Intuitively, I think most people suspect that rich people have more influence over our government than anyone else. But, maybe they don’t really understand quite how rich you have to be to have special influence or how, most of the time, that influence manifests itself.
At Ten Miles Square, Sean McElwee takes a deep look at studies on these issues and concludes that the reality is different from what most people think. His starting point is the “bombshell paper” that political scientists Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page published last year. McElwee looks at how that paper has been mischaracterized (according to the authors) and also at the growing body of critiques of their research.
One interesting finding is that the interests of the rich and the middle class overlap most of the time. Another is that the super-rich get their way a lot more often than the ordinary rich.
But maybe the most counterintuitive finding is that the distortion of our political process is less a matter of money in elections than it is money for corporate lobbyists.
In other words, politicians chasing after donations aren’t the biggest problem here.
In addition, we may need to put greater emphasis on the influence of highly mobilized constituencies, like business groups, and how they distort the policy process. These groups tend to be the most out of line with the general public, and also to have the most clout when it comes to changing policy.
You should read the whole thing because the kinds of reforms that have promise to make the government more responsive to the wishes of the people may be different and more varied than the ones you’re hearing about on the campaign trail.
Poster Child: ALEC
Or whatever new iteration is being created after ALEC got exposed.
My Magic 8 Ball sez: NO!
“One interesting finding is that the interests of the rich and the middle class overlap most of the time. Another is that the super-rich get their way a lot more often than the ordinary rich.”
It’s called: money. Who has it is who calls the shots, aka, Money Talks, Bullsh*t walks.
Americans have been dutifully propagandized to self-identify as Middle Class, as well as to kiss up, while kicking down.
That said, interesting article. Thanks.
They have been so propagandized that they do not believe life can and ought to be better.
They just define ‘better’ differently.
Material prosperity may not matter as much as tribal solidarity, religious orthodoxy, or racial superiority…
Homo oeconomicus only lives in textbooks, and real people don’t spend their days performing the hedonic calculus.
Them that’s not shall lose.
So the Bible says,
and it still is news.
Mama may have
and Papa may have
God bless the child that’s got his own . . .
that’s got his own.’
Wonder how much of their aggregates numbers are padding,too? As in having no economic impacts at all.
” . . . the interests of the rich and the middle class overlap most of the time . . . ”
If by “rich” you exclude the really, really super rich, then yeah, OK. But then, who cares, because they’re not the issue.
What about the interests of the super-rich and the rapidly growing FORMER middle class ?
There are no greater champions of the middle class than Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Robert Reich. And they certainly see a big distinction between the super-duper rich and the rest of us. Isn’t that super-rich what’s meant by the 1%? Or maybe it should be the .01% It doesn’t really matter, however small the percentage, they are the real problem.
And if there are people in the middle class who DO think their interests overlap with the super super-rich — and there definitely are some — well, just because they think so doesn’t make it true. They are the folks making up the greatest portion of the Tea Party.
Yeah, the paper – and the re-buttals – define rich as in the top 10%. Though the article actually covers this.
To Influence Policy, You Have to Be More than Rich | Ten Miles Square | The Washington Monthly
Don’t you have that backwards? “Everyday Americans” are supposed to STFU because their “leaders” know best. Even if they are ignorant and unwise.
The guy actually invoked THATCHER?
One cogent point about the handling of Scalia’s death was that the normal coroner and the backup were also out of the area, and they had to make do with a death certificate BY PHONE with a Texas judge.
“Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body — which is permissible under Texas law — and without ordering an autopsy.
“Meanwhile, Guevara acknowledged that she pronounced Scalia dead by phone, without seeing his body. Instead, she spoke to law enforcement officials at the scene — who assured her “there were no signs of foul play” — and Scalia’s physician in Washington, who said that the 79-year-old justice suffered from a host of chronic conditions.”