I forget if I brought this up in a post or just in a comment, but it’s something I’ve speculated about in the recent past:
“Some of the country’s best-known corporations are nervously grappling with what role they should play at the Republican National Convention, given the likely nomination of Donald J. Trump, whose divisive candidacy has alienated many women, African-Americans and Hispanics.”
“An array of activist groups is organizing a campaign to pressure the companies to refuse to sponsor the gathering, which many of the corporations have done for both the Republican and Democratic parties for decades. The pressure is emerging as some businesses and trade groups are already privately debating whether to scale back their participation.”
It’s not going to happen, but if Bernie Sanders won the nomination of the Democratic Party it would be interesting to see how he would handle the corporate sponsorship of the convention. Instead of corporations opting out, as may happen on the Republican side, maybe Sanders would ask his army of supporters to chip in so he could tear down all the corporate logos?
Oh my gods! You said ‘It’s not going to happen.’
When will you learn not to put your thumb on the scales? I always knew you were a sell out to the oligarchs, when you upgraded this site 3 years ago!
Any unbiased person would have worded that completely different. Or at least listed YOUR corporate sponsors.
Ever since I joined this place in February, I’ve been disappointed.
This is probably snark since you joined here on October 11th, 2007.
Gee, almost a decade.
We’ll have to get you a cake.
Well, I went and crunched some numbers, and they show;
70% of all Sanders…errrrr….Bernie supporters believe so called super delegates are undemocratic and should be completely removed from all calculations, unless Bernie wants them…then they are democratic as all get out!
80% of Bernie supporters believe that the key under 30 white male ‘BernieBro’ (who has never voted in an election before) is far more important than the older female African American voter. And when you factor in that the AA voter only does what their church says to do (none of those racism accusations! This is MATH), then our 3/5ths worth calculations are, if anything, generous.
90% of online Bernie supporters are completely unselfish aware.
All this math proves your biased ‘not going to happen’ comment is way premature.
So no Applebees salad bar in Philly?
Look, Booman, let’s face it. Sanders is going to win. The sooner you own up to it, the better.
“Ever since I joined this place in February, I’ve been disappointed.”
Does not compute?
I didn’t know this: CRS – no federal funding for 2016 RNC and DNC conventions/ (The $50 million for security for each convention remains intact.)
DNC and RNC each received $18.2 million in federal funds for their 2012 conventions. Chump change for the billionaires.
Trolling your own membership….LOL I guess it’s the principle of the thing now.
He’d never get me a cake for my 10 year! Most I’d het is sour grapes.
January 8th, 2008.
You’re still a little ways off.
Maybe we’ll have fireworks.
Could shoot me out a canon, sounds pretty fun actually. I’m just joking about the cake, my waistline doesnt need it.
Huh, join date is later than I thought. You’re one of my main political hangouts but I’ve been a member here years less than the other places.
I think I’m cake eligible
July 9th, 2005.
You’re way eligible.
wow! very nice
the wheels are coming off the clown cars…can you say schism?
l’m going long on popcorn futures.
This is an uncharacteristically snotty post.
Not that I’m necessarily complaining; I thought it was funny. It’s just clear that Mr. Longman’s frustrations with the Democratic side of this race are beginning to get to him. (They’re beginning to get to me, too — I sympathize.)
Consider which assumptions you are bringing to the table that lead you to believe that this post must be snotty in intent.
Well, I took it to mean that you’re making fun of Sanders supporters and the anachronistic ideological “purity” of their movement (which puts them at odds with the realpolitik of this election). But of course I could be wrong.
yeah, that was not the point.
Getting you to think was the point.
You can understand why I took it as Swiftian satire because obviously there’s no way rank-and-file Sanders supporters could pay for an entire national convention — it’s a totally different level of expenditure than the capped donations he’s been sustaining himself on so far.
(Plus “tear[ing] down all the corporate logos” sounds less like you’re describing a sober realignment of financing and more like you’re characterizing the event as “burn down the mission”/”the revolution will not be televised” grandstanding.)
But, obviously, I got it wrong, so apologies.
How do I know when I signed up? ‘Twas long ago, that I know!
November 18th, 2005.
Thanks for the cake!
No logos. Is that OK? Aesthetically, ethically and practically way better.
Corporations are testing the distinction between profit-making enterprises and criminal conspiracies. We’ve all had a snoot-full. Any new corporate product or offer should be greeted with scepticism bordering on outright suspicion; opportunistic rent-seeking and regulatory loophole exploitation are typically the ‘innovations’ of our entrepreneurs. Let’s hope the high-water mark of corporate influence and oligopoly has been reached; there is little left to plunder without descending on a long, slow glide-path to social dysfunction and economic stagnation.
Simple truth: Consumers drive the economy based on the extent of their disposable income. Impoverish them and the retail economy remains profitable only at the supermarket check-out, the hospital and the liquor store. The short-sightedness of our captains of industry is difficult to over-estimate; these are supposed to be the smart people.
I’d just go the Nascar route and wear a suit plastered with all my sponsors.
Should not all politicians be mandated to wear such suits at public appearances?
That would be awesome.
Me! Me! Do I get a cake, Boo?
At least a cupcake?
At least lick the mixing bowl?
I’ll pencil you for June 10th, which is your fifth anniversary.
Thank you! Sounds like a cupcake! Or at least a Fig Newton.
This issue is being discussed at Slate:
“Clearly the solution is to privatize presidential elections.
So,… get excited for the 20(20) MetLife Financial U Pick The Prez Extravaganza. If you tweet a picture of your completed ballot with the hashtag #ivoted, you could win a trip for two to the inauguration or an iTunes gift card.”