So, I guess the next big thing should be betting how long it will take Donald Trump to fire Corey Lewandowski, and whether it will involve one or more felonies.
Of course, with Trump, it might require Lewandowski shooting someone of Fifth Avenue…
So, I guess the next big thing should be betting how long it will take Donald Trump to fire Corey Lewandowski, and whether it will involve one or more felonies.
Of course, with Trump, it might require Lewandowski shooting someone of Fifth Avenue…
FIRE HIM???? Hell no, man….this elevates him to V.P. material in Trumpistania.
Not VP material because he looks like a creep. However as the GOP and media are now in “hit Trump with anything” mode, I’d be hypocrite if I didn’t give Lewendowski the same consideration I gave Bill Clinton when the GOP and media were in a similar mode and paraded women out that made accusations against him.
One obvious difference is that Lewandowski assaulted a reporter, though. Clinton’s alleged indiscretions were private.
Alleged. Surrounded by cameras when the alleged incident occurred and nobody got it. Nothing but an audio and the alleged victim and witness sound awfully calm or dispassionate as they talk about it in the moment. I’m not saying that nothing happened; only that we don’t know what took place and if it was anything like what is being claimed.
Imagine for a minute that there had been no cameras recording the press scrum when Andrea Mitchell fell down. And Mitchell were in full “get Sanders” mode. Who knows what the story would have been. (Not likening either Trump or Lewendowski to Bernie. He’s a gentleman and the former are rude, boorish bullies.) As with the Arkansas Project claims, the source should not be dismissed. Running with anything absent solid evidence because it conforms to one’s political orientation is how we get mob injustice. No excuse for that regardless of who does it.
But Boo…Trump always hires THE BEST people. You don’t go firing THE BEST just because they do a little pushing!
I’ve been very concerned about Trump, but the last few days have moved me more into the camp of believing he’ll be an awful, awful general election candidate.
If the allegations about Lewandowski at AFP are true and I have no reason to believe they aren’t it is a cutting indictment of that entire organization. In addition to other malicious acts he verbally assaulted and physically intimidated one of his coworkers including calling her a cunt, all in front of senior AFP officials. He continued to work for that organization for at least a year after that event occurred.
It’s not just Trump, the entire modern conservative movement is a rotten sickness.
The insular nature of Drumph’s operation is to me one of the most potentially frightening aspects of a Drumph presidency. Corey Loser-dowski’s behavior on the Donald Drumph Medicine Show Tour, and the lack of accountability he has faced for his behavior, is a canary in the coal mine.
The media seems to have a pathological inability to hold Drumph to the same standards to which they hold the average GOP candidate, which is about three notches of accountability behind Clinton and ten behind Sanders.
You can see how Drumph is able to maintain ridiculous fictions (“That wasn’t my guy who grabbed her! It can’t be proven!”, “the protesters are wildly swinging their arms!”, “real unemployment is up to 42%.”)
The media is helpless as they serve up uninterrupted Drumph rallies to serve their corporate ratings masters. Meanwhile, a young reporter is out of a job and the assault upon her is a non story. Fact checking is a joke-what facts? We have press conferences where we can’t hear the question. But we see how Drumph responds to any policy question with anger, hostility, aggression, dismissal, and finally disregard. See how he treated some hapless guy named Jeremy during one of his victory press conferences. Only because Larry O’Donnel mentioned it did we learn that Drumph reacted so poorly because the poor small-fingered vulgarian got a question on trade. HOW DARE HE! No other candidate has ever gotten such a free pass during a campaign.
If elected, Drumph will NEVER enter a situation where he may be criticized. All questions will be pre-screened. “free-speech zones” will be 5 miles away from the event, behind barbed wire. Staged conflagrations will be used to justify more and more of a bubble, until the only dissent will be Dem backbenchers screaming out during the State of the Union, a la “You Lie!.” Drumph will scream from the podium “Get em outta here!”, and they will spend at least 3 nights in jail, while they are temporarily and ridiculously declared a “security risk” to justify this detention deterrent.
Democrats will scream and howl, the GOP will quietly go along in shame as they gobble up every pet favor Drumph throws at them in exchange for their fealty.
THIS IS HOW WE GO FURTHER ON DOWN THE ROAD OF DESTRUCTION – Thanks Viacom, Comcast, Disney, TimeWarner, and of course Fox. May all of your craven ladder climbing and trough drinking be rewarded with a million demon assfuckings in the hell of your greatest fears.
All of that may be true, but have you seen Hillary Clinton lately?
Not a dime’s worth of difference!
Hillary has been encouraging her supporters to beat up protesters and her campaign staff to sexually harass reporters? Link please?
No, wait. There is no such thing because this accusation is ridiculous.
The accusation is ridiculous, on purpose. Don’t let the absence of a /s fool you.
Hi troll.
You may need to take a deep breath and relax.
Sarcasm is hard to read on the internet. You may need to add that /s tag.
Meh. I don’t comment every single day, so I don’t expect everyone to know who I am.
But if you don’t recognize my name and see a post that seems ludicrous on it’s face…it probably is. Hence, my statement stands.
Take a deep breath, relax, breathe out, repeat.
Sounds just like George W Bush.
He’s not firing anyone.
That’s what’s going to be so astounding if he’s nominated (although I have trouble envisioning it; I think the GOP will set off smoke bombs at the convention or something rather than letting it happen): there will be no pivot to the general.
His AIPAC speech today says otherwise.
Please explain.
I mean that he gave an actual speech and stuck to the script and pivoted from his previous unscripted comments about being “fair and neutral”. I haven’t seen it so I can’t quite comment on the theatrics of it and if there was any pivot in style, just read about it as it was happening. It was indistinguishable from HRC, however, on the substance.
Now that’s not quite the “pivot” to the GE on the issues of substance, per se, but I do think it’s evidence of Trump’s ability to pivot and a sign that he will when it’s necessary.
I’ve not had any doubt that Trump the showman can and will pivot when necessary. Haven’t been able to determine if his seeming improvisations and unpreparedness are real or an act that’s designed to communicate authenticity to his nutter base. Scarier if it’s been a well calculated act.
Started to watch HRC’s AIPAC speech and then set it aside for later. The first few minutes were obviously coached and rehearsed. The mannerisms are fake — even if the words hew closely to her own thoughts and opinions.
What is this pc crap the media keeps serving up? They think Trump should fire Lewandowski — for what? I mean, back in the day, if a dame got out of line, ya’d belt her. And you know what? She’d probably like it. Dames want their men strong. These days, everything’s assault, assault, assault. What happened to the good old days when men settled things like men?
Besides, what the hell was she doing outside the home? This is a man’s world. If you can’t take it, honey, stay in the kitchen. Shouldn’t you be taking care of your children, anyway? What kind of mother puts work ahead of children. She ain’t no lady!
are we?
Well, if it works for Colbert . . .
I don’t expect he will. I’d guess he’d lose more than gain backing down.
Billmon Hillary at AIPAC – Zionism is moving far right — both in the US and Israel. She’s just hustling to keep up.
‘Joe Lieberman in pants suit…is taking the Israeli relationship to the next level. Is that anything like the next lower circle of hell? Her bullshit is all much too serious to quip simply that ‘you have to love it’? She probably even smiles and shows her teeth while sleeping. By the way, Elizabeth Warren’s cheap shot that Donald Trump is a ‘loser’ can only enhance his appeal to his followers. It’s on par with John Kerry’s loser’s demand that Edward Snowdon ‘man up’. Useless tough guy talk by both, resonating Cheney and Shrub.
Yeah, I did wonder if someone had grabbed her account. Bizarre and did not sound like her.
I was a little sad with some of Warren’s tweets. Some of what she said was good and made sense and is worth tweeting. But I thought she descended to Trump’s level with the tone she took and the name calling.
IMO, ineffective. Could have done better. Oh well.
OT: hat tip-BJ
Beyond Good and Evil
The Virtue of Being Ted Cruz
March 11, 2016
There is a mistaken idea popular among liberal pundits that we are presently witnessing a race to the bottom between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, and that the craving for authority driving Trump’s popularity among primary voters is the same primal force behind Cruz’s candidacy. On this account, Trump and Cruz are appealing to the same voter–Trump is besting Cruz because he is better at playing the fascist. Trump understands populism, while Cruz does not; Trump can evoke and articulate our ugliest xenophobic fears (The wall will be 30 feet high! Fifty feet high!), while Cruz ineffectively appeals to his track record of combating the Gang of Eight. (Who are they again?) Trump speaks in the vernacular of a third-grader, bad versus good, winners versus losers; Ted Cruz, despite his best efforts to impersonate a good ol’ boy, winds up showing off his Ivy League credentials and alienating his own base. Despite, or perhaps because of, his nerdiness, he just can’t figure out how to become the demagogue the Republican Party so ardently desires.
But Cruz and Trump are in fact appealing to different segments of the Republican Party, and they know it. Trump is the candidate of the disoriented, the confused, the needy; Cruz is the candidate of the dogmatist, the moralist, the convicted. Trump gets the voters who fear and adore; Cruz gets the voters who hate and resent. Trump is all show; Cruz means what he says. Trump wants to be everybody’s boss; Cruz wants to be everybody’s master. Ted Cruz is much, much more dangerous than Donald Trump.