.
The nation needs a new Cheney in Congress like it needs a hole in the head. So, break out the garlic, the wooden stakes, and whatever else can ward off or defend against the undead.
This will be a real test of the proposition that GOP voters have had enough with GOP elites and their legacy candidates.
yes, but a very distorted test where she can win 15% of the vote and become a congresswoman.
Nah. Equating Wyoming to the rest of the US or even the rest of the Mountain West (ID,MT,UT,CO,NM) is a fool’s errand.
This might not even be a good test if WYOMING Republicans have had enough with GOP elites. She was such an ass to Enzi that there might be quite a bit of residual pissedoffedness left over.
They could hold that against her. OTOH, if given a choice between a homegrown loon and one helicoptering in from the Beltway, the former might seem more authentic to them.
“…choice between a homegrown loon and one helicoptering in from the Beltway…” well, ummmmmm, yes and no. It would depend on who the homegrown loon is related to.
Wyoming is a small population state. Everybody in the state knows everybody else. Almost literally. Its like the largest small town you’ve ever seen. And they knew your daddy and your granddaddy.
Taking me as an example, I would have no overriding concerns about getting elected in Polk Co, Mo to pretty much anything that wasn’t the sheriff’s office. Its because of my mother and grandfather and the Phillips name (believe it or not, I’m part of a “dynasty”). On the other hand, in Cedar Co. Mo (bordering county), I couldn’t be elected to outhouse attendant. Because of the Phillips name (Cedar Co. is Baker country).
All politics is local. Some are more local than others.
you mean, she’ll try to get elected to a Wyoming seat to represent the right wing agenda. Representing Wyoming has never been part of her plan.
I’m tempted to say “May she be as successful as Jeb!”, but cannot put anything past these two corrupt political families.
I really don’t think the people of Wyoming are so stupid as Liz does.
On other hand, some “movements,” like DLC efforts to remake Democratic Party, skip first 2 steps, BEGIN as rackets.
But if she does as well as Jeb? is doing in his primary, that 2-5% isn’t going to come close to her getting the nomination. OTOH, Dick may be sending invitations to everyone he knows in the state to join him on hunting trips.
a not well veiled threat…eh.
Not very subtle was it?
Such a disgusting excuse for a human being. The scat did not land far from the lump of shit.
GAH. And to think of all the truly great artists who’ve died fairly young recently – David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Paul Kantner, Glen Fry all spring readily to mind – and horrid pig-heart zombie Cheney still lives… unfair.
Cheney’s hell-spawn Liz will hopefully not get elected. Another entitled spawn with absolutely nothing to offer anyone except her own grifter self.
Some people are just too mean to die young.
Dave Freudenthal, your nation calls. Get those 135,000 voters who re-elected you and end the Cheney dynasty.
Or are Democrats making too much money now to consider pubic service?
It’s January 31, 2016. Not seeing any breathless reporting of what’s due by midnight.
Here’s a report of one filing- Dr. Ben
A respectable quarter with $22.6 million in donations. But:
Fundraising tanked faster and further down than his poll ratings.
Nothing “eye-popping” about spending $27 million in the 4th quarter. That or more is necessary for viable candidates. Except haven’t heard any reports of Carson building a “boots on the ground” campaign operation in the early states. So, have to ask what did he spend all that money on? If past quarters are any guide, it was mostly plowed into fundraising.
Politico Fourth Quarter FEC Tracker (at the bottom on the page). Was going to comment on the numbers, but this tracker may be incorrect. Looks okay for Sanders and Carson, but Clinton’s numbers look like what I recall from the 3rd quarter and are way short of the top line number that her campaign spokesperson released a couple of weeks ago. So, will have to wait for more confirmation.
Rubio – $14.2 million raised, $10.9 million COH.
A few more:
Jeb? super PAC — took in another $10 million. Expenditures to date $54 million and COH $59 million. (ROI on Jeb? not looking good)
Christie raised $3 million and $1 million COH. Definitely not even close to being ready for Super Tuesday.
Cruz $20.5 million raised and $18.7 million COH.
Santorum – $250,000 raised, $43,000 cash, $167,000 debt. (He leaves the race on Tuesday.)
Okay — here’s the Politico FEC Tracker
Trump spent $6.9 million and has $7 COH. Difficult to assess the money aspect of his campaign without reviewing the details in his report. As stated, he’s self-funded $10.8 million and owes $12.6 million (most of which is presumably due to Trump).
Fiorina raised $2.9 million and $4.5 COH. (Guess she’s sticking around for another debate or two)
A side observation, the campaigns that file their FEC reports with a few hours to spare seem to be consistent. Bush, Clinton, MOM, and Kasich haven’t been as prompt as most of the others. This does say something about a campaign’s financial organization.
The secret to getting elected in Wyoming is getting the talk radio guys on your side.
Wyoming is an enormous state with very little population. No other state compares exactly. There are less than 600k people there (and it’s been shrinking since 2010) and no population center. There are less than 60k in the state capitol, which is in the far southeast corner, about 45 minutes away from the northern tip of the Colorado front range strip of cities. Cheyenne is basically a town supporting: a big military base (which exists due to Wyoming having two Senators); a once major, now minor, railway junction; and providing overnight services to people driving cross country on I-80. That’s it. The next biggest city is several hours to the north through nearly vacant country, Casper. Laramie, an hour west on the freeway from Cheyenne, at 30k exists mostly for the University. After that it’s isolated towns, mostly very small. The population center, as it were, and the closest you’ll find to anything resembling culture, are the two cities in the far southeast.
Unlike most states in the west, there is no one single dominant city that provides most of the communication to the rest of the state via newspaper and TV. Even Montana – the closest to Wyoming – at least has it’s biggest towns/cities both relatively central and not horribly far from each other.
Get the local talk radio hosts talking a candidate up and he (or – less likely, she) will probably win the nomination. Wyoming residents have mixed feelings about the Cheneys. Good solid wingnuts, NRA strong, liberals hate them, etc – so all good stuff. But they are also tainted by having lived away from Wyoming so long. Wyomingites will automatically vote for a Cheney against a Democrat, but they’d prefer a local to a Cheney.