Yesterday’s terror succes was a press conference where the first 10 minutes were spent congratulating one another … the French magistrates and the Wallonian French speaking Belgian team of investigators. I exclaimed: Stupid fools!
They even used the term: “We got him.”
Today’s reply …
○ Multiple Explosions Rip Through Brussels’ Commuters in Centrum and at Zaventum Airport | France24 |
Yes, wasn’t that one of the most asinine, retro remarks you’ve ever heard. These creeps have to channel Paul Bremer in Baghdad when Sadam Hussein was captured. Well, how did that all turn out…bomb attacks in the center of Brussels and at the airport. US big shots like Bremer, Cheney, even Shrub, with their tough guy talk, have greatly infected their counterparts in Europe. Very little light anywhere these days, and that’s not because of increased cloud due to climate change. The Europeans have turned out to be the disappointment that never stops disappointing.
How did that turn out in Iraq? How many bomb attacks have there been there? But we don’t pay much attention to those.
Yes, I know that Marie3. I was remarking on the ignorant macho behavior of European officials, taking their cue from the glorious Paul Bremer and Co.: real tough guys. They can’t see with their own eyes how stupid and childish gloating is. My disappoint is the clueless behavior or Europeans. The horrors of Iraq, Libya, Somalia and I don’t where else are not being ignored by me. And the presidential campaign is another disappointment that never stops disappointing. We know already that war on Iran is on Clinton’s agenda. She made a coded point of letting AIPAC know. Go girl, show them your grit and undying allegiance to Israel. What a hell on earth the US has created by its childish, macho involvement in the ME. Funny in that context what Elizabeth Warren said about the American values that Donald Trump lacks. Her first foray into the campaign has confirmed by worst suspicions about her: Clinton sister.
Many much more recent instances of western gloating over “got him” than Bremer. And as long as blowback attacks aren’t easily perceived as such, particularly if they happen outside Europe and the US, the person(s) doing the gloating not only get away with it but are accorded much respect.
Why wasn’t “we came, we saw, he died — ha, ha” linked to the US Benghazi station attack in the minds of Americans? Pretty simple, because that charge didn’t benefit the all war all the time GOP and there is no functioning left of center party in the US. So, HRC is deemed tough and qualified for POTUS. I will never forget nor forgive all the so-called feminists and Democrats for supporting someone with such poor judgment and an advocate for US military actions to the office of the Presidency. Stupid, stupid people.
Might not go as far as describing Warren as a “Clinton sister,” but her comment about Trump illustrates why I thought those advocating her for POTUS were nuts. She’s not only a newbie politician, but FP is completely outside her knowledge and experience domains.
And you would have had them do what? Doesn’t look as if it was such a good idea to announce that the Paris attack guy that they captured was cooperating, but we don’t know what would have happened had that statement been withheld. Could have been worse. We also don’t know if the guy they captured had any involvement in or association with those that set off these bombs. From the damage reported this latest bombs were far more powerful than the ones set off in Paris. Too soon to tell if that was because the bomb makers were more skilled or they managed to get more explosives.
There really aren’t so many good options when individuals either alone or in groups plot to kill and maim people randomly.
Exactly. Meant to include in my comment that we don’t know who perpetrated this attack — and can only guess that it’s probably similar to what we saw in the Paris attacks, IOW resident citizens. In all these years since 2002 can’t recall once not agreeing with Duncan.
Your link didn’t work — perhaps this one will.
Argh. Ok I must remember when posting links from my phone that I have to include “http://“ first otherwise Tribune adds “” in front. I don’t know why that happens.
Happens to all of us on occasion. Okay to rely on the kindness of strangers to fix the small flubs in our lives.
To start, they could have just shut their bragging, self-aggrandizing mouths: there is always more than enough time to take credit where credit is due. I’m not much of a fan of Obama but I have to admit he knows sometimes how to use understatement and discretion, sometimes though to his own detriment. Ancient Romans as far as the eye can see: ‘I have come to bury the last remnant of the Cold War’, and never forget ‘We came, we saw, he died.’ He just died, just like that, no agency.
Obama did temper his gloating over killing OBL — but those around him didn’t. And to be honest, killing OBL gave him a leg up in getting reelected.
BBC News — Tony Blair warns of ‘flabby liberalism’.
What a total dickhead! How many people died and were killed and injured in the London transit bombings subsequent to Blair joining George and Dick’s great adventure to demonstrate their cajones?
Billmon’s response:
And so it goes.
○ Jan Jambon Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Security and the Interior, in charge of the Belgian Buildings Agency
After a distinguished career in the business community, working for reputable companies such as IBM, SD Worx and Bank Card Company (BCC), Jan became actively involved in politics in 2007.
In 2007, Jan was elected to the Chamber of Deputies for the first time, where he was appointed Chairman of the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) political group in 2008. The voters extended his mandate on 25 May 2014.
○ Jan Jambon: “Les gens qui ont collaboré avec les Allemands avaient leurs raisons.”
(○ Jan Jambon: “People who have collaborated with the Germans had their reasons.”)
How many refugees have been participants in any of the recent terrorists attacked in Europe?
Salah Abdeslam is part of the Molenbeek Belgian terror cell and it’s size may be gravely exaggerated. Just learned from the statements in the news, the two suicide terror suspects blown up in Brussels yesterday were criminals know by the police but had no known ties to Istamic terror. The third man, now a fugitive, left his suicide belt at Zaventum airport, was the bombmaker of the Paris attack. Hey, his belt failed? I don’t think so. He must have been desperate for a quick response to the recent succes of police investigators at Voorst and Molenbeek. As friend and close associate of Salah, he found two fools to join him in “martyrdom”.
○ Brussels attacks ‘were accelerated after Abdeslam’s arrest’
○ France In State of Emergency: Crackdown on Muslim Community
So far all Belgian and French nationals in the Paris and Brussels attacks. All family roots in northern Africa (iirc Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia). No Syrian refugees or any refugees from anywhere as best as can be determined at this point. But let’s go after Syrians b/c GWB set the precedent — bomb and invade Iraq b/c the country and its people had nothing to do with 9/11.
You write:
They were just aping Obama regarding the (supposed) killing of bin Laden.
Get used to it.
It’s what chickenhawks do.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…