Ann Althouse deserves an award for Best Rationalization for the objectification of women. Referring to beauty pageants, and particularly to Donald Trump’s habit of inspecting his contestants “closer than any general ever inspected a platoon,” Althouse says:
“If that’s beyond the pale of social acceptability, why is it still on television?”
I never thought I’d see a conservative say that everything that’s on television is socially acceptable because it’s on television.
That’s hilarious.
Ann Althouse is still around?
I guess Ann Althouse is still on the wingnut welfare circuit. I read part of her puff piece which basically said nothing new about Trump – nothing more than what Trump himself has said. He surrounds himself with glamorous women and makes some obnoxious comments.
The reader comments compare Trump favorable to Bill Clinton, who, I guess in their minds, is the one running for President this time. I dunno. This seems like a waste of time.
My verdict: Althouse? still a hack (and hackneyed).
Well well, just as I posted my prior comment re Althouse’s baloney, a female friend sent me a link to this other article that’s a bit more, uh, revealing about Trump’s various interactions with persons of the opposite gender.
Not quite as flattering a Ms. Althouse’s suck up piece is. Color me utterly unsurprised at the content of both articles.
And if the revolution isn’t televised…?
Reading through the link to Althouse was particularly depressing.
Kathleen Willey? Maybe not all of your readers remember her. (Which would only be an admission they aren’t as old as I am.)
I remember Willey well. I didn’t know her, but I knew Julie Hiatt Steele. And I remember the vicious campaign Ken Starr waged against her for daring to contradict Willey and call her out as a liar. It cost Steele $5 million dollars. And it nearly cost her her adopted child. Starr threatened to undo Steele’s adoption of her son if she didn’t get with Starr’s program. Even the Mob doesn’t mess with things like that.
In the end, it appears Althouse is a wormy little slander artist who has no idea what went down then, the depths that horribly conflicted toadies like Starr would sink to to prove some unbelievably wild false accusations if they could undo two elections to put their theocratic master into government and create their Christian republic.
These are truly horrible and dangerous people. They clearly have no compunction about electing a thug to the presidency if it means getting some vindication for their Puritanical rape of America. And yes, I did think those last words through.
Yeah, the comments on the Althouse blog were rather over the top. Even more Obama “birther” nonsense fer chrissakes.
In terms of the theocratic Christian republic idea, well, you know that most Republicans are not actually on board with that, but they quite happily go along with the–what? 30% perhaps?–who think a theocracy would be the cat’s meow. The problem is that the theocratic minority seized control of the nomination process this year.
Slogged through Althouse’s post…ugh.
But the real ugh comes when reading the comments. These troglodites are still whining about Bill Clinton’s sex life, at least their imagined version of it. And Ted Kennedy! They absolutely are still pissing on his grave.
The Hillary bashing is also in full force. Hands off their beloved Trump! He doesn’t disrepect women, he loves them! He only makes disparaging remarks about those women who aren’t actually super pretty, that’s all. And at least he never raped anyone.