As the PermaGov Media Complex continues to react to the whole Trump/Sanders-induced breakup of its monopoly on the majority of the minds of most Americans, here is some news you were not liable to find on a CBS affiliate (Read: CIA Broadcasting Sytem) pre-2016:
’60 MINUTES’: Lawmakers Say Redacted Pages Of 9/11 Report Show Saudi Official Met Hijackers In LA
LOS ANGELES ( — Lawmakers are calling on the White House to declassify more than two dozen pages in the 9/11 Commission report that they say outlines evidence for possible support from the Saudi government for two hijackers who settled in Southern California.
A CBS News “60 Minutes” report quoted officials familiar with the 2003 report as saying 28 pages of redacted information raises questions over whether Saudi officials were involved in assisting Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar upon their arrival in Los Angeles in Jan. 2000.
Former Democratic congressman and U.S. ambassador to India Tim Roemer told “60 Minutes” the two Saudi nationals found a way to gain access to housing and flight lessons upon their arrival despite “extremely limited language skills and no experience with Western culture.”
“L.A., San Diego, that’s really you know, the hornet’s nest,” said Roemer. “That’s really the one that I continue to think about almost on a daily basis.”
According to the report, witnesses say both al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar met at the King Fahad mosque in Culver City with Fahad al-Thumairy, “a diplomat at the Saudi consulate known to hold extremist views.” He was denied reentry to the U.S. in 2003 for suspected terrorist ties.
Thumairy was a “a ghost employee with a no-show job at a Saudi aviation contractor outside Los Angeles while drawing a paycheck from the Saudi government”, according to the report.
“60 Minutes” also cited phone records that lawmakers say may link Thumairy to Omar al-Bayoumi, a mysterious Saudi who became the hijackers’ biggest benefactor.
Former U.S. Senator Bob Graham said he believes Bayoumi was a Saudi agent, telling CBS News’ Steve Kroft that Bayoumi had “been listed even before 9/11 in FBI files as being a Saudi agent.”
Another 9/11 Commission member, former U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey, has read the redacted 28 pages and told Kroft he and “a solid majority of former 9/11 commissioners” believes they should be declassified.
“We all have dealt for our careers in highly classified and compartmentalized in every aspect of security,” Kerrey said. “We know when something shouldn’t be declassified…those 28 pages in no way fall into that category.”
The White House is reviewing whether to declassify the 28 pages, according to CBS News.
Click here to read the entire “28 Pages” report from 60 Minutes.
More results from the ongoing Trump/Sanders assault on the PermaGov Media Complex’s stranglehold regarding the so-called “truth(s) of the matter” regarding the history of the U.S. after the JFK assassination.
Think on it.
Yet more “Eyes Wide Shut” reactions to the gradual leakage of the truth from the barrel of rotten apples that we often laughingly call the U.S. Media?
Yes, but the big geopolitical wheel has turned since the original redaction and our alignment with Sunni factions in the Gulf is clearly not what it once was. It was unwholesome in a myriad of ways.
The treaty with Iran has released tectonic plates which will grind and tremor for some time yet to come. It is an irreversible, world-historical event.
No question we invaded the wrong countries.
It’s astonishing that this was never followed up on. it shows either Saudi government complicity in 9-11 or a high level plot within the Saudi government that the king should have been informed about. T^o bury it meant that someone’s oil connection was more important (paging Dick Cheney!).
It is my belief that something is up regarding HRC’s nomination. That might explain why Kerrey is moving away for the Clintons. Too many lose ends in her career. Something’s gonna snap before the convention. Watch.
I agree; the timing of Obama’s Libya mistake statement is an indicator imo. I read your link about the emails investigation; didn’t understand what he was saying about the FBI investigation and Obama’s statement. imo Obama saying she didn’t do it intentionally and “supporting” Hillary, makes it easier for the FBI to go after her, because on the surface she’s Obama’s candidate and he isn’t pushing any “get Hillary” moves. more of his 11 dimensional chess.
I’m just playing 3 dimensional chess, myself.
Most people in the world are “neutral.” They don’t think that they are, but they drift and waffle in the winds of pure accident.
And so on.
All accidental. Nurture and nature. Societal placing and genetics, pure and simple.
Then there the ones who get past that to some degree. The real movers and shakers. It’s hard to tell out front what the end result of their moving and shaking might be, but it all eventually results in two camps.
I root for…and work for, in my own ways…the Constructive side. On the evidence of the history of evolution on earth, the life of Life only needs a little more constructive power than destructive power to progress…to evolve. But it also needs the destructive powers or else evolution progresses too fast. That’s what makes horseraces. And that’s what makes elections, too. Figuring out the constructive/destructive odds and then betting on the right horse.
Bernie Sanders may not win in this three or four or five horse race…there’s always a dark horse long shot somewhere, witness the attempts to deny both Trump and Cruz the RatPub nomination…but he’s the one with the most constructive energy behind him as far as I can see. HRC’s got too much destructive history, Cruz is clearly in the destructive camp and Trump? Trump is a horse of yet another color. Maybe even from another time zone or galaxy. As Patricia Lockwood described him in her wonderful article Lost In Trumplandia:
“We either have a country or we don’t…”
Sounds like a pronouncement from the Delphic Oracle or some such thing, doesn’t it?
“We either have a country or we don’t…”
Yup. No way to argue with that. No handle to grab, no door through which to walk.
I honestly don’t know what to make of him, but I’m going to go with my gut and my gut says that his overall attitude…as he expresses it (A serious caveat when dealing with a politician/actor/orator/whatever else you wish to try to call him so talented in crowd control.) …is so negative that overall he can only be considered a destructive force.
So…simply put…it’s Bernie for me. I don’t care how many dimensions of chess the political pros are playing, it’s the results that count. They can run their fakes and feints all the way down to Election Day. I just ignore them all and look to the final wire.
If it doesn’t work out? Well…there’s always next time.
Until there isn’t, of course.
An eventuality over which we have absolutely no control except to continue to do our own little bits for the Constructive team.
Like dat.
Yes, oh yes.
Here here. I second that emotion.
It’s my experience that most ppl in the NY area don’t belief “the official story” and very angry about not getting more info. good to hear Bob Kerrey is beginning to say sensible things these days after he spent 2008 in thrall to the Clintons.
Didn’t those two guys get assistance in setting up their SD housing from a Saudi that was also an FBI informant?
Good catch. That was also cited as one of the instances of CIA intelligence hoarding that led to ‘reforms’.
The “local Muslim imam, who was the subject of a counterterrorism inquiry at the time, [and] acted as the spiritual adviser for the two hijackers” mentioned in the 2003 article turns out to be “Anwar al-Awlaki, a name that should sound familiar.”
I still think this is the stinkiest bit, however. Follow the money.
AWESOME! Tends to implicate the Bush Crime family as well.
How so? I would have thought the Saudi angle left them more exposed. What involvement of the ISI suggests is hard to analyse:
That Ahmed, Director-General of the ISI, would have been immediately, publicly and irrefutably implicated by the FBI in financing the 9/11 attacks and that this would not result in a substantial line of inquiry is the great mystery to me. He immediately resigned, though ISI Director-General’s don’t easily relinquish control of “the state within the state”. Although it is also explained by the need to sideline Ahmed for the purposes of invading Afghanistan which was a bipartisan slam-dunk at the time.
In 2008 Biden was asked by some Infowars truthers in a debate media crunch why he met with Ahmed on September 11th and he unhesitatingly said, “I met with him to deliver a message, that if he didn’t… if he didn’t stop supporting the Taliban we would take him out.” Ahmed was gone by 8 October 2001, just prior to the US invasion of Afghanistan. Make of it what you will. But follow the money. It came from the Emirates but whose $100k was it? Musharraf, in his memoir, said Omar Saeed, the guy who sent hijacker Atta the money, had long been a foreign agent:
I’m guessing he said, “rogue or double-agent” because he feared, rightly, that if he had said “CIA” his tongue would have burst into flame from the irony. Also, what story was Daniel Pearl investigating when he was kidnapped in Pakistan?:
Not a bad assumption given Ahmed was a plotter of the 1999 coup against Sharif, most likely with at least tacit CIA blessings. And what are the merits of Sibel Edmonds assertions? Have fun.
This interesting piece from 2002:
This thinly sourced narrative certainly posits a plausible explanation of the odd circumstances of Saeed’s arrest. The general consensus is that he was framed by Pakistani authorities for Pearl’s murder; especially since a confession was made later by another. Who was running Saeed? Did he use his circumstances to perpetrate a double-cross on his handlers? Here’s a good long read if you like. Though we now know Saeed was not Mustafa. And another on the Edmond’s story. Good fun.
I confused him with the guy who wanted to be PM or Iraq and led Cheney around by the nose giving false intel.
Yeah, that was who I thought it was.