What do Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump have in common?
They both went after a sitting president and got completely humiliated. They both got beaten like rented mules.
In Gingrich’s case, he attacked the president for infidelity and ethics violations and wound up getting nailed for infidelity and ethics violations. He tried to take Clinton down, failed, and instead got taken down by a revolt in his own party.
This is precisely what is about to happen to Trump.
They’re perfect for each other.
Call them the Rented Mule ticket.
Bring it on.
The Rented Mules vs. The Bought and Sold Elephants.
What an election this is going to be!!!
Indeed. Be sure to tell us who the PermaGov will choose when you get your tinfoil hat sorted.
The Donald may fall further than Newt. He has been burning bridges faster than they can built.
Newt was never won enough presidential primary/caucus elections to get anywhere near the nomination. His electoral success never went higher than a House seat.
Well, Georgia and South Carolina in 2012. BTW, does this sound like someone intending to play ‘nice’ with Ryan, recalcitrant Republicans and their precious party?:
The traditional sense, as in with past nominees, sitting speakers-of-the-house and chambers-of-commerce. “Nah, don’t need them. Do we need them?” (asks someone of camera).
Don’t see how Ryan wriggles out of a complete cave-in; a stand-off threatens his majority and a siege would likely cost him his gavel, if not his seat. Good Lord this is entertaining:
Yeah… He’ll be OK after the muscle from Jersey has a little chat with him.
The infidelity twins, 6 marriages between them. Trump flying overhead shortly after his Spokane rally, on his way to Lynden on the West Coast of WA, argghh and it was such a beautiful clear sky
Once he loses, Trump (unlike Gingrich) will never be a wingnut welfare recipient (not that he needs it). No one at the “think tanks” would have him. I wonder if Gingrich would also risk losing his sinecure by association?
He would be a nice bookend to the other 1990s relic, on the Democratic side.
Trump doesn’t need help in the Solid South. Kasich might bring Ohio. Might. Someone that could help with the Midwest would be good (haven’t a clue as to who). Doesn’t need a religious nut like Carson either. Religious nuts aren’t going to vote for Hillary.
Consider this: If huge numbers of mainstream Republicans hate him so much they are going to vote for Hillary how did he win the nomination? It’s not like someone greased the way like DWS.
Religious zealots are not going to vote for Hillary. Benghazi freaks are not going to vote for Hillary. The sexists and racists are not going to vote for Hillary. That leaves white working men, Main Street Republicans and Wall Street Republicans. White working Republicans are his most ardent supporters (only ardent supporters). Main Street Republicans are the ones I hear talking about Trump and Sanders because they are repelled by the religious bigots and are starting to realize that the Wall Street Republicans are crushing their incomes also. So, that leaves the Wall Street Republicans and their elected lap dogs. Not enough votes to matter.
In Trump v Sanders, Sanders would win in a walk, unless all the groups now shouting “UNITY” refused to vote for the old white man.
Hillary lovers don’t realize the large numbers that despise her personally, and not on ideological grounds.
Not much mention of women in this summary of voting blocs.
I take it back; there is no mention of women here.
Women were 53% of the voters in the last Presidential general election. Seems a substantial omission.
The last two POTUS elections have shown that Republicans are becoming unable to win a base election. There’s more evidence today than in any election campaign in the last four decades that the Republican base is fractured. I don’t accept your claim that the GOP base will completely turn out for Trump, but even if we were to accept your claim that would still leave Trump many, many millions of voters short.
There’s no mention of women because he’s a racist and misogynist dirtbag.
Trump’s campaign just leaked Gingrich’s name to further antagonise his tormentors. Gingrich is toasting marshmallows from the glowing embers of the party he himself lit on fire.
LOL When do they leak Lieberman?
Gingrich would love to run as the Donald’s Veep bc Trump’s about the only left who’ll take Gingrich at all seriously… serial loser that Gingrich is. And Gingrich is a whore. So I’m sure he’ll bend his knees to the Donald for the right amount of the ready.
I doubt that Gingrich will matter all that much – one way or the other – to Trump’s ardent fans. Equally, I doubt that Gingrich endear Trump to those who profess that they’ll never vote for Trump (some will in the end, some won’t vote, a few will cross over to vote for Clinton but not many).
Gingrich is pretty much: meh.
Offered without comment:
Well, allow me to comment. There’s about a half-dozen very funny comedy skits which could be made from the premise of this tweet.
Trump/Bondi. Where did I see that? Here?
Anecdata: P.J.O’Rourke on this week’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me”, on why he’s voting for Hillary: “She is wrong on absolutely everything, but she’s wrong within normal parameters.”