Idiot Klansmen tried to have a White Lives Matter rally in Anaheim, California. Dolts got kicked in the face.
They also managed to stab a couple of counter-protestors, reportedly with the end of a flag pole.
My favorite part was this:
Brian Levin, director of CSU San Bernardino’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, said he was standing next to the man in the Grand Dragon shirt when a crowd of protesters carrying weapons swarmed the Klansmen.
A brawl broke out and one of the Klansmen was knocked to the ground and kicked. Levin said he later saw the man’s arm bleeding.
Levin said he pushed the Klan leader away as the violence continued and a protester was stabbed.
Levin said he asked the man, “How do you feel that a Jewish guy just saved your life?”
“Thank you,” the man replied, according to Levin.
The Grand Dragon got a well-deserved beat down, got saved by the Jewish guy who directs an anti-hate center at CSU-Bernardino, and then had to thank him.
Call it a teaching moment.
This image from the linked story’s photo essay was most meaningful to me:
Morally impoverished, desperate, frightened man being shorn of his delusions.
The only way this story could get any better, is if the EMT’s and cops who responded were gays and other minorities!
Look at the knucklehead’s license plate: “KIGY.” It means “Klansman I Greet You.”
I find it so sad that our society has not progressed past the visceral hatred that exists everywhere. I mean, hate groups flourish, inflammatory political groups speak out frankly against anyone who disagrees with them, and people are carrying guns around so they can kill anyone and everyone they have issues with.
I’m no Pollyanna; I get that there have always been and will always be differences between people over religion, ethnicity and politics. But it seems like everyone’s angry, everyone’s got a chip on his shoulder, and it’s open season on people who just want to live their lives and try to get by.
Angry rhetoric and the constant supply of weapons make it easier for anyone who has a grudge or an agenda to act on it. It’s an ugly world.
In the big picture, they’re losing. Big time.
There’s danger and pain in the meantime, but their hold on the reins is loosening. Patience is a pleasure to exhibit; I enjoy the sound and sight of each and every death rattle.