Does Wall Street Own Hillary Clinton?

Does a bear shit in the woods?

Does a bull shit bullshit?


Booman asks:

Does Hillary Clinton Own Wall Street?

Poor Booman!!!

Booman is conflicted.

He votes for Sanders, but believes that Clinton is the better…read “more practical”…candidate.

So…he dreams up the following script in order to make himself feel better.

…[Hillary has] lucked out in a variety of ways and now has Wall Street by the short and curlies.

Sorry, Charlie.

Star-Kist doesn’t play that game. It’s too busy playing the Multinational financial trade game. You know…like the other multinationals that pay the Clintons and their foundations millions to front for them?

Does the shit own the bear?



P.S. Read this article for a very clear précis of how things are working now. Very clear.