At last “some” specifics on what the leading Republican candidate proposes to create jobs in America, and it’s big. Trust me. What is it? Infrastructure spending (so to speak): a fifty-five foot wall along the border with Mexico. And Mexico will pay for it, or else!
Donald Trump defended his proposal for a new wall on the southern border of the United States, blasting the former Mexican president for rebutting the idea that Mexico would pay for the wall. […]
When asked whether he would be willing to start a trade war with Mexico over building the war, Trump said he would.
“I don’t mind trade wars when we’re losing $58 billion a year, you want to know the truth,” he said. “We’re losing so much.”
Okay, maybe there are some funding issues, but still, think of the jobs! And only real Americans need apply.
On Nat’l Propaganda Radio last night, someone asked former Mexican President Vicente Fox about whether Mexico would pay to build this proposed wall. Fox was pretty annoyed – as who could blame him? – and he basically said something like: Trump’s the one with all the money, let HIM pay for it, if that’s what he wants.
A good response.
Of course, duly noted that Trump is the one squawking about Mexican criminals streaming in hoardes across the border to commit crimes, etc, but no one at last night’s ???pie fight mentioned the recent crime wave of mass murders in February: Orlando, FL (2 dead, 9 wounded), Rochester NY (1 dead, 8 injured), Kalamazoo, MI (6 dead, 2 injured) and Hesston, KS yesterday (3 dead, 14 injured). To my knowledge, none of the shooters were either Mexicans and/or Muslims.
Yet, US citizens have been interviewed and state that they are “afraid” of Muslims and “mad” at Mexicans.
Can the disconnect be any more obvious? And Trump’s wall will do WHAT, exactly?
Fifty-five feet? Is he expecting Kaiju?
I’m thinking of the jobs. And what I’m thinking is, they would last about two months, if that.
Please note that Mexico has a trade deficit with the US, not a surplus, let alone a $58 million surplus, this is TOTALLY IMAGINARY. It has been that way for many years.
Even if Trump’s numbers were correct, his understanding is still bogus. We’re not losing our deficit with trading partners, we’re spending it. In return for the deficit we get stuff that is retailed and taxed and consumed. In addition our trading partner gets local jobs that curtail the need for people to come here (legally and not) in search of work.
Trump is engaging in drunk-guy-and-the-end-of-the-bar raving.
That too! (I mentioned it in the critical commentary to the speech).