
I originally wrote this as a response to Booman’s post An Organizer’s View of Small-D Democracy. It grew. So it goes.


Booman wrote in the above linked post::

If the people who actually constitute the Republican Party, who raise the money and organize the events and hash out the strategy and the platform…if those people overrule the verdict of the broader electorate that votes in Republican primaries, then there is something horribly corrupt or undemocratic about that. It’s not just illegitimate for them to do this, or even to attempt to do this, but it’s bordering on criminal, and it’s un-American and unpatriotic.

You are wrong here, Booman. It is typically American. The so-called “those people'”…God help us, we do not know who many of them really are…first try not to overrule but to prerule the eventual verdict of the broader electorate by fixing the whole primary process any which way they can, including non-personing various candidates through consistent mass media attack. This tactic has failed for the first time in living memory (except maybe Goldwater) this year. Trump is the only candidate in both parties against whom that tactic has not worked since they stopped shooting people who seriously threatened the bi-partisan fix. It worked well enough to ensure Sanders’s loss and it handily got rid of people like Ross Perot, Howard Dean, Ron Paul and Rand Paul. Now they are trying to find other ways of making the centrist fix work…to overrule the voice of the people. Yes, this is horribly corrupt and undemocratic, but…unless you really seriously believe all of the bullshit you were fed in civics classes as a youngster…it not “un-American.” Not since the very beginnings of the U.S., actually. Wealth and power has always tried to find ways to camouflage its real intentions from the people.

The founders of this great scam wrote:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Then they founded a nation where only white men of property could vote.


A point can be made that perhaps they were in some way correct, that true democracy…one person, one vote…will inexorably tend towards the mediocre mean rather than strive for progress. That’s another matter of debate entirely, one best left to other discussions. But this discussion is…should be, anyway…about what it really happening in the political process as it stands today. And it is typically “American.” Will these people win in their attempt to defend the system as it now stands…a safe, centrist win/win fix disguised as a democratic choice? I believe that they won’t, but if they don’t it won’t be because they are acting “un-American,” it will be because the U.S. has been almost totally changed by the information revolution. They simply can’t run their scam the same way…laying down the fix through several newspapers and TV networks of record. It is too easy to hear and see what the real candidates are saying and how they act (and react) now. Trump…and once again, I feel I must reiterate that I am in no way one of his supporters, because I need to defend against various knee-jerk Dems here who regularly come wailing after me with accusations of being some sort of secret conservative…Trump is a true revolutionary in this sense. He understands the power of a mostly unfettered info system and he has used it brilliantly. In some respects, he IS the representative of the kind of “true democracy” that tends towards the mediocre mean of human experience.

Those people clamoring to touch the hem of the Divine Trump?

Friends…they are not rocket scientists.

The fella in the nice suit below, surrounded by Nazi Officers?

That’s a rocket scientist. Wernher von Braun. Yeah. The guy who rained V2s on London during W.W.II, then came to the U.S. to work on guided missiles for the U.S. when Germany was defeated. Who hired him? The same kinds of people who work the electoral fix in the U.S. Bet on it.

Their motto?

Get it done. At ALL costs!!!

Bet on that as well.
