Markos Moulitses, founder of Daily Kos, wrote an editorial for The Hill, that Bernie Sanders should drop out because there is no plausible way for him to get the nomination. By saying this, he has infuriated millions of Sanders supporters in the process. However, while he has made Bernie people mad, in the end, he’s right on the money.

Even though Sanders won Utah and Idaho rather easily, Sanders only picked out a net gain of about 10 delegates because Hillary blew him out in Arizona.

Markos went on the say. “in short, while there is still a mathematical chance of a Sanders victory, it is not a realistic one. Hillary Clinton never trailed Obama by more than 150 delegates at anytime during the 2008 primaries, and that race wasn’t particularly close.”
Markos has a point. With her victory last night in Arizona, Clinton has around or over 1700 pledged and super-delegates in her back pocket. Granted, the upcoming primaries and caucuses seem to favor Bernie, he can’t simply squeak by with wins. He has to dominate the way Hillary has dominated him in her blowout victories. Add to the fact that New York, Pennsylvania and the big kahuna, California have yet to vote, and recent polls show Hillary leading all three.

Bernie is not going to listen to calls telling him to get out, but more and more people are telling him to do so, but unless something completely off the wall happens, Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democratic nominee. Staying in will please his supporters, but the earlier Hillary can concentrate on beating Trump, the better.