I read Booman’s article for people to stop telling Bernie Sanders to drop out, and while he does make some valid points, I believe all he is doing now by staying in is hurting Hillary Clinton.

So far Bernie has had a fantastic run and I give him every credit in the world for it, but he must see the writing on the wall. Hillary is only 144 delegates away from clinching the nomination. She is going to be the nominee, unless she is indicted, (which by the way is looking less and less likely everyday). Sanders is doing the GOP’s bidding for them. By attacking Hillary, Sanders is aiding in the GOP cause. The question comes up daily as to why Clinton cannot put away Sanders. Actually, Hillary is closer to the Democratic nomination than Trump is to the GOP one, but both Ted Cruz and John Kasich saw that they were not going to catch Trump, and they did the right thing and dropped out.
 The fact that Sanders is still in the race is taking valuable airtime from Hillary. In fact, both CNN and MSNBC are still shilling for Sanders on an almost daily basis, even though he has virtually no shot to win. What’s the point?? I’ve barely heard any Hillary press for the past week, and when I have, it’s usually a story about why she still still has a Sanders problem.

The Sanders campaign is rapidly losing money. He has cut his staff, is not even going to campaign in California, much if at all. The majority of Democrats have made their choice, and that choice is Hillary Clinton. Many influential Democrats as well as liberals in the media have told Bernie to do the right thing and drop out. I agree with them. The more he resists those calls, the more embarrassing it becomes. Bernie Sanders is in danger of turning a promising and uplifting campaign into one where his credibility will be totally gone.