I don’t like to pick fights with my own blogging community, and I understand that the whole country is in a mood. But relentless negativity is a turn off. It’s not what I’m about. So, remember…
I see you’ve got your list out
Say your piece and get out
Yes I get the gist of it
but it’s all rightSorry that you feel that way
The only thing there is to say
Every silver lining’s got a
Touch of grey
The shoe is on the hand it fits
There’s really nothing much to it
Whistle through your teeth and spit
cause it’s all right
You will survive.
Also, too.
Relentless negativity is unhelpful and boring. But the Dead always have something good to say. Thanks for putting up with us, Boo.
I travel all over the country as a teacher, and I have learned that truly, one cannot discuss politics and religion in that workshop environment. It changes the environment, it charges peoples’ emotions, and it has a negative impact overall for the tone of the group.
I was teaching in a small town in November when Obama won his second term. The women in the class were mostly older white Christians and Republican through and through. When Obama won and I returned to teach the next day, they were practically all wearing black armbands. I said nothing. But inside, I was cheering.
This is a political blog, so we are here to discuss politics and everything that goes with that. This is a small but loyal community and I come here because I mostly agree with Martin, but am not afraid to speak up when I want to. I also appreciate the thoughts and opinions of others here. I feel the need to be informed and have new opinions, because even though I’m a Democrat, I want to see all of the facets of a topic so I can make informed decisions.
The key to making this work is civility. We don’t have to resort to name-calling or mud-slinging if we believe in what we’re saying. And it’s okay to disagree with each other if we play by the rules of common courtesy.
Be fair. Play nice. And vote!
Civility goes a long way to promoting positive relationships. I wish that were more generally recognized. Criticism, even occasional satire and sarcasm are ok, but personal attacks and insults? How do they promote informed discourse?
Misery loves company. All I can do is decline to join.
Sorry about the attacks leveled on you recently in response to your willingness to answer a direct question from a commenter. I thought about intervening, but I sensed that my relationship on this blog with the attackers would have turned that whole thread into a bigger flame war.
It is appalling that community members would attack a fellow Frog Ponder in such personal ways based on their presumptions re. your profession and what it says about you. I just wanted to say that to you here.
As someone who has answered questions about myself here and seen that openness used to construct weapons of attacks on me, I experienced a sad sense of recognition about what happened to you, and disappointment about where things are at these days with some community members.
It’ll get better, that’s for sure. This community usually functions better than it has recently.
There’s one word for a narrative of how the political situation keeps getting worse and worse in a continuous, inexorable decline: “conservative”.
. . . is that from? (If it isn’t, it should be.)