I hope Bernie Sanders supporters will read this and take heart. In 1984, Jessie Jackson came to the convention in a situation much like Bernie’s position this time. He had a lot of fervent supporters but not enough to win. In return for his endorsement of the ticket, he wanted concessions of real value.

Jessie asked, among other things, for a change to the rules that would push the party in a more progressive direction. As a result of those negotiations, the Democrats agreed to proportional voting for future primaries — the system current in effect. (Jackson had 9% of the delegates after winning more than 20% of the vote.)

But for that change, Barack Obama would not have won in 2008. Hillary would have smoked him. She was winning the big states like Pennsylvania but because of proportional voting, this upstart candidate didn’t get shut out. He was able to make up the difference in other states, particularly caucus states.

Do you think Jessie was gratified upon the election of the first African-American candidate? I recall images of tears running down his face as he listened to Obama’s victory speech.


That same rule change has also allowed Bernie to do as well as he has. Under the old rules, he would have been steamrolled. Like Obama, he had a real shot. He just couldn’t convince minorities; that’s why he’s losing and apparently not going to pull this out. But do not think that all is lost.

Sanders will insist on real concessions of his own in return for his support of the ticket. Some may be structural, like the one just described. He may insist Hillary adopt policy positions. He’ll get a lot I’m sure because, at the end of the day, his performance will have been far better than Jackson’s and Clinton will really want his people on board in the battle to come.

What he’s done is really impressive. Consider that Hillary froze out all the other highly-regarded candidates (e.g. Biden and Warren) because she seemed so overwhelmingly favored. Sanders hung in far longer than most anyone thought possible.

Negotiations will run for a while now, probably through the convention. Hopefully, like Jessie Jackson, Bernie will get concessions that on some fine day will leave him and his supporters in tears.