Input is VERY welcome.


  1. Methodically convince each Super Delegate that it would be beneficial to them PERSONALLY and POLITICALLY to switch their support to Sanders
  2. Convince each Super D that their constituents, party, and country will all benefit from a switch to Sanders
  3. Educate them that

-this is a defining moment for them to go on the record with where they stand
-we understand that their original support of HRC had to do with there appearing to be no viable candidate opposing her, and she has been and promises to be a strong source of campaign funds
-this convention vote is one last chance to exercise their political will and judgement for the greater good, and for their own good under this new political reality, where HRC is a huge liability, and Bernie’s wing of the party clearly represents the future of the party

Ok, but how do we convince them? Thoughtfully, logically, respectfully. Appeal, to head, heart, and especially fear. Fear of losing political support, fear of a weakened party, fear of losing to Trump, fear of acrimonious violent protest clashes.

We need to have organized talking points. We need to get meetings with super delegates to present our case. We need to educate our friends, neighbors, and family. And we need to whip phone calls and hand written cards to these Super Ds using the same message: at once optimistic and welcoming, and also foreboding and threatening. These are the times we live in.

It is most important to show Super Ds how it helps them PERSONALLY AND POLITICALLY to switch to Bernie Sanders. But I am starting with the more general arguments, and finishing with the personal.


1. How will it benefit the country?

1a) It will prevent a Trump presidency and GOP supreme court-the GOP already has so much of the government we absolutely cannot risk this–true, on TV the Super Ds dismiss this prospect, but we must get them to address it seriously and logically in person
-National polls, state polls, favorability polls
-Sanders has won the recent primaries, the primaries in states Democrats win in the fall, and anywhere indies have been allowed to vote.
-this is a poll based argument showing clearly that Sanders v Trump is a far more favorable matchup than HRC v Trump–this is an obvious argument, but it won’t be close to enough to persuade these people, because they don’t know what that looks like. We must show them state by state.

1b) It will benefit the USA spirit because of the tone of the election
-We have seen clearly that Trump draws protests at almost every stop. Clinton’s recent visit to West Virginia shows that she will also draw protests at many locations. Unfortunately, HRC becoming the nominee will help drive this. Many young activists supporting Bernie will be driven to protest Trump even more stridently, and even protest against HRC herself. By losing the one candidate they support at all, and having their voices stifled by the party and primary rules, the youth will be left with the streets to make their voice heard. Such an election, with two candidates so unpopular driving hateful feelings amongst multiple subgroups, is flat out BAD for AMERICA. A Sanders v Trump match-up will keep the youth engaged on a POLITICAL level working for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

2. How will it benefit the party?

2a) The grass roots, youth, independents, and POTENTIAL future of the party support Bernie Sanders
-Youth vote and indie vote in primaries are clear-the creative energy, the volunteer army, grass roots labor support, and huge rally energy are all with Bernie–Obviously, the youth is the future. Therefore, if we want a strong broad coalition to make up the Dem party, it must include the future energy, indie interest, and grass roots labor energy.

2b) For a strong future, the Dem party must embrace the Bernie Sanders coalition policies
-First of all, the policies regarding fairness, and getting money out of politics, are very strong and widely popular. The Bernie Sanders wing of the party CLEARLY represents this principle. Sanders has actually been accused of negative campaigning by HRC simply for questioning a system that is awash in money on both sides of the isle. By embracing the Sanders wing, and embracing these policy principles, the Democratic party becomes identified with clean politics. It is obvious that outside of HRC’s very own primary voters, NOBODY identifies her with clean politics. This is a fact. It is also a fact that the Democratic Party must own this issue to succeed.

2c) – For a strong future, we need the young voters and the indie voters-the youth are obviously the future, and the indies are too because party ID is going down-if HRC is the nominee it will go down even more–the Dem party MUST be the preferred party of indies to compete strong in the future.
Nominating HRC risks losing not just this election, but the future support of the party amongst youth, indies, and those that vote on clean government. We need a party that has the youth energy engaged FOR the party, not against the party, as it is now heading. We cannot lose these Millennials for the future just to elect HRC now. We need them badly for us and not against us.

2d) DNC, MSM, HRC and Super Ds have been mostly silent on the shady nature of the primary process. Especially the mystery party switching, voter purging, and exit poll discrepancies. Sanders supporters are not conspiracy theorists. To treat them that way is to irresponsible, and shameful after all the Dems have been put through by the GOP when it comes to fair votes. Whether suspicions are true or not, the silence about these problems by the self-satisfied winners in this primary (HRC-DNC) is UNACCEPTABLE to the wing of the party that has been victimized by unfair elections in this cycle or any other. We demand not only an interest in fair elections but an embracing of them a s a BEDROCK principle. By switching your vote to Bernie, you can reason that if NY had a fair party sign up date, or if exit poll discrepancies not been prevalent, it would have been more difficult. But the results can be called into question, and voting for HRC on those contests alone is an ENDORSEMENT of the fairness of the process. And that’s not good enough.

So an HRC nomination splits the party, prevents the Dem party from being the clean politics party, the party of indies, or the party of the youth, and is an implicit endorsement of shady elections. Wow.

3. How will it benefit the Super Delegates personally and politically?

3a) By using this “defining moment” to show savvy, flexibility, and loyalty to principles like clean government and fair economics, you will gain a loyal new following of supporters who will volunteer and donate to your campaign

3b) If you fail this test you will be permanently shunned by the same group, who will pledge to never support you again and also form a 3rd party to overtake the Democratic party.

3c) If you pass this test, you will no longer have to rely on sugar daddies for $$ – you will be flooded with small donations.

3d) If you switch to Sanders, the Clintons will not be in a position to issue payback. Clinton’s career will be over, and you will have a new small donor fundraising stream, WITHOUT having to cast pro-business votes.

3e) If you fail to step up, you will have a permanent campaign against you by people who do not appreciate you exposing them to GOP dominance just out of fealty to HRC and her closed primary system, that shut out the true will of the American people, and the indie voices out there for Bernie.

By supporting Sanders we can run a stronger more popular general election candidate, keep the party unified behind clean government principles that strongly contrast with the GOP, keep the energy and engagement of the youth for our party, and keep the support and engagement of the independent voices of this country. Sounds like a good deal to me.

We must act in unison, and with intelligence. We are so powerful when we do that, we can change the world.

This entirely new political realty (re media, Trump as GOP nominee, fundraising grass roots fundraising ability, new political fault lines in USA and in party) all gives license to a serious reconsideration of votes for Super Ds. It is completely legitimate for them to reconsider under new circumstances. The media and the DNC must get this message.

When early Super Ds start switching, we need to immediately money bomb them so the rest see the $$ benefits.


– Cross Posted at