I appeared on Brad Friedman’s BradCast today with Heather Digby Parton. We discussed the Saturday night Republican debate and the state of the race, generally. It was pretty fun to finally get to talk to Digby who, as you probably already know, is super smart and very incisive. And Brad’s a great radio host who is very easy to work with. Hopefully, you’re already familiar with his tireless work to make sure we have accurate and fair elections.
You can download the show here. It runs about an hour and it will be broadcast on a number of radio stations, including KPFK 90.7FM (Pacifica Radio, L.A.) • KTNF 950AM (Mnpls-St. Paul, MN) • WLRI 93FM (Lancester, PA) • KAKU 88.5FM (Maui) • KYAQ 91.7FM (Newport, OR), and • KSOW 106.7FM (Cottage Grove, OR). It’s also streamable on Progressive Voices • Radio Sputnik • Indie Media Weekly • Netroots Radio • Radio Or Not • FYI Nation • Radio Free Brooklyn • Stitcher • TuneIn, and • iTunes.
If you like progressive radio or just want to find out what I sound like, make sure to check it out.
Holy shit, man. Not to get too sycophantic, but you and Digby are two of the greats.
Well, she is, anyway.
Give yourself a little credit. I read your blog before hers every day. 🙂
With regard to this being an irreparable flaw:
Marcobot Has Apparently Exceeded Its Rated Mean Time to Failure
He’s incorrigible.
Good response on the torture question. It does require leaders to remind the people of our history and that torture is illegal.
Didn’t realize that Brad is broadcasting from KPFK. A bizarre and wonderful place. When I lived in LA I always volunteered for a pledge drive phone answering shift. It was the least and most I could do to help out. More would have seriously jeopardized my sanity.
I guess there’s more to this story than you’re sharing 😉
Not really. It’s a wonderful organic operation that is totally unmanageable. At that time and by the standards of the various factions, I would have been viewed as a conservative if I’d been more involved. Mostly because compromise for the greater good of an operation isn’t foreign to me.
Booman, I was very impressed. I especially liked your final answer, where you elaborated in the last few minutes about normalizing the discussion around war crimes and how the Republicans have failed an important civics/ethics test in so doing.
I understand, I guess, what Brad was saying (about how they “succeeded”) but I don’t agree or approve of it; it seems like a much more cynical “watch the world burn” sentiment than is warranted in these dangerous times.
Unfortunately, we ran out of time on that subject. An hour goes by surprisingly fast.
It certainly did, listening to it!
Anyway congratulations on your debut in this venue and I hope it happens again. I thought it was a great discussion.
(Of course I worship at the altar of Digby and have for years, like all reasonable people, so I was especially delighted to hear both of you in the same conversation.)
Brad Friedman…SO snarky so far!!! Almost impossible to pay attention. What a dick!!! He sounds like he has his entire head up his ass. A failed audition for Air America. His producer, too. Worthless pwog glitzheads.
By comparison, you sound like an actual, thinking human being. Congratulations. How do you sound like you’re keeping a straight face?
Put me on. It’d be a massacre!!! (Never happen.)
You’re such an asshole, Arthur.
You must be a joy at Thanksgiving.
He is,
but it’s just him and a mirror ….
Why? Because I call out faux, useless, snark-filled glitz shit like this? So be it. It has been the shallow, obviously show bizzed-out Air America/MSNBC/HuffPost foolishness coupled with largely airheaded bloggers at places like dKos that have so cheapened the left that a faker like Obama can successfully run as a some sort of progressive. A parallel has happened in the culture. The arts and education have both been taken over by administrators who know nothing but how to run a bureaucracy at profit.
I will continue to witness.
P.S. Every day is Thanksgiving for me. Thanks that I am alive and fighting.
You obviously are unfamiliar with Brad’s body of work. Maybe you don’t like him as a radio host, which is your right, but your characterization of him is braindead and reveals your near-total ignorance.
I love that the overwhelming trend of everyone here complaining about your comments, constantly, using exactly the same terms, finally culminates in BooMan himself saying “you’re an asshole” (in so many words) and you still don’t get it; you’re still arguing.
I’m not saying you’re not smart, or perceptive, or ideologically sound, or welcome here (you’re all of those things, and you make great points occasionally). But, my God, man…
Complaints outnumber compliments in all human discourse, JO. People who like things generally just go about their business, while people who do not can easily make a living at it.
You write:
As is usually the case with clomp-clomp-clomping kneejerkers of every persuasion, you appear to think that “everyone” means “the people with whom I agree.”
‘Tain’t so, McGee. Not by a long shot.
I have no idea what most people who read this blog think about me because I have no idea about how many reads and readers it gets on a daily basis. I know there are some people here who absolutely loathe what I write, and many of them also loathe the way that I write. This doesn’t bother me in the least. I am in disagreement with most of what is presented here. That makes me a good target. So it goes. The people…all somewhat outside of the apparent mainstream of this blog…who do rate me well and recommend many of my posts get what I am saying, and also the way that I try to say it.
‘Nuf for me…
The lady doth protest too much.
Neither “lady” nor “gentleman,” JO.
Just another bar fighter.
Bet on it.
Arthur you may have a good point or two, but your arrogance loses most before your points get across.
Sorta like Bernie with Ted Cruz’s personality.
The time’s long past where gradualism and nicey-niceness will make any practical difference whatsoever. I call a spade a spade. Look at the NH primary results for all you really need to know on that account. Agree or disagree with either winner, they were the only two out of the whole bunch who put their beliefs in front of the mass of voters with no punches pulled, no interference from supposed political pros…political hustlers, really, out for the almighty buck.
I lay my beliefs out, plain and simple. You either pick up on them or you don’t. So it goes. Deal wid it.
P.S. Bernie is gonna get clobbered by Trump if he doesn’t amp up his own personality.
Big difference between Bernie and T-rump.
Bernie’s been frighting for the same message for years. His authenticity comes from that.
T-rump has learned how to fake it on the TV machine.
Once the cloistered right wing bubble machine loses the ability to control the debate frame and stage, T-rump will ring for the hollow carnival snake oil salesman he really is.
His shtick won’t work outside the media controlled right wing bubble any better than R-money’s did. His bumper-sticker canned responses will not get the non right wing base voter to vote for him.
Sorry if this is news to you, but out here in fly over country he don’t sell as well as the media types want.
Bernie resonates more here then you might believe. People are hurting, they want real answers not sound bite comedy routines.
I hope that you are right, but I think that you are wrong. There is no “fly over country” anymore, clif. Not very much of it, anyway. The entire country has been infiltrated/infected by the media’s celebrity machine, and Trump is the unexpected Frankenstein monster that has been created by that machine. He’ll go over big amongst the media-tranced, relatively low IQ segment of population from coast to coast and from north to south as well.
Sorry. I wish it weren’t so. But it is.
As my old grandma used to say, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”
There is no “fly over country” anymore, clif.
Yes there actually is, because the people I still talk to on a daily basis see teh Donald as a buffoon just like they saw him when he ran his TV show.
The TV machine actually fooles(h/t George Carlin) less people here then buy-bull crowd does. And here the buy-bull crowd doesn’t go to church on TV they still do it in person. What the local preacher guy says means more then all the over paid punditry.
Funny thing is because of my unorthodox stand quite a few ask my opinion, and some even want to discuss why I believe what I do. More so recently then 4-8 years ago, and most see teh donald as a buffoon.
But then again NONE of us ever stood a chance of being on Your a Loser so your fired or what ever the brainless bloviating bozo called his scripted show. To the people here it was a choice between the rich people pretending on his show or Survivor ….. and most seemed to watch Survivor, I wasted my time on neither.
I figured there was some tiny 0.002% you’d get the reference and understand what I was saying, but of course not.
Of course I “understood” it. It was just so lame a reference given the discourse that I made it into a joke. Reductio ad absurdem. One of my faves.
Worthless pwog glitzheads.
There’s no glitz at local Pacifica stations. Very little money to pay the necessary staff. Nothing for the large proportion of volunteer programmers and hosts. Many of whom have done outstanding work for nothing other than sharing their passion with the public.
A teeny tiny example of how such a voice can help people. It was during the Gulf War when GHWB had a 90% approval rating and a regularly scheduled KPFK fund drive. The station was running some interview or older recording in opposition to that or war in general. There’s almost always a shortage of volunteers to take pledge phone calls; so, it was necessary to get on and off the calls as quickly as possible. One call that I took was from a man living in Orange or San Diego county. He’d never before listened to the station and suddenly he heard a voice that made him not feel so crazy for opposing the war. He was so grateful for it that he called in to donate. Even more grateful to connect with a live, interactive voice, me. He was so distressed over the war that he was in tears for the first few minutes after he called. I stayed with him for ten or so minutes to assure him that he wasn’t alone and was quite sane. Have no doubt that he didn’t doubt himself when GWB’s Iraq War rolled around.
I hope you don’t consider this intrusive or possibly ignorant, but do you get paid for such a gig?
It’s great to see you getting the exposure, Boo. I’m sure both you and Digby did well.