I always felt Bill Clinton was a better politician that Hillary, especially when trying to win over a hostile crowd.  Yesterday he was in Prestonsburg, (eastern) KY campaigning for his wife and confronting a crowd of pissed of coal miners.  

Instead of a litany of possible policies that may or may not be passed by Congress, Bill went to their heart and empathized with them by citing personal experience and examples.

And he was honest about what the role of a politician should be.  Truthfully, I would feel more comfortable if Bill was in charge of any economic diversification of the coal fields than a Hillary type technocrat.

And as has been discussed, her comments (which no seasoned politico would have made, no matter how they could have been construed) hurt her in the WV primary and will hurt her in the Ky primary.



“He recalled a miner he had represented in Arkansas when he was fresh out of law school — “five-foot-six and weighed 96 pounds dripping wet because he was dying from black lung disease and they never would give him his benefits.” Clinton won the case, he said, “and all of a sudden, I had 100 clients.”…

Clinton also vowed that if he finds himself back in the White House as the spouse of the nation’s chief executive, he will make the concerns of coal country part of his portfolio….

And then he was finished. There were a few more jeers. But this time, the applause nearly drowned them out.”
