Great article from the Daily Banter from Chez Pazienza on the delusion that Bernie Sanders has for staying in the race. A must read for all Democrats and especially Sanders, who refuses to do the honorable thing and drop out while he has a little bit of dignity left, instead of staying in and further embarrassing himself.
Why doesn’t Hillary do the honorable thing and drop out?
Oh, Hillary. Honorable. BWAHAHAHAHA!
Hillary 2200, Bernie 1400. Tell me how Bernie gets the nomination??
That 2200 includes the rigged superdelegates.
Funny, no one thought those superdelegates were rigged in 2008. Do those “rigged” supers include the 40-50 that Bernie has?? Try another line, that ones getting old!!
HRC 2008
Her campaign was broke in February 2008 and if not for the millions that she personally loaned to it, she would have been history before March 2008.
Go away troll!
That’s right Marie, resort to name calling when your candidate is 800 delegates behind. Shows the maturity of the Sanders supporters.
Why should Bernie Sanders drop out? He was just awarded 49 more state delegates in Washington. Also, after Bernie’s Indiana win this week, predictions should be put to bed.
Time to give him another contribution. Thanks for reminding me.
Go ahead and waste your money!!!
Nope, I’m enjoying every penny. The bonus is that it irks her royal highness.
You’re right! I’m going to my e-mail link right now. What the Hell, Trump doesn’t need my money so I won’t be making any donations in Fall.
Maybe I’ll send a donation to Sanders or Canova every time I see another of these troll diaries by eastcoastimmoderate.
yeh, same here. from what I saw this afternoon, the difference in pledged dels is 290, same ballpark it’s been for a long time
He’s doing the honorable thing by staying in, waiting for millions of us still waiting for our chance to vote for him.
What honorable thing is that?? He has no shot to win. The only reason he’s staying in is for Tad Devine and Jeff Weaver can be paid a kings ransom, while others who are the backbone of his campaign get their walking papers.
He’s made it clear that he won’t drop out before the convention, but I hope he will emulate what Hillary CLinton did in 2008. The chances of that would be greatly improved if, for example, the DNC did not choose to diss Sanders’ supporters when picking people for convention committees.
Fat Chance!
You really should go over to big orange. It’s your kind if place, downright hostile to Bernie supporters and totally in the bag for Her Royal Highness.