With all the other problems the Republicans are having right now, I’m astonished that they still have time to have a state, local, and national freakout about transgender people sneaking their penises into the ladies’ room. And, yes, that really is how they look at this issue, which is a little jarring to my ears.

Take a look at this. It’s a bill that Texas Governor Abbot says will prevent “grown men being in restrooms with our little girls.”

The bill is set to be signed into action on May 18th 2016. It was filed by state representative Debbie Riddle. It states that anyone who can not conform to traditional standards of identifying with biological gender, may not use any public restrooms, as no such restrooms exist for them.

Riddle says “If a man can’t dress and act like a man, he can use the restroom at home.”

I’m 47 years old, and I’ve never heard a single person complain about this issue in my entire life. The number one complaint I hear about public restrooms is that they are dirty, smelly, and disgusting. A bill to do something about that problem might make people happy.

The whole idea here is that there is no legitimacy to the very idea of transgendered people. That’s clear by representative Riddle’s suggestion that men who can’t act like men should just stay home if they expect to use the bathroom. If they want to do the things that the rest of us do, like go to a three-hour baseball game and chug 32 ounce beers, they can just dress the way their penis suggests they should, goddamnit, and not skulk around the ladies’ stalls trying to look up the skirts of our pre-nubile daughters.

That’s a Texas attitude to modernity right there, in a nutshell.

I struggle to sympathize and come up with any softer descriptor than ‘assholes,’ but I just can’t do it.

It’s probably the insistence on projecting perversion into everything when that would never even occur to me that gets my dander up.

Just let people take a leak in peace, for Chrissakes.

Get a life.

Find someone who actually needs some help, and lend them a hand.