I don’t know enough about the subject and their context to offer intelligent opinion. They have been in the hands of newspapers for a while, jut the trove is so large and covers the globe, they are just releasing some of it. They do have 200 American’s passport scans; but I doubt Trump’s or Clinton’s are there. You would use shell co. after shell co to hide and would need a lot of digging. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if Mitt appears out of the mist. That type of tax scam is right up his alley.
But after deep digging you might find bread crumbs to promiment politicians and business leaders. This is the ocean they swim in. Already people are asking quesions about the Panama Free trade deal that was pushed when Hillary was SoS. Sanders voted against it in the Senate asking why? Panama has no exports US wants and can’t afford any real imports from US. However, it did remove controls on banking/security markets between the 2 countries. One bank, who
is in the middle of the monkey business there is Deutche Bank And guess who Hillary gave a private talk to after leaving State Dept, for 480 grand?
You can be sure all the “Too Big to Fail” guys are into it.
as to timing? Well, I don’t know. This and the FBI deposistions are coming right after the other. I think right now many in the Democratic Party are secretly glad that there is a viable 2 person race for the nomination. Hopefully a lot of these questions will be answered one way or anothe by the convention.
Comey is a GOPer, right? If Obama, did the right thing (which I think he does sometimes) he would have told Comey and Lynch:
“I don’t want any question when this thing is over, that we did everything above board. Comey, this is your baby. Just do what you would do in any other case.”
Meanwhile, Comey has all the authority, because Obama is trusting him to play it straight. Comey, being a GOPer, knows that any indictment or even report without an indictment is going to be a huge drag for HRC and could sink her campaign.
That is why, as a GOPer who can’t help himself but to take advantage of Obama’s trust, Comey will now WAIT ON PURPOSE to drop this bombshell right after the convention. You know, the convention where all of the lying, dirty tricks, money drops, and corruption will provide HRC a narrow victory over the energized, informed wing wing of the party.
And then what will the Dems say? “It’s not fair.” “It’s a GOP witch hunt led by Obama, whose legacy we want to build on”
The GOP will unite behind whatever piece of human garbage they nominate. IT’S WHAT THEY DO.
Thanks, Establishment. You are really a bunch of losers, and you are about to prove it.
Podesta Group – 3/7/16
Client: Sberbank CIB USA, Inc.
wikipedia: Sberbank CIB is a multinational investment banking and asset management firm headquartered in Moscow, Russia, and a subsidiary of Sberbank. It was founded in Moscow in 1991.
A firm with ties to senior members of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign registered to lobby on behalf of a major Russian bank just weeks before a massive leak exposed the bank’s role in a web of secret financial dealings that have enriched members of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.
Among those companies is the Russian Sberbank, whose U.S. investment banking branch recently enlisted the services of the Podesta Group. According to its lobbying registration form, the firm will work on banking, trade, and foreign relations issues.
One of the three lobbyists working on the account is Tony Podesta, a bundler for the Clinton campaign and the brother of campaign chairman John Podesta, who co-founded the firm.
There are indications that at least some of those named in the Panama Papers releases to date were given a “heads up.”
I’m facing the fact that for a quarter century I’ve been supporting a party of oligarchs and their flunkies, working against my own interest.
Are you willing to face the same after a half century?
I think the DLC was the tool to get the country club/ corporate officer types into the Democratic fundraising system to compete with the GOP. They were ripe for the picking when the GOP went all in with the bible thumpers and the Lutz talking points. Most of them don’t give a damn about “saving America’s soul” and they know that the talk about Democrats creating a communist dictatorship is just hot air for the rubes. But as the rubes began to have more and more power in the GOP, they felt uncomfortable.
But to appeal to these “moderates” you had to change your message. And you craft your message to your ticket paying audience. So its no wonder that Hillary and the DNC sound like country club Republicans. Except for women’s health issues, that’s what they are. And even in that, they are inline with their core money targets. Lots of Wall Street types are women or have daughters. You can ignore core Democratic issues because they aren’t paying. Let unions wither. Let incomes stagnate, Let college become more and more out of reach; the paying customers don’t have those problems.
What others before and Sanders to a big extent is show that you don’t need those country club money types to be competitive. thousands and thousands of small donations can equal a few hundred big donors. You just need some one addressing those many’s concerns.
Hillary just doesn’t understand those concerns. Her past and current life experiences doesn’t support that knowledge. Sanders is hitting the issue. The right man at the right moment? Its been building for a while. The whole Warren thing a couple of years ago was the alarm bell in the night for the Democratic Party. Some heard it , some didn’t.
But it seems to be too late. Sanders’ failure to gain the nomination will signal that the New Deal AND the Great Society are dead. Someday, Hillary will declare from the Oval office, “We are ALL Reaganites now!” as Nixon declared “We are ALL Keynesians now!”
As commented in another thread. I don’t think its time to make the decision between pragmatism and idealism. Sanders keeps winning. HRC and Bill are getting more amd more frantic. And Sanders has a point, is she qualified to be President after taking all that Wall Street money and having poor judgement in foreign affairs? That is a very good question.
We all see Wall Street is an anchor, not a sail to the Nation. How will she address the needed reforms if she is getting millions of dollars from speeeches and donation bundlers from those very same guys?
and Iraq is still fresh in people’s minds. Too many brothers, husbands, nephews…
So he needs to keep hammering those points. Will they be sucessful? Who knonws but the points need to be continually raised until believably addressed.
“More frantic”, maybe. Certainly Booman’s front page stories are more anti-Sanders and full of “He should give up, he can’t win” and “We should all get behind Hillary”.
When you reach that level, you don’t stand there with your hand out. You have conferences, you meet at UN dinners, you have drinks and finger food at Clinton Foundation meet and greats. And the people you meet there are bankster heads, corporate heads, lobbyists. And conversations are about general good of free trade treaties, how you have to keep the Chinese out of Central Am/ Panama, how Manuel, who is head of Such and Such export company is a great guy and he was in my Fraternity at Yale…..and how Deutche Bank is doing a great job in Panama + Central America in general.
So there may be geo-political reasons for a free trade treaty with Panama. Maybe to keep the Canal out of Chinese hands. But there are other reasons as well, including doing away with banking and security restrictions. And when she gets out of the State Dept. she is invited to speak to Deutche Bank for 480k$. Goldman-Sachs for ?$, etc….
I’m sorry but I have trouble understanding why 1/2 hr comments are worth almost 1/2 a mill. Knowledge and expertise acquired on US taxpayer’s dime. The whole practice is sleazy. And when it helps facilitate a massive money laundering scheme, which was warned about, then you have to ask questions.
Hey, I’m with you on that, I’m guessing Sanders also isn’t in the Panama papers. maybe a thread about the Panama papers here on your diary?
I don’t know enough about the subject and their context to offer intelligent opinion. They have been in the hands of newspapers for a while, jut the trove is so large and covers the globe, they are just releasing some of it. They do have 200 American’s passport scans; but I doubt Trump’s or Clinton’s are there. You would use shell co. after shell co to hide and would need a lot of digging. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if Mitt appears out of the mist. That type of tax scam is right up his alley.
But after deep digging you might find bread crumbs to promiment politicians and business leaders. This is the ocean they swim in. Already people are asking quesions about the Panama Free trade deal that was pushed when Hillary was SoS. Sanders voted against it in the Senate asking why? Panama has no exports US wants and can’t afford any real imports from US. However, it did remove controls on banking/security markets between the 2 countries. One bank, who
is in the middle of the monkey business there is Deutche Bank And guess who Hillary gave a private talk to after leaving State Dept, for 480 grand?
You can be sure all the “Too Big to Fail” guys are into it.
as to timing? Well, I don’t know. This and the FBI deposistions are coming right after the other. I think right now many in the Democratic Party are secretly glad that there is a viable 2 person race for the nomination. Hopefully a lot of these questions will be answered one way or anothe by the convention.
very interesting. yes, timing is good, re: the convention
PAYOFF! Just like an Alderman’s envelope, but MUCH bigger.
Bad news guys,
Comey is a GOPer, right? If Obama, did the right thing (which I think he does sometimes) he would have told Comey and Lynch:
“I don’t want any question when this thing is over, that we did everything above board. Comey, this is your baby. Just do what you would do in any other case.”
Meanwhile, Comey has all the authority, because Obama is trusting him to play it straight. Comey, being a GOPer, knows that any indictment or even report without an indictment is going to be a huge drag for HRC and could sink her campaign.
That is why, as a GOPer who can’t help himself but to take advantage of Obama’s trust, Comey will now WAIT ON PURPOSE to drop this bombshell right after the convention. You know, the convention where all of the lying, dirty tricks, money drops, and corruption will provide HRC a narrow victory over the energized, informed wing wing of the party.
And then what will the Dems say? “It’s not fair.” “It’s a GOP witch hunt led by Obama, whose legacy we want to build on”
The GOP will unite behind whatever piece of human garbage they nominate. IT’S WHAT THEY DO.
Thanks, Establishment. You are really a bunch of losers, and you are about to prove it.
Seems that the Panama Papers contain small fry because of Delaware, Nevada, and Wyoming. Looking for future information.
Indeed, the US is trying to become the off-shore of choice. And succeeding.
there was an excellent NYTimes series a while back on money laundering via buying luxury condos in Manhattan
lobbyist filing
wikipedia: Sberbank CIB is a multinational investment banking and asset management firm headquartered in Moscow, Russia, and a subsidiary of Sberbank. It was founded in Moscow in 1991.
Free Beacon – re Panama Papers
There are indications that at least some of those named in the Panama Papers releases to date were given a “heads up.”
I’m facing the fact that for a quarter century I’ve been supporting a party of oligarchs and their flunkies, working against my own interest.
Are you willing to face the same after a half century?
this is recent, not 25 years
Stretches back to at least 1992.
I think the DLC was the tool to get the country club/ corporate officer types into the Democratic fundraising system to compete with the GOP. They were ripe for the picking when the GOP went all in with the bible thumpers and the Lutz talking points. Most of them don’t give a damn about “saving America’s soul” and they know that the talk about Democrats creating a communist dictatorship is just hot air for the rubes. But as the rubes began to have more and more power in the GOP, they felt uncomfortable.
But to appeal to these “moderates” you had to change your message. And you craft your message to your ticket paying audience. So its no wonder that Hillary and the DNC sound like country club Republicans. Except for women’s health issues, that’s what they are. And even in that, they are inline with their core money targets. Lots of Wall Street types are women or have daughters. You can ignore core Democratic issues because they aren’t paying. Let unions wither. Let incomes stagnate, Let college become more and more out of reach; the paying customers don’t have those problems.
What others before and Sanders to a big extent is show that you don’t need those country club money types to be competitive. thousands and thousands of small donations can equal a few hundred big donors. You just need some one addressing those many’s concerns.
Hillary just doesn’t understand those concerns. Her past and current life experiences doesn’t support that knowledge. Sanders is hitting the issue. The right man at the right moment? Its been building for a while. The whole Warren thing a couple of years ago was the alarm bell in the night for the Democratic Party. Some heard it , some didn’t.
But it seems to be too late. Sanders’ failure to gain the nomination will signal that the New Deal AND the Great Society are dead. Someday, Hillary will declare from the Oval office, “We are ALL Reaganites now!” as Nixon declared “We are ALL Keynesians now!”
As commented in another thread. I don’t think its time to make the decision between pragmatism and idealism. Sanders keeps winning. HRC and Bill are getting more amd more frantic. And Sanders has a point, is she qualified to be President after taking all that Wall Street money and having poor judgement in foreign affairs? That is a very good question.
We all see Wall Street is an anchor, not a sail to the Nation. How will she address the needed reforms if she is getting millions of dollars from speeeches and donation bundlers from those very same guys?
and Iraq is still fresh in people’s minds. Too many brothers, husbands, nephews…
So he needs to keep hammering those points. Will they be sucessful? Who knonws but the points need to be continually raised until believably addressed.
“More frantic”, maybe. Certainly Booman’s front page stories are more anti-Sanders and full of “He should give up, he can’t win” and “We should all get behind Hillary”.
When you reach that level, you don’t stand there with your hand out. You have conferences, you meet at UN dinners, you have drinks and finger food at Clinton Foundation meet and greats. And the people you meet there are bankster heads, corporate heads, lobbyists. And conversations are about general good of free trade treaties, how you have to keep the Chinese out of Central Am/ Panama, how Manuel, who is head of Such and Such export company is a great guy and he was in my Fraternity at Yale…..and how Deutche Bank is doing a great job in Panama + Central America in general.
So there may be geo-political reasons for a free trade treaty with Panama. Maybe to keep the Canal out of Chinese hands. But there are other reasons as well, including doing away with banking and security restrictions. And when she gets out of the State Dept. she is invited to speak to Deutche Bank for 480k$. Goldman-Sachs for ?$, etc….
I’m sorry but I have trouble understanding why 1/2 hr comments are worth almost 1/2 a mill. Knowledge and expertise acquired on US taxpayer’s dime. The whole practice is sleazy. And when it helps facilitate a massive money laundering scheme, which was warned about, then you have to ask questions.