In the debate last night.  If you missed it, Google it.

In ’08 HRC subjected us to smearing Obama through Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers,  and “birtherism.”  Then her campaign went full Southern Strategy and it wasn’t subtle.

“You know, there was just an article posted that found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans — white Americans — is weakening again, and how the whites in both states (Indiana and North Carolina), who had not completed college were supporting me,”
    “These are the people you have to win, if you’re a Democrat, in sufficient numbers to actually win the election. Everybody knows that.”
    ~ Hillary Clinton, 2008

And Democrats defended that racist, gutter politics from HRC.  Something they would have been up in arms about if McCain or Romney has said it.  That was then and this is now — HRC has been forgiven and DEMs that supported Obama in ’08 are now “With Her.”  (I don’t forgive nor forget that easily.  Certain things should just never be done by anyone that has any pretense of not being a Republican.)

HRC fans defend her Iraq War vote (various gyrations to get them there), support for the Honduran coup, Libyan disaster, and endless flip-flopping.  They don’t even know which version of Hillary they’re supporting.

Last night she went to places older Democrats never expected to see from a DEM presidential candidate.  In another attempt to smear Benie Sanders, she endosed Reagan’s policies in Central America.  It fits entirely with her Honduran and Libyan acts which for some mysterious reason  doesn’t bother self-styled progressive DEM pundits and bloggers.  Glenn

At Wednesday night’s Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton attacked Bernie Sanders for praising Fidel Castro in the 1980s, as well for standing with Central Americans governments and rebel groups targeted by Ronald Reagan’s brutal covert wars. “You know,” said the former Secretary of State, “if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear people, imprison people or even kill people for expressing their opinions, for expressing freedom of speech, that is not the kind of revolution of values that I ever want to see anywhere.”

It was practically an article of faith among progressive Democrats of that time to totally reject and opposed Reagan’s dirty wars in Central America.  It also formed the backbone of the outrage over the Iran-Contra scandal.  Perhaps for those too young to have personally experienced those days, it’s been sufficiently buried to exist in a zone of ancient and irrelevant.  Much as the McCarthy era was for those of my generation, but we excavated that tomb and it informed our politics.  Never, ever would we have excused, much less defended, a liberal politician that spoke highly of Joe McCarthy and his claque of rightwinger.  It was one of the reasons why we loathed Nixon and Reagan because they too were red-baiters.

Glenn again:

To defend her remarks, Clinton’s faithful Good Democratic supporters began instantly spouting rhetoric that sounded like a right-wing, red-baiting Cold War cartoon; in other words, these Clinton-defending Democrats sounded very much like this:

   Democrats trust a guy who praises Castro & honeymooned in USSR more than Clinton. Says a lot about Clinton & current Dem party #DemDebate
    — Reince Priebus (@Reince) March 10, 2016

…As my colleague Jeremy Scahill, observing the reaction of Clinton supporters during the debate, put it in a series of tweets: “The US sponsored deaths squads that massacred countless central and Latin Americans, murdered nuns and priests, assassinated an Archbishop. I bet commie Sanders was even against Reagan’s humanitarian mining of Nicaraguan waters & supported subsequent war crimes judgement vs. US. Have any of these Hillarybots heard of the Contra death squads? Or is it just that whatever Hillary says must be defended at all costs? The Hillarybots attacking Sanders over Nicaragua should be ashamed of themselves.”

Every HRC fan/supporter needs to own this NOW.  This is so fundamental to who HRC is that not owning it is not an option for her fans/supporters.  Stand With Her.  So that others may choose never to forget nor forgive what you support.


Two of my favorite works of art about that period are:
The Best Movie You Never Saw: Oliver Stone’s Salvador

Joan Didion’s Salvador

Stone and Didion at their finest.

UPDATE Oh dear. O/T – different victims but same time period – the 1980s.

[MSNBC] Hillary Clinton: The Reagans, particularly Nancy, helped start “a national conversation” about HIV and AIDS.

As Billmon has said:

Even for HRC, this is a) cynical beyond believe, b) a stick in the eye of HIV activists, c) total bullshit.

Don’t have to read books about how Reagan admin ignored a mass epidemic for years: Heard it from the people who were dying.

Beyond shameful. An absolute Orwellian “fuck you” to the victims of the AIDS epidemic. May she rot in fucking hell.

Michael Curry:

MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. This like saying George Wallace “started a conversation” about segregation

Mark Ames:

The world acc to Hillary: Sanders a Koch-supported border vigilante Communist gun-nut; Nancy Reagan was Mother Theresa to LGBT AIDS victims


This HIV researcher says, what a complete and utter crock of bullshit.

Ryan Grim:

From every angle — moral, factual, political — this is just an appalling statement from Hillary Clinton.

Seems to be pandering to the Reagan voters. With no fear that the LBGT community will be insulted enough to abandon her. Shit — they didn’t mind that she didn’t come on board with same sex marriage until SCOTUS ruled that it was okay — so, why would they mind this bit of historical revisionism?

UPDATE #2 As bad as the HRC quote in the Update is, it’s not half as bad as her complete comment. It’s almost as if she’s as much of an empty vessel get stuff poured into as Rubio. She sits there speaking total garbage with absolute confidence.

She should scare the shit out of liberals.