No politics, but just a slice of online life. Pass on if not interested.

Been reading and occasionally posting to a site called “The truth about guns”.  While it was interesting about firearms and some gear, it was also very vocal  in advocating all firearms all the time.  Carry during the day, carry at home in the evening, have a piece at the bedside.

What got me going is that the Rep legislature in WV, passed a bill (fed to them by the NRA) that removes the requirements for training and a lic to carry.  It is a copy of multiple other bills in other states.  I called it the “Arm the Felon” Act as anyone who wanted a lic could get it easily and only those who had a record would be denied.  Now, with no penalty for not having a lic, anyone can and will be carrying; no restrictions, no training, no understanding of the law.  Being DEEP into the gun area of WV, I can say  that NO ONE demanded the change in law. And many I speak to say its nuts.

Ok, fine.  Now, are those who mishandle, store or brandish a firearm going to prosecuted when they violate existing statutes governing such things?  Each state has such laws on the books for safe storage, brandishing and accidental/negligent discharge. This is the question I posed in the forum.   If they want the right to carry a gun, will they take the responsibilities and penalties that go with it?  And usually the answer is no.  So no more restrictive gun laws are needed, but we won’t enforce those on the books as when a woman is shot by her 4 yr old son from the back seat of her truck or a man reaches in his pocket for a shopping list in WalMart, accidentally pulls out a gun and it falls, going off or any number of children finding  loaded handguns laying around and shoot the wall, mom, brother, neighbor or themselves.

Sensing that I may be upsetting the delicate flowers of that forum, I wrote the Admin , stated my views and said if they thought it was disruptive to have other, non group think opinions; I would quietly desist.

Went to the site this morning and found I was “blocked” by Wordfence firewall.  Looking at the browser cookies;  found 2 from the site from the Australian host; I guess from when I posted.  Removed cookies and I could get back on; but I have gotten NO response from my note.  No, “You may be right and it might be best to cool it a while…” type of thing. Nothing.  So, I’ll refrain from visiting.  Cowards.

Anyway, found a better one.