Some more “theories” for you … John Kerry contradicts the outcome of the NATO meeting in Brussels between Ashton Carter and the Islamic Military Alliance for Combating Terrorism headed by Saudi Arabia for boots on the ground to combat ISIL. Kerry quite clearly stated Syria ahould remain whole and will not be divided for a Salafist pipe dream of a caliphate from Iraq’s Anbar province to the souhern border of Turkey. The Kurds will play their role and will not be wiped off the map by Turkey’s Erdogan. Indeed, Kerry is in close agreement with his Russian counterpart.
Like I said .. spot on! Thanks to Voice in the Wilderness [and others] for support throughout the months, years.
One of Hillary’s mindset flaws besides poor judgement on foreign policy, is that she absolutely lacks vision. Was already clear in the onset by supporting Barry Goldwater in ’64. She can’t even run a succesfull campaign on her own merits, not in ’08 and she will find it diffivult in ’16. I wasn’t aware of mr. Sanders’ Jewish background until just a few days ago when I learned he stayed in a kibbutz in ’63. The ideals of Israel’s kibbutz and socialism is no secret, furthermore the American Jewish community joined the Civil Rights movement of the ’50s and ’60s. Jews, Catholics and the AfroAmericans were targeted by racism and bias in the deep South (KKK). After the liberalization by pope John XXIII, the American catholic hierarchy turned towards conservatism and the far-right politically. Only today, Rome with pope Francis returns to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. As the Labor party declined in Israel, the Zionist hardliners from the Soviet Union and it’s satellite states gained the majority. Israel has become a Jewish state led by a government void of human values and the founding principles of any democracy. The bs of Netanyahu and his cohorts with support of Jewish oligarchs doesn’t fool me. Russia’s FM Lavrov alluded to the lack of will by the international community to provide the rights of Palestinians for their independent state.
On US politics and the presidential campaign:
Obama in ’08: “Yes we can!”
Hillary in ’16: “No, we can’t.”
Bernie in ’16: “We’re not there yet (under Obama’s 8 years), but we can!”
I surely hope the Bernie Sanders campaign will have an impact on the American political establishment. Hillary’s “status-quo” of the establishment won’t change unless there is a political revolution. The inequality of wealth across the globe is revolting (aided by globalization, suppressing labor rights and poisoning the environmrnt). US capitalism and foreign policy basically support dictators and oligarchs here at home and across this planet.
The MSM is a major factor in the “status-quo” and the belligerancy of advocating war above a political settlement. The 21th century is quite similar to how the world was misled 100 years ago. Perhaps social media and Internet blogs can make a difference. It already did as such with Obama in ’08, let’s see how this develops during the ’16 campaign.
Propaganda in US Congress and coming from government spokespersons is just horrific. Washington DC has no credibility left after two wars and the Middle East upheaval through wars by proxies.
Perhaps the clue lies on one premise for Democrats for ’16: which of the two candidates has less blood on his/her hands. Foreign leaders in Africa come before the ICC or similar International Court or Tribunal. Western nations, the US included, can escape with the most wretched of war crimes, HR abuse and torture with impunity. Indeed US leads by exceptionalism.
Although everyone here is incredulous, I believe Trump would beat Hillary. The people want change. Trump promises it, Hillary promises goo administration of the sane old policies. I don’t think she would even deliver that, but that’s her platform. Trump’s big handicap, is not his policies, nor his personality but his lack of political experience, but when the mob is angry, people get hung. A mob doesn’t think. A mob is like a wounded predator.
Trump could beat Hillary Clinton, even if he drove up the voting % of Latinos/Asians to 90/10 against. It would require him picking up Romney states + states that have no more than 15% racial minorities that 2012 Obama didn’t win by more than 8% — or states that did have a large component but Obama only won in a squeaker, like Florida. And there are enough states to barely put Trump over the top.
Clinton depressing turnout with Gen-Y would be the surest way to make this nightmare scenario be a reality.
Yes, listen to the Voice: Trump will defeat Clinton. You heard it here on this LIBERAL blog, among other places and other voices. Not even now can anyone fully absorb the disastrous consequences the Clinton family’s nauseating selfabsorbtion and proud vanity has had and will have on the world.
Yes, Voice…although not everyone here is incredulous. In fact, the word “credulous” might be better applied to what is going on in leftiness circles now.
Credulity is a state of willingness to believe in one or many people or things in the absence of reasonable proof or knowledge. Credulity is not simply a belief in something that may be false. The subject of the belief may even be correct, but a credulous person will believe it without good evidence.
Anyone who believes the lies of the neoliberal left wing of the Permanent Government here…or those of its neoconservative right wing…fits that definition to a “T.”
Bet on it.
On two consecutive days Booman has posted approving links to two articles…one from the NY Times about Alan Grayson and one from the Washingtoon Post about the whole Malheur boondoggle…that are pure PermaGov propaganda. Grayson is no saint, but he has consistently opposed PermaGov policies, and trying to non-person the people at Malheur as stupid conspiracy nuts is a classic PermaGov media tactic. They have their valid points as well. That movement is far from over.
The specter of a modern secretary of state who served under an ostensibly liberal democratic president invoking her admiration for, and stating that she got input and advice from
is nauseating… but (sigh) not really very surprising. She’s not come all that far from campaigning for Goldwater after all.
The fact that an aging Socialist Jew was on the stage and had the Chutzpa to eviscerate both her and kissinger, AND to connect that war criminal’s insane geopolitical actions directly to the modern political and economic shitpile we now so enjoy swimming it…
The fact that Hillary’s praise for Kissinger drew much audience clapping and cheering for her suggests that I should fear the neoliberalcon half of the DEM party as much as the rightwingers.
This thing aout HRC’s expressed admiration for Kissinger…you must understand, she’s a savvy PermaGov pro. It is a message aimed directly at the controllers..just in case there are any lingering doubts about her loyalty after they allowed sponsored the savaging of her husband in he Lewinsky honeytrap…that’s she is 100% with the program.
No hard feelings. It’s just business, right? Just business.
Just business. But…it’s business as usual. She has calculated and parsed to the Nth degree, but she has misjudged the rapidly lessening gullibility of the American public. Getting shat on repeatedly will do that to people. She calculates…her handlers calculate, actually…that the ongoing support of the PermaGov press will suffice to maintain a majority for her despite the bad feelings the American people are increasingly expressing on any and all levels regarding the current PermaGov setup.
On the more personal, tangible side of the relationship/friendship between the Clintons and the Kissingers from Mother Jones. They spent/spend winter vacations together at Oscar de la Rente’s seaside mansion in the Dominican Republic. Bloomberg would say that it’s their private lives and none of this is any of our business, and I’d have to say he’s not totally incorrect…but more realistically the Dr.’s influence on the aspiring president is not a force to dismiss lightly.
Any understanding whatsoever of the way that media really works on the minds and emotions of its subjects?
Lay it on me.
On us!!!
HRC-Removed. Above the fray. Know-it-all.
Bernie.-Sincere. Just another pissed-off American, ready and anxious for a change before it’s too late. Human.
Bernie wins.
Kissinger? KISSINGER??
If Hillary Clinton becomes President, she’ll destroy the party by the end of her first administration with an ill-advised war. Count on it.
Some more “theories” for you … John Kerry contradicts the outcome of the NATO meeting in Brussels between Ashton Carter and the Islamic Military Alliance for Combating Terrorism headed by Saudi Arabia for boots on the ground to combat ISIL. Kerry quite clearly stated Syria ahould remain whole and will not be divided for a Salafist pipe dream of a caliphate from Iraq’s Anbar province to the souhern border of Turkey. The Kurds will play their role and will not be wiped off the map by Turkey’s Erdogan. Indeed, Kerry is in close agreement with his Russian counterpart.
Like I said .. spot on! Thanks to Voice in the Wilderness [and others] for support throughout the months, years.
One of Hillary’s mindset flaws besides poor judgement on foreign policy, is that she absolutely lacks vision. Was already clear in the onset by supporting Barry Goldwater in ’64. She can’t even run a succesfull campaign on her own merits, not in ’08 and she will find it diffivult in ’16. I wasn’t aware of mr. Sanders’ Jewish background until just a few days ago when I learned he stayed in a kibbutz in ’63. The ideals of Israel’s kibbutz and socialism is no secret, furthermore the American Jewish community joined the Civil Rights movement of the ’50s and ’60s. Jews, Catholics and the AfroAmericans were targeted by racism and bias in the deep South (KKK). After the liberalization by pope John XXIII, the American catholic hierarchy turned towards conservatism and the far-right politically. Only today, Rome with pope Francis returns to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. As the Labor party declined in Israel, the Zionist hardliners from the Soviet Union and it’s satellite states gained the majority. Israel has become a Jewish state led by a government void of human values and the founding principles of any democracy. The bs of Netanyahu and his cohorts with support of Jewish oligarchs doesn’t fool me. Russia’s FM Lavrov alluded to the lack of will by the international community to provide the rights of Palestinians for their independent state.
On US politics and the presidential campaign:
Obama in ’08: “Yes we can!”
Hillary in ’16: “No, we can’t.”
Bernie in ’16: “We’re not there yet (under Obama’s 8 years), but we can!”
I surely hope the Bernie Sanders campaign will have an impact on the American political establishment. Hillary’s “status-quo” of the establishment won’t change unless there is a political revolution. The inequality of wealth across the globe is revolting (aided by globalization, suppressing labor rights and poisoning the environmrnt). US capitalism and foreign policy basically support dictators and oligarchs here at home and across this planet.
The MSM is a major factor in the “status-quo” and the belligerancy of advocating war above a political settlement. The 21th century is quite similar to how the world was misled 100 years ago. Perhaps social media and Internet blogs can make a difference. It already did as such with Obama in ’08, let’s see how this develops during the ’16 campaign.
Propaganda in US Congress and coming from government spokespersons is just horrific. Washington DC has no credibility left after two wars and the Middle East upheaval through wars by proxies.
Perhaps the clue lies on one premise for Democrats for ’16: which of the two candidates has less blood on his/her hands. Foreign leaders in Africa come before the ICC or similar International Court or Tribunal. Western nations, the US included, can escape with the most wretched of war crimes, HR abuse and torture with impunity. Indeed US leads by exceptionalism.
Although everyone here is incredulous, I believe Trump would beat Hillary. The people want change. Trump promises it, Hillary promises goo administration of the sane old policies. I don’t think she would even deliver that, but that’s her platform. Trump’s big handicap, is not his policies, nor his personality but his lack of political experience, but when the mob is angry, people get hung. A mob doesn’t think. A mob is like a wounded predator.
Trump could beat Hillary Clinton, even if he drove up the voting % of Latinos/Asians to 90/10 against. It would require him picking up Romney states + states that have no more than 15% racial minorities that 2012 Obama didn’t win by more than 8% — or states that did have a large component but Obama only won in a squeaker, like Florida. And there are enough states to barely put Trump over the top.
Clinton depressing turnout with Gen-Y would be the surest way to make this nightmare scenario be a reality.
Correction: good administration of the sa
nme old policiesYes, listen to the Voice: Trump will defeat Clinton. You heard it here on this LIBERAL blog, among other places and other voices. Not even now can anyone fully absorb the disastrous consequences the Clinton family’s nauseating selfabsorbtion and proud vanity has had and will have on the world.
Yes, Voice…although not everyone here is incredulous. In fact, the word “credulous” might be better applied to what is going on in leftiness circles now.
Anyone who believes the lies of the neoliberal left wing of the Permanent Government here…or those of its neoconservative right wing…fits that definition to a “T.”
Bet on it.
On two consecutive days Booman has posted approving links to two articles…one from the NY Times about Alan Grayson and one from the Washingtoon Post about the whole Malheur boondoggle…that are pure PermaGov propaganda. Grayson is no saint, but he has consistently opposed PermaGov policies, and trying to non-person the people at Malheur as stupid conspiracy nuts is a classic PermaGov media tactic. They have their valid points as well. That movement is far from over.
The specter of a modern secretary of state who served under an ostensibly liberal democratic president invoking her admiration for, and stating that she got input and advice from
is nauseating… but (sigh) not really very surprising. She’s not come all that far from campaigning for Goldwater after all.
The fact that an aging Socialist Jew was on the stage and had the Chutzpa to eviscerate both her and kissinger, AND to connect that war criminal’s insane geopolitical actions directly to the modern political and economic shitpile we now so enjoy swimming it…
The fact that Hillary’s praise for Kissinger drew much audience clapping and cheering for her suggests that I should fear the neoliberalcon half of the DEM party as much as the rightwingers.
I fear them more, for they hide their malice much more effectively.
Fear them more because they are more intelligent.
Me too.
Now we see why she’s downplaying expectations in NV; I bet her internals say the same thing, or at least show the same trend:
This thing aout HRC’s expressed admiration for Kissinger…you must understand, she’s a savvy PermaGov pro. It is a message aimed directly at the controllers..just in case there are any lingering doubts about her loyalty after they
allowedsponsored the savaging of her husband in he Lewinsky honeytrap…that’s she is 100% with the program.Just business. But…it’s business as usual. She has calculated and parsed to the Nth degree, but she has misjudged the rapidly lessening gullibility of the American public. Getting shat on repeatedly will do that to people. She calculates…her handlers calculate, actually…that the ongoing support of the PermaGov press will suffice to maintain a majority for her despite the bad feelings the American people are increasingly expressing on any and all levels regarding the current PermaGov setup.
I wonder.
I wonder if they’re mistaken.
On the more personal, tangible side of the relationship/friendship between the Clintons and the Kissingers from Mother Jones. They spent/spend winter vacations together at Oscar de la Rente’s seaside mansion in the Dominican Republic. Bloomberg would say that it’s their private lives and none of this is any of our business, and I’d have to say he’s not totally incorrect…but more realistically the Dr.’s influence on the aspiring president is not a force to dismiss lightly.